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I am getting sick of hearing this free speech excuse for hate crimes

The reality is that we would defend your right to express your hate. As long as it remains in the verbal.

Now I wish to take a flight to go in US to abuse Americans and i hope no one ask me to leave the country if i hate you guys :)

Freedom of expression is not the same thing as freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is protected; freedom of expression ends when it becomes an act of violence.

how burning american or Israeli flags is an act of violence ?
Burn stuff on your own property, not where the burning can threaten the lives or property of others.

No, i was taking about people burning US flags in their own countries. I know it hurt those who love their countries whether you admit it or not. If i go and express my hate for white american openly in busy street of USA then i might provoke many people and might face serious consequences. My personal opinion differ with you guys. I think that freedom of speech is a basic human right, not a privilege. Freedom of speech does come with an individual responsibility to express yourself in a way that is civil and understand that words are powerful and words have consequences for being expressed, both good and bad. There should be balance between the need for personal freedom and the need for a peaceful, stable, civil society
No, i was taking about people burning US flags in their own countries. I know it hurt those who love their countries whether you admit it or not.
One learns to live with the hurt - and blame those committing the act for their insensitivity and hatred.

If i go and express my hate for white american openly in busy street of USA then i might provoke many people and might face serious consequences.
People might laugh at you, yes. Others will get out their cellphones, hoping to sell their footage to a network. All about entertainment, you know.

I will support hussain's right to draw nude pictures of hindu goddess. Indian law should have protected him.

Actually Indian law gave him a chance to put forth his case and defend his freedom of expression in the court environs. Unfortunately he was not upto that and ran away from the law. If he had stayed back, fought his case then he ought to be respected for his conviction, but sadly that was not to be.
The big deal for us is we practice our religion 5 times in 1 day! Not once a week! Not when we feel like but 5 times a day! Obviously we feel the impact when our important scripture (the quran) our prophet is "attacked" under the name of freedom of speech...

There is little story in our side whose moral is, it does not matter how many times you chant the Bhagwan's name, what matter is how many times you chant it with real conviction and how you conduct your life [according to Dharma] that matters.

Doing every thing under the sun for the rest of the day and just doing namaz for 5 times a days doesn't make anyone a greater devotee than other.

If you do not understand/ look up, study my religion, how can you make cartoons/ movies/ documentry about it? That is like a spit on ART itself!

Have all the Muslims studied Hinduism,ts scriptures,its Gods in detail ? Then why do you say our religion is false, we are kafirs, our Gods are false etc? Hypocrisy much ? That you can say any BS about other religions, but others should not open mouth about yours..

Are you prepared to accept that Hinduism is equally valid as Islam and let go of your superiority tendencies ?
Burn stuff on your own property, not where the burning can threaten the lives or property of others.

Should Asia say the samethings when you sent your hardware to China and Bangladesh to pollute THEIR countries? Burn it or landfill it in AMERICA please! :)
Burn stuff on your own property, not where the burning can threaten the lives or property of others.

Should I say the same when AMERICA EXPORTS their hardware and toxic trash to ASIA (China and Bangladesh)

Please go burn or landfill it in YOUR country and do not POLLUTE THEIRS with toxic gases!

People might laugh at you, yes. Others will get out their cellphones, hoping to sell their footage to a network. All about entertainment, you know.

Not quite, MOST will call their wives and tell them they might not come home as a MUSLIM is voicing up! - Islamophobics!

Others will call the cops!
There is little story in our side whose moral is, it does not matter how many times you chant the Bhagwan's name, what matter is how many times you chant it with real conviction and how you conduct your life [according to Dharma] that matters.

Doing every thing under the sun for the rest of the day and just doing namaz for 5 times a days doesn't make anyone a greater devotee than other.

Same goes for Solah! Thats why we found it funny when 1 of your Indian bros told us he prayed in the Masjid..

Have all the Muslims studied Hinduism,ts scriptures,its Gods in detail? Then why do you say our religion is false
Nope but the very thought of more than 1 god and invoking goddess is not right as according to Islam....We only say it is false according to our religion, it is false because we do not believe it!

we are kafirs, our Gods are false etc? Hypocrisy much ? That you can say any BS about other religions, but others should not open mouth about yours..

