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I oppose imran khan decision of giving citizenships to illegal aliens

Every kid who is born in this land and grew up here has an equal right on it, just like every one else who happens to be a citizen does.

That's moral, that's ethical, and that's Islam.

And if you are finding flaws, then find them in the people who created a situation where these poor people had to come and live in your country like aliens and facing humility on a daily basis. Find the flaws in people who kept them here for all the time till they got married with locals and their children grew up here.

And if you want to cry about giving them citizenship now after all the time, then you're just a hypocrite and selfish who cares only for their own skin.
Lol :rofl: but but he can do it alone. This land does not belong to afghanis.
Bhai watch the video I posted above. He also said that "I cant do this alone and it was just a suggestion". Baki jis ne jo samajhna hai wo wohi samjhe ga.
How did you know?

you invented a mind machine?

Again, Loyalty doesn't matter except beyond a symbolic gesture.

Are you one of those with illegally acquired Pakistani passport? Or you have that mind machine to tell that loyalties of all Pakistanis are just symbolic gesture?
Every kid who is born in this land and grew up here has an equal right on it, just like every one else who happens to be a citizen does.

That's moral, that's ethical, and that's Islam.

And if you are finding flaws, then find them in the people who created a situation where these poor people had to come and live in your country like aliens and facing humility on a daily basis. Find the flaws in people who kept them here for all the time till they got married with locals and their children grew up here.

And if you want to cry about giving them citizenship now after all the time, then you're just a hypocrite and selfish who cares only for their own skin.
just one problem with that in regards to the afghans.
and that is that they hate us
im okay with giving bengalis the nationality but giving it to afghans is like giving it to someone from the bjp
another thing is that afghans are a lot more racist than they are religious.
Hi everyone:)
As we watched on news recently our newly elected PM announced to give citizenship's to all afghan and bengali refugees living inside pakistan for more than 30 years or to their children if they were born inside pakistan.He justified his silly decision by saying it,s a cruelty against a humanity if we do not treat them like pakistani citizens and all over the world residents who live for a long time get citizen ships so we imitate them.In simple words we are going to make illegal aliens the legal citizens of Pakistan.
Well Mr PM first of all let me clarify that not all countries give citizenship to refugees and permanent residents.Arab states are best examples in this regard.Decisions should always be based on national interests.Secondly do you think it,s a cruelty against humanity to give citizenship to those afghans who oppose the creation of Pakistan,do not thank us for what we did for them,are namak harams and spread all the terrorism and crime inside Pakistan. Even if we give citizenship to those afghans who are born inside Pakistan that wont change a reality they are still afghans who grew up under the influence of their parents who without doubt hate Pakistan with passion.From my personal experience i can tell you i met some afghan students in college and they all considered Afghanistan their real home despite being living in Pakistan since they were toddlers.
Now i am coming to bengalis. We all know what happened in 1971 and the creation and independence of Bangladesh is based on a war with a present day Pakistan. Bengali's are very strong nationalists and much like afghans they use Pakistan to earn their bread but deep in heart they are bengalis. Specially the youth do not like Pakistan and how in this earth they will like Pakistan when they fought with Pakistan to create their homeland and this history is all over in their school books.
I doubt those who claim afghan land till attock and those who fight the host country to get independence will become the law abiding patriotic citizens of pakistan.Mr PM do you think it,s in our national interests to give all jobs for unemployed pakistanis to illegal aliens ?Tell me why india despite supporting Bangladesh against pakistan on every platform did not give a single citizenship to any bengali living inside india and treat them like a economic burden?
Despite being a PTI voter i do not support this decision .Any one here who support this decision of IK?

I am a PTI voter and supporter... And I oppose this move.
You can adopt one Afghan family. Mainy to sar e aam oppose karna h
i oppose sare aam
Though you can adopt :)


We need to find solutions and radical ideas to dump our excessive population off our soil, who of no use for us, like those liberals, or graduates of O/A level education/educators school system from universities that r private and have their own curriculum who r not in alignment with our overall system and values, both religiously and socially.
you can fcuk off with this backward mentality ...people like you are useless for pakistan.Bloody narrow minded extremist
Bhai watch the video I posted above. He also said that "I cant do this alone and it was just a suggestion". Baki jis ne jo samajhna hai wo wohi samjhe ga.
See as i said he will face a very hard time implementing this decision
Imran Khan is a noble man and he is thinking from human level. He knows there is a problem and he wants to fix it.
i oppose sare aam
Though you can adopt :)


you can fcuk off with this backward mentality ...people like you are useless for pakistan.Bloody narrow minded extremist

See as i said he will face a very hard time implementing this decision
lol why kid? because yr also one of those who r to be dumped in this comment? We need stability and unity in Pakistan, no opposing ideologies can survive here.
Arab states are best examples in this regard.
We arent a Monarchy we are a democratic state...comparing with Arabs Monarchs is crazy!

