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I oppose imran khan decision of giving citizenships to illegal aliens

Hi everyone:)
As we watched on news recently our newly elected PM announced to give citizenship's to all afghan and bengali refugees living inside pakistan for more than 30 years or to their children if they were born inside pakistan.He justified his silly decision by saying it,s a cruelty against a humanity if we do not treat them like pakistani citizens and all over the world residents who live for a long time get citizen ships so we imitate them.In simple words we are going to make illegal aliens the legal citizens of Pakistan.
Well Mr PM first of all let me clarify that not all countries give citizenship to refugees and permanent residents.Arab states are best examples in this regard.Decisions should always be based on national interests.Secondly do you think it,s a cruelty against humanity to give citizenship to those afghans who oppose the creation of Pakistan,do not thank us for what we did for them,are namak harams and spread all the terrorism and crime inside Pakistan. Even if we give citizenship to those afghans who are born inside Pakistan that wont change a reality they are still afghans who grew up under the influence of their parents who without doubt hate Pakistan with passion.From my personal experience i can tell you i met some afghan students in college and they all considered Afghanistan their real home despite being living in Pakistan since they were toddlers.
Now i am coming to bengalis. We all know what happened in 1971 and the creation and independence of Bangladesh is based on a war with a present day Pakistan. Bengali's are very strong nationalists and much like afghans they use Pakistan to earn their bread but deep in heart they are bengalis. Specially the youth do not like Pakistan and how in this earth they will like Pakistan when they fought with Pakistan to create their homeland and this history is all over in their school books.
I doubt those who claim afghan land till attock and those who fight the host country to get independence will become the law abiding patriotic citizens of pakistan.Mr PM do you think it,s in our national interests to give all jobs for unemployed pakistanis to illegal aliens ?Tell me why india despite supporting Bangladesh against pakistan on every platform did not give a single citizenship to any bengali living inside india and treat them like a economic burden?
Despite being a PTI voter i do not support this decision .Any one here who support this decision of IK?
He better know what he is doing. As a Pakistani Pushtoon, I can tell there is a big difference between Pakistani and Afghan pathans. He should be aware of the mindset of Afghans where the majority want a free lunch in their own free tradecraft mindset and then blame AND bite the hands that feed you....
Military service doesn't make one Pakistani. There are 200 million of us. At time of war, the ones getting paid to fight are the ones who'll fight. You don't have to shed your blood for a nation to be a member of it. This ultra nationalism is BS. At the end of the day, a nation state is an invisible line in the sand based on who has the strength to hold territory at what point. Humanity has outlived all nation states, all empires.

Without a passport, without the paperwork, you aren't British. Ask the Windrush generation. Ask them what impact a lack of paperwork has. These people born and raised in our country aren't any less human without a bit of paper, they have the same rights as anyone else. It's convention that people born in a country have the right to reside there, we have to have some limits otherwise we'd all move to where the resources are being horded.

However if we were all better humans, we wouldn't horde resources, so people like us, and those refugees - wouldn't need to move to survive. There'll always be someone better off than you who has more than you and had more than you who is willing to point fingers and question your loyalty. On this very forum members have questioned my loyalty and the loyalty of others like you and I because we are economic immigrants, or our parents were.
It is convention in some countries not ALL. Also this convention does NOT apply to refugees.!!!!!!!!

And anyways it is convention that when two men love one another they get married...(in some countries) to deny them this basic human right ...well it is just inhumane...

He better know what he is doing. As a Pakistani Pushtoon, I can tell there is a big difference between Pakistani and Afghan pathans. He should be aware of the mindset of Afghans where the majority want a free lunch in their own free tradecraft mindset and then blame AND bite the hands that feed you....
We need more Pakistani Pukhtoons to tell him and the rest of Pakistan about this issue....
No there isn't. Refugee is not a child of a lesser god.
Well maybe to you a refugee and economic migrant are the same as a citizen.
But there is a difference. A BIG FAT LEGAL difference. You don't have to accept this.
And you talk about convention....

Why not just get rid of borders everywhere. We are after all Sons of Adam (PBUH).
Why not let anyone from Afghanistan come and live in Pakistan...why not let anyone from Bharat (as long as he is Muslim) come and live in Pakistan. The same for Rohingya...afterall they are humans....it does not matter if Pakistan crashes and burns in the process with the burden...
It is convention in some countries not ALL. Also this convention does NOT apply to refugees.!!!!!!!!

