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I oppose imran khan decision of giving citizenships to illegal aliens

What about those Afghan people
Simple they are refugees their parents come to Pakistan to refuge not for citizenship....period

As I said I would like to became CONTRA if if if Pakistani started to gave nationality to filthiest scums....I will fight armed....Inshallah...
As I said I would like to became CONTRA if if if Pakistani started to gave nationality to filthiest scums....I will fight armed....Inshallah...
The Kashmiri's could do with your services. Those who get lynched in India for having a beef steak could do with you. PDF tiger .......
The Kashmiri's could do with your services. Those who get lynched in India for having a beef steak could do with you. PDF tiger .......
Kashmiri are more Pakistanis than me and you since they started to struggle against DOGRA raj well before the struggle of 1947....

Afghan scums the last nation of this planet earth who accept Pakistan as a state...

Pls made idol of Khan and start worshipping it......period

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We want to see Pakistan prosperous, free from corruption, with strong economy and larger TAXNET. In order to achieve all this, we need strong leadership who is willing to take some risk. Over 60% of our population doesn't pay taxes because we have a broken system. We need to digitalizes the entire system so no can escape or hide their assents. Our problem is that we haven't learn from our mistakes, and we are still living in 60s and 70s mindset. Why west is successful and we are falling behind?
Just to give you an example, in United States of America many undocumented immigrants pay both federal income and payroll taxes even if they don’t have a Social Security number (which is normally required) and even if their income was earned by working illegally. They file taxes using Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). USA is collecting taxes from legal and as well as undocumented immigrants and we can't even collect taxes from our own citizens.

As far as the refugees and undocumented immigrants are concerns, my opinion is very clear. We need to legalize all 1st and 2nd generation Afghani, Bengali, Burmese and anyone else living in Pakistan after proper checks and balances (background and criminal check). There has to be process of legalizing these refugees and those enter Pakistan illegally.
Pakistani government has to start the amnesty process by allowing refugees and undocumented immigrants to submit an application for permanent resident card (PRC).
Pakistan immigration services must convert the paper applications to digital form. This will give us an idea about number of refugees and undocumented immigrants living in Pakistan.
Once these refugees and UI are given PRC, they should immediately be added to TAXNET and they must file annually tax to keep PRC valid.

[my opinion is to settle majority of them into interior Sindh and South Punjab (which mean giving them domicile of certain cities in interior Sindh and South Punjab). This should be in their PRC, Domicile: Nawabshah, Sindh]

After the grace period (5 to 10 years depend on government), these PRC holders should allowed to submit their list of assets including Tax record with application for Pakistani Citizenship. There should be a clause that if they found of any anti state activity, their citizenship can be revoked and they be deported to their formal country.

There should be Citizenship oath ceremony to formally allowing them to become Pakistani Citizen. Citizenship oath is to acknowledging that they will not hold dual citizenship and will be patriotic Pakistan.

Citizenship oath Ver1: "I, [name], do solemnly swear that I shall consider Islamic republic of Pakistan as my homeland. I shall be a loyal citizen of the Islamic republic of Pakistan. I solemnly declare that I will respect and observe the Basic Law and the laws of the Islamic republic of Pakistan, and that I will refrain from any activity which might cause it harm, and that I will support, honour and observe its Constitution and laws. I shall defend my homeland in function with my force, and shall serve it to the best of my ability. So help me God!"

Citizenship oath Ver2: "I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen. I solemnly declare that I will respect and observe the Basic Law and the laws of the Islamic republic of Pakistan, and that I will refrain from any activity which might cause it harm, and that I will support and defend it's Constitution and laws."
Law abiding un categorized Muslims should be allowed to register as Residents and should be allowed to be citizen after 5 years of tax payment

  • Should get Legal ID cards specially if born in Pakistan
  • Should be registered as minorities

Staying Illegal would mean no tax collection
  • Abuse of people by unethical salary deduction
  • Possible rise in street crime
  • The people will still exist in system but untracked

The only logical post in the whole thread.

Pashtuns don't want to share land with Tajiks Hazaras and Mongols. Need own exclusive territory

What do you know about Pukhtoons?

Kashmiri are more Pakistanis than me and you since they started to struggle against DOGRA raj well before the struggle of 1947....

Afghan scums the last nation of this planet earth who accept Pakistan as a state...

Pls made idol of Khan and start worshipping it......period


Col. Mian Ahmed.

Col. ? If i recall you posted here once that you are an engineer and that you are a drop-out/drum-out.........have things changed for you?
So many Trumps here... What an anticlimax! His ideals are espoused by his despised. This is so funny! For last 5 centuries people kept pouring into America with sometimes nothing but their clothes on them, today though the orange man says build a wall or you don't have a country. All these tribals and demigods will come out of woodwork if you only harken to the very founding principle of Pakistan and Islam that all men are created equal. We say that in America but guess what many don't believe it and this is the time when they should see in the mirror!
All illegals must be identified and sent back to their respective country, no matter from wherever they are. Our population is already exploded which needs to be controlled, we can't afford to give nationality to millions of people whose loyalties aren't with Pakistan.

" Loyalties to Pakistan " means nothing.
There is many people who claim loyalty to Pakistan and yet what they do and say is utter bakwas and nonsense. All Pakistanis claim loyalty to Pakistan, but they lie and deceive Pakistan. From Top to bottom. like even the very I can even cite examples of public deception of the chief justice.

"Nadaan dost sae daana dushman behtar"
yera iam against this decision by IK.....we r facing dire economic problems, making these people part of pakistan will mean feeding more hungry mouths, more traitors with duel loyalties and more problems giving and finding jobs for people.

IK needs to keep his emotional rhetoric in check and need not to listen those lot of pakhtoons that r close to him who have soft heart for Afghans.

We need to find solutions and radical ideas to dump our excessive population off our soil, who of no use for us, like those liberals, or graduates of O/A level education/educators school system from universities that r private and have their own curriculum who r not in alignment with our overall system and values, both religiously and socially.

These people would always be a burden on our shoulders and so r those non compatible or non integrated people like that of FATA, or non indigenous ones like those Muhajirs etc etc.

there is no such thing as free lunch.
" Loyalties to Pakistan " means nothing.
There is many people who claim loyalty to Pakistan and yet what they do and say is utter bakwas and nonsense. All Pakistanis claim loyalty to Pakistan, but they lie and deceive Pakistan. From Top to bottom. like even the very I can even cite examples of public deception of the chief justice.

"Nadaan dost sae daana dushman behtar"

There are always sell outs & criminals in every nation, You have to punish them and law exists to do so. As far as Afghans are concerns their love and loyalties are with Afghanistan not Pakistan - that's fact.
So many Trumps here... What an anticlimax! His ideals are espoused by his despised. This is so funny! For last 5 centuries people kept pouring into America with sometimes nothing but their clothes on them, today though the orange man says build a wall or you don't have a country. All these tribals and demigods will come out of woodwork if you only harken to the very founding principle of Pakistan and Islam that all men are created equal. We say that in America but guess what many don't believe it and this is the time when they should see in the mirror!

Only people supporting this on PDF are pashtun nationalists outside Pakistan. Ask Imran Khan to take afghanis and bengalis from Karachi and settle them in FATA after citizenship and see their reaction.
There are always sell outs & criminals in every nation, You have to punish them and law exists to do so. As far as Afghans are concerns their love and loyalties are with Afghanistan not Pakistan - that's fact.

How did you know?

you invented a mind machine?

Again, Loyalty doesn't matter except beyond a symbolic gesture.

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