You people need to broaden your horizons. This post contains the same racist sentiment that the far right in Europe use, just it's much politer.

1. These people already live in Pakistan. Nobody new is coming in.

2. These people have been here for 30+ years and are still treated like aliens. If anything that breeds resentment, as they don't have a stake in this country, or the right to put down roots. If you give people citizenship, it gives them equal rights and an equal incentive to be a part of the society.

3. The talk of terrorism being caused by foreigners is BS. Yes foreign people are amongst those causing terrorism, but we have people in parliament facilitating them (like JI and JUI). Also will you also be kicking out the mojahir from Karachi because MQM are involved in terrorism? Will you be kicking out Sindhi's because Uzair Baloch was doing terrorism in behalf of PPP? Most of the terrorists in Pakistan are deobandi. Will you be closing down the deobandi madaris where these people are brainwashed? This is nonsense and bigotry. This is no different to Khadim Rizvi mentality, just a different form of it.

It is in our national interest to know exactly who is in our country and to give them a stake in the country. I also think all the discriminated Bihari Muslims in Bangladesh who live in camps should be given citizenship too.
THANK GOD someone highlighted it! I had exactly the same thoughts! The far right in Europe also view South Asians/ African and every non white as a threat and as economic opportunists who come to their land and feed off their welfare or worse con the common man while doing other crimes! Sweeping everyone under 1 umbrella ALIENATES people and THAT causes crimes/ hatred/ disgruntled people who easily sway when any idiot approaches them for "getting their rights" (in the wrong way) so why not give it in the right way before such an idiot strolls by?!
Trump would have been much better. He would have kicked Afghans out and built Trump wall on the border. Khan is acting more like Merkel.
@Desert Fox @Nilgiri
The ruling elite in the West is, with the exception of the current leaders of Poland, Hungary, Italy, Austria and America, are all Liberal/Leftist sellouts who are destroying their nations in pursuit of some utopian goal which is not practical.

But we Pakistanis have the misfortune of having remnants of Britain's colonial servants among us who want to imitate the trends of the Anglo-American dominated Liberal West.

The West is in its death throes and our people want to copy the symptoms of the sickness plaguing western societies just to look trendy and to be able to socially signal how "progressive" they are and how "backwards" the rest of Pakistan is for nor bowing down to western liberalism.
Imran Khan is a noble man and he is thinking from human level. He knows there is a problem and he wants to fix it.
Yes all of us know there is a problem but the solution is not wily nilly citizenship.

The ruling elite in the West is, with the exception of the current leaders of Poland, Hungary, Italy, Austria and America, are all Liberal/Leftist sellouts who are destroying their nations in pursuit of some utopian goal which is not practical.

But we Pakistanis have the misfortune of having remnants of Britain's colonial servants among us who want to imitate the trends of the Anglo-American dominated Liberal West.

The West is in its death throes and our people want to copy the symptoms of the sickness plaguing western societies just to look trendy and to be able to socially signal how "progressive" they are and how "backwards" the rest of Pakistan is for nor bowing down to western liberalism.
Exactly, Imran Khan mentions the West and Europe. It is not all of them but some of them. Does he not know the main reason why the UK is leaving Brexit is cos of immigration and that is legal immigration?
And he talks about human rights....well why does he not allow two men to get married in Pakistan? As preventing them would be against "human rights".
You are right people in the West are waking up to "Cultural Marxism". I hope that Pakistanis do not fall for the same rubbish.

Also I think he is wrong. Refugees and their children are not citizens under the law of 1951.

Kashmiri are more Pakistanis than me and you since they started to struggle against DOGRA raj well before the struggle of 1947....

Afghan scums the last nation of this planet earth who accept Pakistan as a state...

Pls made idol of Khan and start worshipping it......period

I agree with you. Kashmiris in Bharat Occupied are more Pakistani that Afghans born and bred in Pakistan.
Yes all of us know there is a problem but the solution is not wily nilly citizenship.

Exactly, Imran Khan mentions the West and Europe. It is not all of them but some of them. Does he not know the main reason why the UK is leaving Brexit is cos of immigration and that is legal immigration?
And he talks about human rights....well why does he not allow two men to get married in Pakistan? As preventing them would be against "human rights".
You are right people in the West are waking up to "Cultural Marxism". I hope that Pakistanis do not fall for the same rubbish.

Also I think he is wrong. Refugees and their children are not citizens under the law of 1951.
Why can't we, for example, follow the Chinese, Russian, Saudi, Kuwaiti, Japanese, and Korean examples (etc..) when it comes to immigration laws?

These countries are rising powers and projected to replace the dying West yet no Pakistani cares to look to them and follow them where it will benefit our countries. Why must we always look towards the West?

@Psychic @django @Reichsmarschall

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