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Hunger in South Asia at levels of Ethiopia and Chad

You have obviously never seen NDTV, STAR Tv, Sahara, ZEE news, or any other number of gazillion channels who morning and evening spew forth hatred, accusation, innuendo, suspicion directed at Pakistan.

Hell, even when manmohan singh goes down with the flu, your media looks for the isi/pakistan connection.

Your films are obsessed with bashing our country.

I think it's about time, INdia found another object of their obsession. Because the feeling just isn't mutual.

Blowing up 6 trains in mumbai during a busy day is not something a child can do. Even u know that. Even US proved that ISI was behind the kabul mission blasts recently. There is no other organization on the planet that has infiltrated india as effectively as the ISI.

Your films are obsessed with bashing our country.

Again total BS.
Does germany go all ga ga when the americans come out with saving private ryan or the longest day.
Did japan protest over the movie pearl harbour.
Did the british protest over movies like gandhi and mangal pandey.
Even a movie like Rang de basanti showed the indian govt in a very bad light.

Both germany and Japan were depicted in a bad light on a much grander scale than india can ever hope to achieve for pakistan.

only pak cribs for making war movies in india.There are only 2 points 2 be made from this
1.We have a well established film industry.
2.War movies sell.

Theres nothing more to it.

But, as usual "indian govt is conspiring against pak by directly funding bollywood directors."

pakistan finds an intent of harm in whatever india does.
I think it's about time, INdia found another object of their obsession. Because the feeling just isn't mutual.

Its about time pak found another obsession.
anyways, india has already found an obsession.

Actually 2 of them,

China and the UN security council seat.

We have moved on.
Then quit objecting every weapon sale to Pakistan and blaming ISI for ever child birth in India! :enjoy:

We like having children:flame:

As for weapon sales, we will never stop objecting. India faces direct fall out from pak weapon purchases.
So you're obsessed and still in denial?
I rest my case! :enjoy:

It depends on the level of obsession. Our obsession is healthy. we interfere whenever indian security is jeopardized.

Our govt has made a paradigm shift in foreign policy. Our foreign policy is no longer dictated by actions in pakistan. The nuclear deal is the best example. But, almost all foreign policy statements in pak are largely on the war on terror or india.

Our obsession with china is mostly business.

We have taken a back seat for the time being with respect to the UNSC which again shows a healthy obsession.

We are constantly fighting for the rights of third world farmers, which include pakistan's population, against the US and EU over subsidies and opening up of agriculture.

We are also making large in roads into Africa.
Hunger kills a child every six seconds

Associated Press of Pakistan

UNITED NATIONS: With the world in financial turmoil, United Nations officials are calling attention to another global crisis, hunger, which affects millions daily and kills a child every six seconds.

"This year's World Food Day comes at a time of crisis," Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon states in his message for the occasion on Thursday. "Global financial turmoil is exacerbating concerns about rising food and fuel costs, which have already driven 75 million people deeper into the abyss of hunger and poverty." Ban notes that this "colossal human tragedy" is unfolding as the world fights to keep the promise made in the first Millennium Development Goal (MDG), to reduce hunger and poverty by half by the year 2015. Even before prices started rising, 800 million people were going to sleep hungry every night, the Secretary-General points out. And now, with energy costs rising and the price of food having more than doubled in the past year alone, an additional 100 million people could be pushed into hunger and poverty.

"These are life-and-death matters that we must confront with serious thought and resolute action," he adds, calling on Governments, organizations and citizens to forge meaningful partnerships to overcome these challenges so the world can meet all the MDGs and, ultimately, usher in a world free of hunger and poverty.

The head of the UN World Food Programme (WFP) agreed that at a time when the world's attention is consumed by the financial crisis, it is appropriate to focus today on the global hunger crisis, which is a daily reality for families across the globe.

"Rapidly rising food shortages, dramatic increases in fuel costs, and profound changes in climate conditions conspired this year to bring new dimensions of suffering and hardship to the poor, depriving almost one billion people of the food they need to live a healthy life," Executive Director Josette Sheeran said in her message for the Day. "On this day, we remember those who have lived with the ache of hunger, for too long . . . and who now need our help even more," she added.

World Food Day is observed annually on 16 October, the day on which the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) was founded in 1945.
So you're obsessed and still in denial?
I rest my case! :enjoy:

You dont get it mate. India will always object to every bullet sold to Pakistan(successfully or not). That does not mean it is as Pakistan centric as it has been till now.

Its about India reacting to Pakistan's actions, that is what is changing. South Block's mandarins do the acting in the international arena without worrying about Pakistan, its Pakistan that reacts now.
What the heck is BALL JEE????

As usual you make no sense again.

p2prada, sir
i guss, u are not indian, because you dont know, the greatest hindu leader, BALL SHAHIB THAKRAEY?
by the way, plz go and meet him , i surly hope, he can tell you a lot of stories, about hindus victories over muslims & christians in recent history of BHARAT?
he, also got a very nice theory, in which he describes all of indian muslims are & were triators, so they dont have any rights & they can live in india any more, and they should be sent back to pakistan, i guss he is trying to make india a very rich hindus state, simply by elliminating muslims , christains, and lower class hindus cause there is no other way left because in crunnt circumstanses, no indian govt has shown any plans , & they doesnt have a courge to declare india as a secular state, delete the hindu caste system, thus no indian govt can delete poverty from india in comming 100 years.;):D
you dont know BALL JEE , it realy doesnt make any sense, to me & i am sure i would not make any sense to other indian genttle mans.:tsk::lol::lol:
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Protecting the poors - an avoidable majority of Democratic Pakistan
Saturday, 18 Oct, 2008

Soaring food inflation has driven up the number of poor in Pakistan to 77 million according to Oxfam GB. The new poverty figures coincide with the launch of the government’s flagship Rs34bn Benazir Income Support Programme, which has come in for criticism even before the first rupee has reached the poor. Two primary accusations have been levelled against the BISP: one, politicisation of the selection process and, two, potential corruption and wastage.


