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I oppose imran khan decision of giving citizenships to illegal aliens

Why can't we, for example, follow the Chinese, Russian, Saudi, Kuwaiti, Japanese, and Korean examples (etc..) when it comes to immigration laws?

These countries are rising powers and projected to replace the dying West yet no Pakistani cares to look to them and follow them where it will benefit our countries. Why must we always look towards the West?

@Psychic @django @Reichsmarschall
We are living in a tough neighborhood which requires tough decision making, if not we will be left to the dogs and indeed the Western swines are experiencing the "beginning of the end" or at the very least the end of the beginning of the end.Kudos yaar
First my friend please control your emotions and listen calmly.
We both have very similar views regarding this issue.
I only meant that phustuns in general, women, men and every part of their society are interested into Pakistani society. That doesn't mean that bloach and Sindhis are not. They are too integrated well. But there are some elements that for their personal vote play the sindhi and balochi card.
Phustun card is also played by ANP or other ethnic leaders, but the majority of phustuns has shun them and adopted mainstream Political parties.
There is no danger or worry about Phustun belt. They themselves shun Afghans or manzoor phasteen types.
There is a reason for Urdu speaking people. They are abondoned by everyone. They are let alone. And suddenly the class that was most educated become target killers and anti Pakistan under altaf hussain.
The Sindhis and Sindh government treat them as non humans. And this I'll treatment of karachi and urdu speaking people is really really sad.
The Sindhis are really insecure. we have equal amount of mahagir in punjab and their are totally integrated. They are not mistreated like they do in Sindh and the captical governent has also shun them. So resentment was born in them..
Yes the parliament and provinces has full right and they would remove this suggestion by pm.
Mind you this is suggestion, this would never come to life.
But this really gives us something to think.

Think for a moment with calm head. Urdu speakers are kings of Karachi, they are not miss treated. They rule Pakistan. President is urdu speaker, Sindh governor is urdu speaker. PM is pashtun and ruling party is ethnic pashtun party that oppose national project Kalabagh dam just because its in punjab. Tomorrow he will select some pashtun COAS.

In this scenario its understandable why baloch and sindhi would feel insecure. Because if pandora box is opened then balochistan and sindh will be overrun by illegals from both sides.

Before granting bengalis and afghanis citizenship first remove fence from both sides of the border. Declare every muslim in the world natural citizen of Pakistan by default, and Pakistanis can go drown themselves in arabian sea. If federating units agree with this then go ahead and grant them citizenship.
lol why kid? because yr also one of those who r to be dumped in this comment? We need stability and unity in Pakistan, no opposing ideologies can survive here.
Son you offended me.I am also from O and A Levels background.So that means i am not good for pakistan?I can ensure you there are plenty of foreign educated liberal minded people in pakistan who are far more patriotic and useful for pakistan than a bunch of conservative ,less educated and narrow minded people.Think broadly and stop offending people here.
We arent a Monarchy we are a democratic state...comparing with Arabs Monarchs is crazy!
But those monarachs dont fall for a ummah trap like we do.That was my point

Afghanistan is only 40 million people nation.
36 million
Do you not get it?
If they are allowed full citizenship they will bring Afghans from abroad into the country via marriage.
Passports does not buy patriotism. A simple oath is nothing. Military service at the Pakistan-Afghan Border would be enough.
And also let us say that later on his does a crime or does anti-state activity....you say repatriate him. Do you know how many legal hurdles Pakistan will have to go through?...it would much easier to repatriate him as a refugee than as a citizen.

Look, the Pakistanis whIf they are allowed full citizenship they will bring Afghans from abroad into the country via marriage.o are born and bred here have not really assimilated as whole. We think of ourselves as Pakistanis. We would never fight for the UK against Pakistan (as a whole). And there is no border dispute between the UK and Pakistan and we are separated by 3800 miles.
On the other hand, the Afghans will be anchor point as Afghanistan is next door and will be a massive vote bank to anti state parties.

Let's analyze you post.
Majority of Afghans already have documents by paying rishwat.
What do you mean by full citizenship?
There has to be process and that process is not yet define, so i will wait for the clarification before i draw my conclusion.

If they are allowed full citizenship they will bring Afghans from abroad into the country via marriage.

People usually get married to settle abroad and not come back and settle in Pakistan.

Passports does not buy patriotism. A simple oath is nothing.

You took a oath to Queen of England, are you patriotic British Citizen? Do you brake laws in Briton? Do you earn legally in UK?

Once they submit themselves to the constitution and law of Pakistan, they become Pakistani. If western countries think the same way as you are thinking, they would not allow any work permit and citizenship.