And anyways it is convention that when two men love one another they get married...(in some countries) to deny them this basic human right ...well it is just inhumane...

We need more Pakistani Pukhtoons to tell him and the rest of Pakistan about this issue....
Ain't telling him anything, he clearly has an agenda that he is trying. His political party is filled with my family members (they lived beside his mountain at Bani Gala....beautiful view nonetheless). I am not a politics guy...my political party is PAF (I'm biased thanks to the base life).
Repatriation is not a nice thing.
But it is in the benefit of Pakistan.
Pakistan does not owe the refugees anything but repatriation.
Pakistan made a MISTAKE by letting refugees basically go about as citizens. Pakistan should look toward Iran in this matter.

Why do you think that someone speaking a language or being born in land suddenly will love that nation the live on that land?

If I was born in Japan, would I be Japanese. If spoke Japanese like them would I be Japanese....

It is not about land really but blood and more importantly دل!
How many Afghan refugees born in Pakistan would fight and die for Pakistan against Afghanistan?
Have you met the Afghans in the UK? The venom they hold against Pakistan?

Oh by the way I am not blaming Afghan refugees for staying in Pakistan..I understand they want a better life ...but that does not mean Pakistan hurt her own interests...

I am more hurt at Imran Khan and those Pakistani who agree with them...
the damage this could do is equal to what Nawaz and Zardari did....
just because you have a bit of paper and they don't.
Yet you are arguing to give them that same "bit of paper"?o_O

If you admit that a piece of paper (citizenship) alone doesn't mean anything (which we all agree with), then why are you arguing in favor of giving them a piece of paper?

That paper won't turn them into patriotic Pakistanis.
These people are already living in our country, they've already assimilated to life here, they've adapted the language, they contribute to society - it's the bare basics of what a citizen is.
Based on which source or statistics?

Do they pay taxes? And before you say "that's why we need to make them citizens", well first get the regular poor Pakistanis jobs so they can pay taxes before you even advocate for giving Pakistani nationality and jobs to foreign nationals (especially illegal Bangladeshis, their country's economy is thriving).

All people who put foreign nationals before their own Pakistani people are traitors, plain and simple.
Punjabis have Punjab
Sindhis has Sindh
Baloch have Balochistan
Kashmiris have kashmir
What is KPK?
Pashtuns should get pashtunistan

Pashtuns don't want to share land with Tajiks Hazaras and Mongols. Need own exclusive territory
So no problem pashtun populated areas inside afghanistan can merge with KPK any time.
here we have put a stop to citizenship by birth. no more of that loop hole. not sure if that is still the case there? you can only get it if your parents or one of them is citizen.
Well i am not against giving citizenships to those born inside pakistan or those living here for a long long time.I am against granting citizenships to bengalis and afghans because they will never become good pakistanis.A simple law regarding citizenship does not apply in each and every circumstance and situation for example in USA these days specially after 9/11 a background check is required and if an applicant holds a hatred and negative sentiment against USA his application is rejected. And here we are going to grant citizenships to hate filled afghans in millions.Some lowlife pakistanis also abused that by birth law of UK and australia and now the pakistani babies do not get citizenships.Laws should be applied according to the situation
No comments about Bengalis but I am definitely against giving citizenship to Afghanis.

Seriously where do we stand as one nation and how stupid we are in some cases.My blood is boiling literally .....
No comments about Bengalis but I am definitely against giving citizenship to Afghanis.

Bangalis shouldn't be granted citizenship either. Their country is economically thriving and has not undergone any militancy or warfare whereas we have millions of IDP's we need to take care of, and that's besides millions of our own poor.

Pakistanis before foreign nationals, whether Bangladeshis or Afghans.
Bangalis shouldn't be granted citizenship either. Their country is economically thriving and has not undergone any militancy or warfare whereas we have millions of IDP's we need to take care of, and that's besides millions of our own poor.

Pakistanis before foreign nationals, Bangladeshis or Afghans.
But personally I think this is a good idea.

Gives us more influence in Afghanistan.
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