Well, we only call them false, BUT have never created a new faced god! HAVE WE? We have never made a new god for you and made a movie/ cartoon of you worshiping 1...HAVE WE? No hypocrisy there! You guys always say ALLAH is moon god and all that stuff, we just refute but do not get angry...

Are you prepared to accept that Hinduism is equally valid as Islam and let go of your superiority tendencies ?
There is no question about validity here! I WILL accept those parts of Hinduism which match with Islam...That I can say might have been from same GOD...but asking/ invoking prayers to more than 1 god...when saying you ACTUALLY believe in 1 is soo wrong even ACCORDING to your own religion!
Talon, you dont have to believe in hindu gods or multiple gods. And we dont have to believe that your prophet is the real one or talked to god.
You implied muslims to be some special in your earlier post ('we pray 5 times a day.. etc), that is not a concern for rest of us.
I am not even getting into the debate of the point of prayer, if it makes your more violent and reactionary on a friday.
My point is threat of violence cannot stop free speech, which applies to everybody (whether you pray once or five times, whether you are hindu or muslim or christian)
And it does not apply to religion alone, one should not be threatened by holding a specific political viewpoint or lampooning their political opponents.
Europe is preparing to go back to dark ages.
Homosexualy, sexims, nudity and islamophobia.
Europe is preparing to go back to dark ages.
Homosexualy, sexims, nudity and islamophobia.
No, islamic countries are facing what europe faced in dark ages. Too much influence of religion in public sphere, no dissent, free thinkers are silenced. Hope arab spring will bring renaissance in muslim world.
Nope but the very thought of more than 1 god and invoking goddess is not right as according to Islam....We only say it is false according to our religion, it is false because we do not believe it!

Well, we only call them false, BUT have never created a new faced god! HAVE WE? We have never made a new god for you and made a movie/ cartoon of you worshiping 1...HAVE WE? No hypocrisy there! You guys always say ALLAH is moon god and all that stuff, we just refute but do not get angry...

There is no question about validity here! I WILL accept those parts of Hinduism which match with Islam...That I can say might have been from same GOD...but asking/ invoking prayers to more than 1 god...when saying you ACTUALLY believe in 1 is soo wrong even ACCORDING to your own religion!

If you can invoke a male god i.e. Rahman Rahim when God has no gender IN FACT. Your answer would be because how your Prophet has taught you that God is Rahman and Rahim and Karim... all male attributes. The Prophet pbuh told you the basics that there WAS a god. He never said that god was a male. After comprehending the basics, it is your SELF to further explore that when God has no gender why all the attributes mentioned are of masculine and why not of feminine type. If God was only of masculine he would never have created a woman and vice versa. God has potential of creating masculine and feminine, both. After comprehending this, what is your requirement or need at a particular time. If you want God's mercy, you chant Ya Rahman, O' Full of Mercy. You requirement and need may be of feminine type, you get the point.?!

Regarding invoking more than 1 god, God's attributes or names are more than hundred mentioned in the books. What if i invoke multiple attributes at the same time, or different attributes at different times, keeping in mind one same God, though it is not a popular practice among the Muslims, will you call it polytheism? not at all. Dr. Allama Iqbal said if there was polytheism in your mind, what could i do. Further, Moon is common symbol of God's control over time. Knowledgeable people never say Allah is moon god. But Allah and Ishwer is used interchangeably.

What you think is sky of your world may be the ground of some other world, same Allama Sahib said. You cannot match things when they go to that level, but use your inner wisdom based on basics.
Talon, you dont have to believe in hindu gods or multiple gods. And we dont have to believe that your prophet is the real one or talked to god.
No one is forcing the other...That's clear! :)
You implied muslims to be some special in your earlier post ('we pray 5 times a day.. etc), that is not a concern for rest of us.
I am not even getting into the debate of the point of prayer, if it makes your more violent and reactionary on a friday.
Not at all! All I AM TRYING to say is EVRYONE equates ISLAM with South Asian Muslims!
My point is threat of violence cannot stop free speech, which applies to everybody (whether you pray once or five times, whether you are hindu or muslim or christian)
And it does not apply to religion alone, one should not be threatened by holding a specific political viewpoint or lampooning their political opponents.
All I am saying is that France should not be hypocritical! If it puts 1 law against 1 religion....then it should do it for all!! Not hang in the middle and swing to the side it wants!
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