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I am getting sick of hearing this free speech excuse for hate crimes

as i said before freedom of speech is not absolute in any democracy and it is not clear to define it and it is not clear to apply it. Can i make fun of others and insult those who belong to different race, colour, sexual orientation? do i have freedom to mock and insult them with my words?
In the U.S. you do - though in our universities and workplaces with "politically correct" speech codes you may suffer professionally for it.

What are considered hate crimes in USA? Why they considered hate crimes? why they don't let these crimes happen as long as you dont hurt others physically then you should have freedom to abuse them with your words ..no? why limit freedom of speech here and not there?
"Hate crimes in the U.S." don't have much to do with freedom of speech but violent and destructive activities carried out in the cause of race or sect hatred: link
From the people that burn American and isreeali flags everyday...that's rich.
well as i said before hate begets hate. If you defend the right of someone to abuse religion of others then you should be ready to accept their hate as well. I thought you would say that they are exercising their freedom of expression to show their dislike for american government and would bear it with open mind as they are not causing any physical violence.they are just insulting someone you hold dear which they don't :D :P
well as i said before hate begets hate. If you defend the right of someone to abuse religion of others then you should be ready to accept their hate as well. I thought you would say that they are exercising their freedom of expression to show their dislike for american government and would bear it with open mind as they are not causing any physical violence.they are just insulting someone you hold dear which they don't :D :P
Have I attacked any embassies? I do take it...don't really care.
well as i said before hate begets hate. If you defend the right of someone to abuse religion of others then you should be ready to accept their hate as well. I thought you would say that they are exercising their freedom of expression to show their dislike for american government and would bear it with open mind as they are not causing any physical violence.they are just insulting someone you hold dear which they don't :D :P
Freedom of expression is not the same thing as freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is protected; freedom of expression ends when it becomes an act of violence.
well as i said before hate begets hate. If you defend the right of someone to abuse religion of others then you should be ready to accept their hate as well.
The reality is that we would defend your right to express your hate. As long as it remains in the verbal.
Hate speech - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hate crime laws in the United States protect against hate crimes (also known as bias crimes) motivated by enmity or animus against a protected class. Although state laws vary, current statutes permit federal prosecution of hate crimes committed on the basis of a person's protected characteristics of race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability.

Hate crime laws in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well i did not know much about USA that's why i asked what are considered hate crime in USA and why? Can you abuse any person for any reason as long as you don't use physical violence against him/her? I know many people got sue here in uk just for using few racist remarks. Even if you can abuse others by law don't mean you should do it . If you think you can stand in busy street of new York and can speak all hating words for white people and Americans without facing any consequences then you are very innocent . We saw what some white american did to some Muslims who had nothing to do with 9/11 or Osama. that's how you get blinded by emotions and revenge and hate speech incite violence

We are talking about american law which guarantees free speech not what some american people might do to somebody if offended.
Yes, in UK you will get arrested for racist remark( again I am not talking about what a british might do to racist person, I am talking about law).
United kingdom does have hate law.
You are living in US, you should know there is no such thing as "the west", the way it is described in the east.( west should not insult us... ).
France is in the west and employers can sack you for wearing cross.
Actually what i dont get is law of usa should be valid only in usa not outside USA. If someone wish to say anything about US he should be free according to their laws but they should not open their mouth for something which don't belong to them or don't affect them for example beliefs of others
Actually what i dont get is law of usa should be valid only in usa not outside USA. If someone wish to say anything about US he should be free according to their laws but they should not open their mouth for something which don't belong to them or don't affect them for example beliefs of others
correct. Film was made in US...hence our business.
well as i said before hate begets hate. If you defend the right of someone to abuse religion of others then you should be ready to accept their hate as well. I thought you would say that they are exercising their freedom of expression to show their dislike for american government and would bear it with open mind as they are not causing any physical violence.they are just insulting someone you hold dear which they don't :D :P
You are indeed free to insult other religion in the way you deem fit. If any american tries to harm you, he should be booked under law.
Watch some standup comedy, youtube is full of such shows where they 'insult' christianity and jesus.

Actually what i dont get is law of usa should be valid only in usa not outside USA. If someone wish to say anything about US he should be free according to their laws but they should not open their mouth for something which don't belong to them or don't affect them for example beliefs of others
He exercised his free speech and did not violate USA law. The fact that it is considered crime in pakistan has no effect on his right.
In france, it may be illegal to wear face veil, but I can wear it in UK, and I dont think french police will contact me.

The same way anti-semitism hate laws do not apply in pakistan. (only in certain european countries)
Have I attacked any embassies? I do take it...don't really care.

so who attacked some Muslims living in USA after incident of 9/11?

You think any Pakistani Muslim living in USA can express their hate against white people and can verbally abuse bush/obama without any fear of arrest or consequences ? It will be naive to assume that his negative words will not bring any unrest in society

correct. Film was made in US...hence our business.

It was made about something which is none of your business :)
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