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I am getting sick of hearing this free speech excuse for hate crimes

Lovely questions and very twisted understanding! I will deal with you bit by bit...

If you can invoke a male god i.e. Rahman Rahim when God has no gender IN FACT. Your answer would be because how your Prophet has taught you that God is Rahman and Rahim and Karim... all male attributes. The Prophet pbuh told you the basics that there WAS a god. He never said that god was a male. After comprehending the basics, it is your SELF to further explore that when God has no gender why all the attributes mentioned are of masculine and why not of feminine type. If God was only of masculine he would never have created a woman and vice versa. God has potential of creating masculine and feminine, both. After comprehending this, what is your requirement or need at a particular time. If you want God's mercy, you chant Ya Rahman, O' Full of Mercy. You requirement and need may be of feminine type, you get the point.?!

I am sorry to disappoint you my answer is not as you predicted! My answer is:

The grammar! Arabic grammar has a lot to offer! They have a male gender AR RAHMAN AR RAHEEM and all others associated with politeness, royalty and with respect! Like saying Aap! Any Arab will laugh at you for saying AR-RAHMAN AR-RAHEEM is for male!

Regarding invoking more than 1 god, God's attributes or names are more than hundred mentioned in the books. What if i invoke multiple attributes at the same time, or different attributes at different times, keeping in mind one same God, though it is not a popular practice among the Muslims, will you call it polytheism? not at all. Dr. Allama Iqbal said if there was polytheism in your mind, what could i do.

Now tell me if any of the following look the same:

Do any of these look the same to you?


So, how can the different names / attributes be of the same god who has no image when each has its own image?

Further, Moon is common symbol of God's control over time. Knowledgeable people never say Allah is moon god. But Allah and Ishwer is used interchangeably.

I am not sure what your point is for bringing this...

What you think is sky of your world may be the ground of some other world, same Allama Sahib said. You cannot match things when they go to that level, but use your inner wisdom based on basics.

I am not sure if you even understood what you wrote or maybe you did not understand what I wrote...

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/member...peech-excuse-hate-crimes-7.html#ixzz27K1DUHBs
Same goes for Solah! Thats why we found it funny when 1 of your Indian bros told us he prayed in the Masjid..

yes many Hindus go to dargahss and some even go to Masjids..so whats the point ?

Nope but the very thought of more than 1 god and invoking goddess is not right as according to Islam....We only say it is false according to our religion, it is false because we do not believe it!

So you know nothing about Hinduism, you have no read its scriptures, you have not listened to satsangs, you have not even experienced it personally yet you judge it according to your religion. So what rights have you got to be outraged when somebody else judges Islam by their standards ? Would you agree if I said Islam is a mere violence glorifying cut by my standards ? That you are perfectly fine to judge other religions even though you dont know an iota about it, but just because your Islam tell you so, but others must refrain from judging or commenting on your religion because your fragile sentiments can get hurt. Why this hypocrisy ?

Grow a skin. Except you no one gives two hoots about Islam.

Well, we only call them false,

That my lady, is blasphemy of the highest order for me. You calling my Gods false. But dont worry I wont put a price on your head or go destroying the nearest Pakistani embassy. Because I am mature enough to understand that you cant insult my Gods even if you try. They are beyong you. It would also be great if you guys can develop that maturity.

There is no question about validity here! I WILL accept those parts of Hinduism which match with Islam...That I can say might have been from same GOD...but asking/ invoking prayers to more than 1 god...when saying you ACTUALLY believe in 1 is soo wrong even ACCORDING to your own religion!

Who said all Hindus believe in only one god. There are many schools of thought in Hinduism itself with different philosophies. There is even an atheistic school of thought. Hinduism is something that is beyong the grasp of you. Let's leave it at that.

The point is you people judge other religions 24*7 -that you dont even realize it - and yet baulk at the thought of someone returning the favor. That my lady, is HYPOCRISY, in capitals. Islam or Muslims have not rights to cry wolf when they indulge in the same act they accuse others of doing.
No, islamic countries are facing what europe faced in dark ages. Too much influence of religion in public sphere, no dissent, free thinkers are silenced. Hope arab spring will bring renaissance in muslim world.

Lolzz..they are only bringing in the more hardcore salafis to power. Libya, Egypt and now Syria.

Arab world and by extension the Muslim world is better off under dictators.
There have been numerous cases of designers in Western countries mis-using Hindu religious symbols on clothing , beers , swimsuits ..... but no person has ever gone to such great lengths to disturb public peace , vandalize , arson , clash with riot police for such cases. Speaks of intolerance levels a lot ....

Instead , legal channels were followed by various groups to funnel the hurt and displeasure towards the correct authorities, after which the issues were taken care of.

But ignorance is there in the Western society too... for e.g the Hindu symbol of Swastika is still considered as a sign of Nazism , although the swastika existed for thousands of years even before Nazism came into being .....
yes many Hindus go to dargahss and some even go to Masjids..so whats the point ?
Darghss are not same as masjid...Point is what you said

There is little story in our side whose moral is, it does not matter how many times you chant the Bhagwan's name, what matter is how many times you chant it with real conviction and how you conduct your life [according to Dharma] that matters.

Doing every thing under the sun for the rest of the day and just doing namaz for 5 times a days doesn't make anyone a greater devotee than other.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/member...peech-excuse-hate-crimes-7.html#ixzz27K8mQVsE

So you know nothing about Hinduism, you have no read its scriptures, you have not listened to satsangs, you have not even experienced it personally yet you judge it according to your religion.