Government is willing to work with BLA, for them to giveup arms and they will be given protection. Mustafa Kamal from PSP is asking something for MQM-P workers who are in Jails.
You and i are talking about Bangali and Afghan refugees. They are not criminal and terrorist, everyone is innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. There maybe few bad apples which is common in every community and religion.

Look, the Pakistanis whIf they are allowed full citizenship they will bring Afghans from abroad into the country via marriage.o are born and bred here have not really assimilated as whole. We think of ourselves as Pakistanis. We would never fight for the UK against Pakistan (as a whole). And there is no border dispute between the UK and Pakistan and we are separated by 3800 miles.
On the other hand, the Afghans will be anchor point as Afghanistan is next door and will be a massive vote bank to anti state parties.

There is no reason to get paranoid. don't worrying too much..everything will work out just fine.
What will you lose of these Bangalis and Afghani are given work permit or Permanent residence card (PRC) and eventually Pakistani citizenship?
I believe Sindhis and Sindh government for last 40 years have denied legal status for Bangali. I think it's time we make the right decision and correct the mistake of previous governments.
What human rights this retarded PM is talking about when we don't give same rights to our own non-muslim citizens. Imagine this tomorrow haramkhor afghanis and bengolis will have more rights then natives of certain religions.

Gilgitis can't vote but he want to give citizenship to bengolis and afghanis.
What human rights this retarded PM is talking about when we don't give same rights to our own non-muslim citizens. Imagine this tomorrow haramkhor afghanis and bengolis will have more rights then natives of certain religions.

Gilgitis can't vote but he want to give citizenship to bengolis and afghanis.

HaramKhor? You are being too harsh.
Maybe these people should be given some kind of legal document so they can legally work and open businesses or invest in Pakistan. It's win-win situation for Pakistan. Increase employment and collection of TAXes.

Even though we claim Kashmir and gilget balditan as an integral part of Pakistan but these areas are also claimed by Indian. Given Gilgit baltistan full provincial status at this time might not be a good idea, eventually they will get the provincial status. let's not compare these refugees to Gilgit people.
HaramKhor? You are being too harsh.
Maybe these people should be given some kind of legal document so they can legally work and open businesses or invest in Pakistan. It's win-win situation for Pakistan. Increase employment and collection of TAXes.

Even though we claim Kashmir and gilget balditan as an integral part of Pakistan but these areas are also claimed by Indian. Given Gilgit baltistan full provincial status at this time might not be a good idea, eventually they will get the provincial status. let's not compare these refugees to Gilgit people.

They already have legal document that they can get, refugee card by Nadra. Best option is to keep harrasing them by police like KP did. Make them move to camps. Thousands left Pakistan in last few years after APS.

Afghanistan is dangerous? No problem, we will make few camps for you on border. Move there and when ever you feel Afghanistan is save then cross over for good. This will prevent further migration. Do same with bengalis and give them money to move back to Bangladesh.

Refugees belong to camps.
But those monarachs dont fall for a ummah trap like we do.That was my point
It is not just about the "ummah" trap....that is 1 way to explain to a group of people who only understand that language....Other way is humanity and when you have a philanthropist running a country that is to be expected!

2ndly, for people who have been abroad and have seen how some "locals" treat us even if we are here earning our living legally we are classified as every other who isnt just based on the stereotype...I am sure there are plenty of those "illegal aliens" who are just grouped under the stereotype and hated just coz of the doings of 1%, 10% or even 20% of these aliens...Hatred only breeds alienation and more hatred!
They already have legal document that they can get, refugee card by Nadra. Best option is to keep harrasing them by police like KP did. Make them move to camps. Thousands left Pakistan in last few years after APS.

Afghanistan is dangerous? No problem, we will make few camps for you on border. Move there and when ever you feel Afghanistan is save then cross over for good. This will prevent further migration. Do same with bengalis and give them money to move back to Bangladesh.

Refugees belong to camps.

That is the most stupid idea i have heard.
We are 220 million and there are 1.7 million Afghan refugees.
Why can't we settle them in Sindh and Southern Punjab?
That is the most stupid idea i have heard.
We are 220 million and there are 1.7 million Afghan refugees.
Why can't we settle them in Sindh and Southern Punjab?

Read what you are writting. There will not be any settlement of them anywhere in Pakistan. Imran Khan toke quickest U turn yet.

Making camps near border is best option till they feel about going to Afghanistan. Camps for refugees is only option.
Read what you are writting. There will not be any settlement of them anywhere in Pakistan. Imran Khan toke quickest U turn yet.

Making camps near border is best option till they feel about going to Afghanistan. Camps for refugees is only option.

I think he was only talking about refugees in Karachi and not all over Pakistan, and there is no U turn.
Western media will always twist and turn IK words to prove that they are against prosperous and healthy Pakistan.

