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I am getting sick of hearing this free speech excuse for hate crimes

'Pregnant nun' ice cream ad faces ban in Catholic outcry | Mail Online

Pregnant nun advert 'offensive to Catholics' - Telegraph

OFFENSIVE to Catholics not even ALL OF CHRISTIANS! BUT IF it is offensive to ALL OF MUSLIMS...give them a blind eye!

Talon, something wrong with the link!

Hmmm...BBC bhi na!!

Antonio Federici's advert showed a pregnant nun eating ice cream in a church, together with the strap line "immaculately conceived".

The Advertising Standards Authority has ordered it to be discontinued, saying it mocked Roman Catholic beliefs.

Antonio Federici says it will now put up new posters near Westminster Abbey.

Pope Benedict XVI will visit Westminster Abbey on Friday, before holding Mass at Westminster Cathedral on Saturday.

Antonio Federici, a UK-based company, has yet to reveal what image will be portrayed in the new advert, saying only that it would be "a continuation of the theme".

A spokeswoman for the company said the new image intended to "defy" the ban from the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).

She added: "We are in the process of securing a series of billboards close to and along the planned route of the Pope's cavalcade around Westminster Cathedral".

A spokesman for the ASA said its rulings "must be followed and we are taking steps to ensure Antonio Federici do so".

He added: "We do not comment on the likely compliance of ads that have not yet appeared.

"However, we are continuing to conduct work behind the scenes, including with the advertiser, to ensure they comply with the rules."

Defending the banned nun advert, Antonio Federici said the idea of "conception" represented the development of their ice cream.

It added that the use of religious imagery represented its strong feeling towards its product.

The firm said it also wished to "comment on and question, using satire and gentle humour, the relevance and hypocrisy of religion and the attitudes of the church to social issues".

The banned advert was featured in editions of The Lady and Grazia magazines.

The ASA said in its ruling: "We considered the use of a nun pregnant through immaculate conception was likely to be seen as a distortion and mockery of the beliefs of Roman Catholics.

"We concluded that to use such an image in a lighthearted way to advertise ice cream was likely to cause serious offence to readers, particularly those who practised the Roman Catholic faith."

The publishers of The Lady said it had received eight complaints and that it had been a "misjudgement" to have published .

Grazia said it considered that the advert was lighthearted and did not mock any religious groups.

The ASA banned another advert for Antonio Federici in July 2009 that showed a priest and a nun appearing as if they were about to kiss.

I am not for this ad! But I am totally AGAINST THE HYPOCRITICAL BEHAVIOUR of govt! and media!

Nice! banned it based on 8 complains! While the A LOT OF MUSLIMS protested to no avail?
No, islamic countries are facing what europe faced in dark ages. Too much influence of religion in public sphere, no dissent, free thinkers are silenced. Hope arab spring will bring renaissance in muslim world.

Worry about your own country fellows before commenting on others!
@Talon I suggest you watch this video for better understanding

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I am getting sick of hearing this freedom of speech excuse as a justification of bigotry and hate crimes. These bigot know Muslims are emotional and sensitive about their beliefs yet they keep poking at them and then sitting back with satisfaction when they react that way. Never mind that innocent people die so we can have a laugh and feel self smug.

The way to change people is through dialogue, education and respect not by insulting them. They are not going to change over night and insulting them and taunting them is certainly not helping either

The fact that and as you state " muslims are emotional" ; does not justify the need to amend free speech. Insult other religions and they protest without violence.

When you are a parent, do you teach your kid to react to words with violence ?

if you react like all other religions do, perhaps the haters would get the message that trying to rile you up aint working. trying to get special treatment because you don't have a handle on your emotions is not the way to go.

Quite frankly I'm not sure how you would consider yourselves as Muslims if you react with violence. The famous example you like to cite about your Prophet is his reaction to when garbage was thrown at him by a Jewish woman. I think anyone who does not follow that example and chooses to do violence and or sympathize w/ those who do it- will shown HELL vs. this stupid notion of having being rewarded with virgins.
The grammar! Arabic grammar has a lot to offer! They have a male gender AR RAHMAN AR RAHEEM and all others associated with politeness, royalty and with respect! Like saying Aap! Any Arab will laugh at you for saying AR-RAHMAN AR-RAHEEM is for male!

Did you find any woman having name like Malik Aziz Jabbar let alone in Arab world and let alone a royal lady? These words are made for male people. Anyway, come to grammar! when you say ANTA SUBHANA KA, 'Anta' and 'Ka' are key words for male ONLY, and Holly Quran is full, from first to last page addressing Allah with these key words. Translators do keep grammar in mind, they translate Rahman as rahm karne wala, right.

Now tell me if any of the following look the same:

Do any of these look the same to you?


god who has no image when each has its own image?

I can tell if you can digest! But collectively, our digestive system is not that developed. Water has no form but water can have any form!

So, how can the different names / attributes be of the same god

Simple, God is Ghaffar ( the forgiver ) and Qahhar ( the subduer ) two different names/ attributes, out of hundred names each and every one is different.

BTW, its not Hinduism based on Veda, its Sanathana Dherma, based on books. For a naive, don't say their god false or they will say your your god false!!!
One learns to live with the hurt - and blame those committing the act for their insensitivity and hatred.

People might laugh at you, yes. Others will get out their cellphones, hoping to sell their footage to a network. All about entertainment, you know.

Well name calling or purposefully insulting those whom you consider more dear than your own lives might provide you entertainment but it is not entertainment for others. You are sadist if you enjoy insulting others or enjoy getting insult from others. You are in favour of allowing freedom of speech to reign unfettered without caring about traits which define human character. Irrational hate is evil. Ever heard about something called morals or ethics? Respecting beliefs/Prophets of others even if you don't agree with them? may be you did not learned it in school or home that's why you are supporting such morons.

We are entitled to our opinions but we must be intelligent enough to not deliberately try to incite the violence and provide reason for it. Purposefully hurting someone is wrong. Purposefully targeting them is not ok either. Is expressing your hatred more important than lives that could be lost because of insulting the prophet of people belong to second largest religion ?

Words can hurt others and words can incite violence. Ever heard about harassment? bullying? depression? suicide? Peoples do wrong acts because of negative feelings/emotions. Freedom of speech should not put lives and social balance of society at risk. I will never go insulting people if i know how they will react and it would not be sane of me to expect them to be calm and cool with my intentional bullying.
For all those who see no harm in freedom of speech...Lets see the 2nd face of WEST:

Pregnant nun ice cream advert banned for 'mockery'

Pregnant nun ice cream advert banned for 'mockery'

Why was that banned? Hmm....BUT ANYTHING "mocking" Islam is ok? GOTTA LOVE THE HYPOCRISY!

You conviniently bracketed all the countries in 'west' knowing fully well that laws of each country is different.
This happened in the UK.
France banned public display of cross in school, and you can get fired from job for wearing a cross. France is in the west.

Those who were fired have taken the matter to court, instead of buring the nearest bus.
You conviniently bracketed all the countries in 'west' knowing fully well that laws of each country is different.
This happened in the UK.
France banned public display of cross in school, and you can get fired from job for wearing a cross. France is in the west.

Those who were fired have taken the matter to court, instead of buring the nearest bus.

That is harsh...:confused:
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