That's right how many more words do you want to fit in my mouth?

You asked if I knew your religion...I do not know it well enough to say stuff about it...I have read some of the scriptures...But did I understand much - NOPE! Hence, to my understanding I do not know your religion...

No one is judging ...My answers were a DIRECT answer to your stuff (
Have all the Muslims studied Hinduism,ts scriptures,its Gods in detail? Then why do you say our religion is false


Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/member...speech-excuse-hate-crimes-7.html#ixzz27K9P9Fn No judgement!

Just answers to this:
we are kafirs, our Gods are false etc? Hypocrisy much ? That you can say any BS about other religions, but others should not open mouth about yours..

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/member...peech-excuse-hate-crimes-7.html#ixzz27K9WyUOH

So, please stop putting YOUR words in my mouth! And stop depicting Your intentions as mine!

So what rights have you got to be outraged when somebody else judges Islam by their standards ? Would you agree if I said Islam is a mere violence glorifying cut by my standards ?

Again I did not pass judgement! I really think you either need to re-read my posts without being prejudice OR improve your command of the English language!

That you are perfectly fine to judge other religions even though you dont know an iota about it, but just because your Islam tell you so, but others must refrain from judging or commenting on your religion because your fragile sentiments can get hurt. Why this hypocrisy ?

ALL I said ACCORDING TO ISLAM....worshiping more than 1 god is false! Even according to Hinduism (as some Hindus told me on this forum) That they worship 1 god who has no form then how am I being a hypocrite when according to Hinduism what you worship is false?

DID I say THAT I DECLARE IT FALSE? Did I EVER write that? Did I make fun of it? Did I introduce a NEW GOD? A drawing of a new god? NOPE! So, as long as you want to discuss what is on the table, it is fine with me...BUT the minute you INTRODUCE stuff into ISLAM like a picture of our PROPHET WHOSE face even we do not know! I suggest you keep clear off this topic...It is far from your understanding!

Grow a skin. Except you no one gives two hoots about Islam.

If they didn't they wouldn't be oppressing it nor provoking it's followers...Do you actually want me to believe the director was oblivious to what he was doing when he made that movie? Was he born yesterday?

Do you actually expect me to believe the American Priest was oblivious to why he wanted to burn the quran? The cartoonists was oblivious to how the Muslims may react? If any of them were oblivious it would be the cartoonists...the other 2 saw what happened and yet did the same thing!

That my lady, is blasphemy of the highest order for me. You calling my Gods false.

DID I? I said Islam says its wrong HINDUISM SAYS its wrong as Vedas says 1 god who has no form...BUT YOU keep going on and on about what I said...You know what! I should have known to explain anything to a closed mind man is worthless! He will ONLY read what he wants to and make sense of it HOW HE WANTS it to be! IF needed he will be delusional enough to imagine what he wanted to hear!

But dont worry I wont put a price on your head or go destroying the nearest Pakistani embassy. Because I am mature enough to understand that you cant insult my Gods even if you try. They are beyong you. It would also be great if you guys can develop that maturity.

Who said all Hindus believe in only one god.
Your vedas and also some of the Hindus here!

There are many schools of thought in Hinduism itself with different philosophies.
Is that school following the vedas?

There is even an atheistic school of thought. Hinduism is something that is beyong the grasp of you. Let's leave it at that.

Then how does it make it Hinduism? Because Hindus rest on the concept of BRAHMAN , VISHNU and Shiva! Vedas is your book...not following your own book and calling it Hinduism is strange!

The point is you people judge other religions 24*7 -that you dont even realize it - and yet baulk at the thought of someone returning the favor. That my lady, is HYPOCRISY, in capitals. Islam or Muslims have not rights to cry wolf when they indulge in the same act they accuse others of doing.

I believe you are talking about yourself! Just see how quickly you put words into my mouth! According to you- YOU judge ISLAM and were waiting for me to write something bad about HINDUISM when I DIDN'T you just picked up the next thing ignoring the fact I said Islam and Hinduism state what I said!

I am not even sure what word to describe you with...Wait I shouldn't I would be JUDGING like you just threw hypocrisy at me!

Talon, you dont have to believe in hindu gods or multiple gods. And we dont have to believe that your prophet is the real one or talked to god.
You implied muslims to be some special in your earlier post ('we pray 5 times a day.. etc), that is not a concern for rest of us.
Not special ...but if you want to use that word that is your own doing...I implied we PRACTICE it openly! WE PRACTICE it as part of our lives...we practice it frequent enough to show it is part of our life and not separate from it!

I am not even getting into the debate of the point of prayer, if it makes your more violent and reactionary on a friday.
My point is threat of violence cannot stop free speech, which applies to everybody (whether you pray once or five times, whether you are hindu or muslim or christian)
And it does not apply to religion alone, one should not be threatened by holding a specific political viewpoint or lampooning their political opponents.

That is why we say what France did was wrong! They were threatened and cut of freedom of speech!
^^^ talon, this is not the french banning public protest thread, this is raja getting angry due to 'too much free speech' thread.
^^^ talon, this is not the french banning public protest thread, this is raja getting angry due to 'too much free speech' thread.

O my bad then! But still I have freedom of speech to voice my voice against the French fries! :P
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