IK government has to present the process legalizing undocumented people, and it has to go through government and opposition approval before making any decision.
As far as giving them Citizenship, I think the process should start by allowing them to acquire PRC after background check, etc.

I think he was only talking about refugees in Karachi and not all over Pakistan, and there is no U turn.
Western media will always twist and turn IK words to prove that they are against prosperous and healthy Pakistan.

IK government has to present the process legalizing undocumented people, and it has to go through government and opposition approval before making any decision.
As far as giving them Citizenship, I think the process should start by allowing them to acquire PRC after background check, etc.

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Which again proves how stupid he is. There cannot be different laws in country. You can't give citizenship to Karcahi refugees and ignore others.

Citizenship for millions of foreigners is out of question, especially to afghanis and bengolis.
Which again proves how stupid he is. There cannot be different laws in country. You can't give citizenship to Karcahi refugees and ignore others.

Citizenship for millions of foreigners is out of question, especially to afghanis and bengolis.
Also give citizen ship to this namak harm gandu afghan.
Think for a moment with calm head. Urdu speakers are kings of Karachi, they are not miss treated. They rule Pakistan. President is urdu speaker, Sindh governor is urdu speaker. PM is pashtun and ruling party is ethnic pashtun party that oppose national project Kalabagh dam just because its in punjab. Tomorrow he will select some pashtun COAS.

In this scenario its understandable why baloch and sindhi would feel insecure. Because if pandora box is opened then balochistan and sindh will be overrun by illegals from both sides.

Before granting bengalis and afghanis citizenship first remove fence from both sides of the border. Declare every muslim in the world natural citizen of Pakistan by default, and Pakistanis can go drown themselves in arabian sea. If federating units agree with this then go ahead and grant them citizenship.
No. 1 Imran khan is not a phustun.
He is a punjabi from mianwali and their family settled in lahore. He may be phustuns generations before as his tribe Niazi shows that, but third or 4th generation. He cannot even speak Phusto.
Secondly I hope to see a phustun army cheif, but sadly the present lot of generals I don't think there are more then 2 phustuns or even less then 2.
Imran Khan can only select among top 3 or 4, he would select on merit not on ethnicity.
I am damn sure of that.
And army is army
A person who reach at that point, has proved his merit. So we don't have to worry regarding that.
You are right. President, governor and ministeries are given to urdu speaking people. But all those big post cannot do a single thing for karachi..
Someone needs to own karachi.
And Sindh government certainly don't want that. They do treat urdu speaking as a second class, or Atleast they do hate them, because Sindhis think that they have somewhat settled into their provincial capital or now their population is bigger then interior Sindh. This is not the reason to hate. Both Sindhis and non Sindhis are humans.
Now federal government gives budget to Sindh government. But that budget was not distributed well among sindhi and non sindhi areas. Look at the condition of hyderabad and karachi.
This is really really sad.
Federal government cannot give a sperate pacakage to Karachi due to their thin economic condition. President cannot give them clean drinking water or governor cannot give them seawage system.
No provincial government treat their capital this way. What is people party trying to achieve. Do they want to throw them out or hope they would go somewhere else?
The best chance is to not distinguish and treat everyone as equal sindhi.
People's party should now stop using sindhi card, it is very old now.
Imran has lived in developed world. He always quote them.
Yes what he is saying is morally right.
But he cannot do this.
He has said in the parliament that they should give him suggestions, what should be done about the refuges. Plus different stake holders such as army and agencies and provinces would never allow it.
It was an idea that was picked up by the media.
Besides there has been bangalis living in karachi forever. They are Pakistanis now. They choose Pakistan after the separation of Bangladesh. They cannot be deported back or anything. They have genuine demand and they must be given nationality immediately.
They are not large community.
But Afghans must go Back..
No one can let Imran do this. It is just the idea and it has created very positive atmosphere around the world about Pakistan..
My views about Afghans are very clear.
They cannot be trusted. They are the god forsaken nation ever.
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Which again proves how stupid he is. There cannot be different laws in country. You can't give citizenship to Karcahi refugees and ignore others.

Citizenship for millions of foreigners is out of question, especially to afghanis and bengolis.

Don’t be jealous......
You have to start from somewhere. Karachi can be the pilot phase and then go to other places. You and I know that he will do things that his Predecessors neglected. He will try diplomacy (18 amendment really f*up Pakistan) but if Sindhi wadarias gets in his way, he may have to go with Governor Taj to fix things in Sindh.
Reversal of 18th amendments to make Federation more stronger it should be on the card for new government.
As far as refugees are concerned, My idea is probably the best out of all.
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