A Pakistani mother cooks leftover poultry for her family as food has became very expensive in Pakistan with its high inflation, Friday, October 17, 2008 in a Rawalpindi suburb.

The BISP claims it has tried to minimise both possibilities. According to the
BISP, MPs have been given specific criteria against which every application will be vetted by Nadra. The eligibility criteria exclude, amongst others, people with machine-readable passports, bank accounts in high minimum-deposit banks, national identity cards for overseas Pakistanis and jobs in the public sector or the armed forces — suggesting only the poorest of the poor may make the cut.

There is legitimate concern that MPs will use the BISP to dole out patronage to political supporters; however, the BISP says it has tried to mitigate this eventuality by giving every MP, regardless of political affiliation, an equal number of application forms.

The second key concern is wastage and corruption. Here, in a welcome departure from past practices, the Rs34bn programme will be coordinated from Islamabad by a team of less than 20 professionals. Also, an electronic selection process and planned post-disbursement verification should, at least on paper, reduce opportunities for leakages.

However, several problems remain. The BISP is untested and will be deployed in an environment where the ingenuity of con men and thieves has historically outstripped the state’s capacity to stop them. Also, the BISP’s condition of disbursal to only women holding CNICs is problematic because the very poorest women are the least likely to have a CNIC. Furthermore, the

BISP is no poverty panacea — it has a limited agenda of shoring up the purchasing power of Pakistan’s poorest. There is also the issue of outreach: given an average nuclear family of six individuals, the BISP will only help a quarter of Pakistan’s 77 million poor in the current phase. This is an unacceptably low percentage and every effort must be made to widen the net of the BISP at the earliest.

Meanwhile, the BISP must not become the only peg of the government’s social protection strategy. A radical overhaul of the Baitul Maal and Zakat disbursements, expansion of the utility stores network and crackdown on food hoarders and profiteers are just some of the other measures that must be undertaken simultaneously.

Finally, as long as the macroeconomic policies of this country produce poverty, firefighting schemes such as the BISP will be futile. To use President Zardari’s analogy, providing Pakistanis fish in the short run will be a hopeless exercise unless they are given the tools to fish in the long run.
You dont get it mate. India will always object to every bullet sold to Pakistan(successfully or not). That does not mean it is as Pakistan centric as it has been till now.

Its about India reacting to Pakistan's actions, that is what is changing. South Block's mandarins do the acting in the international arena without worrying about Pakistan, its Pakistan that reacts now.

Actually the fact that India objects to 'every bullet sold to Pakistan' pretty much invalidates your assertion that India is 'not reacting' to Pakistan. Pakistan's reactions to India are essentially along the same line - we object to military sales and strategic agreements that potentially bolster India's military. SO i fail to see how you can claim the India is not reacting but Pakistan is.

Last I checked it was India stooping low enough to lobby against Pakistani weapons sales to Vietnam - thats essentially lobbying against economic deals, since Vietnam poses no regional issues like Sri Lanka does. Nope, India is still reacting to pakistan - whether it stops now, as might be indicated by the announcement of not objecting to a 'Pakistani nuclear deal', we shall have to wait and see.
It depends on the level of obsession. Our obsession is healthy. we interfere whenever indian security is jeopardized.
I'm not a shrink nor have I studied Freud to tell the difference between obsession on level 1, 2 or 3.
To tell you the truth I couldn't care less if India is obsessed or not because it won't affect Pakistan. We've always countered every threat effectively, I'm damn sure we'll manage to do the same in future.

Our govt has made a paradigm shift in foreign policy. Our foreign policy is no longer dictated by actions in pakistan. The nuclear deal is the best example.
Good for India! :tup:
Please explain me why India is blocking Pakistan's entry into ASEAN. Why did India push with the Chahbahar project in Iran when we started to build Gwadar? Why did India try to block FMS to Pakistan from USA, France, Sweden and Switzerland when your military is already 3 times bigger and stronger? Why did you try to block Pakistani FMS to Vietnam?
Not Pakistan centric? Ya right!

But, almost all foreign policy statements in pak are largely on the war on terror or india.
War on Terror is brought on us because former Cold War players didn't clean up their mess in Afghanistan and we're stuck with the fall out. Its become a matter of national security, even more since one of our neighbor is involved in clandestine affairs in Afghanistan. So yes, our current foreign policy is partly designed to counter this threat. Whats wrong with that? To tell you in your words "We interfere whenever national security is jeopardized". :enjoy:

Our obsession with china is mostly business.
And China's growing military presence in the region.

We have taken a back seat for the time being with respect to the UNSC which again shows a healthy obsession.
No taken but driven to backseat because UNSC and the P5 aren't going to agree on the Veto issues.

We are constantly fighting for the rights of third world farmers, which include pakistan's population, against the US and EU over subsidies and opening up of agriculture.

We are also making large in roads into Africa.
I agree but India is not alone in this fight.
Then quit objecting every weapon sale to Pakistan and blaming ISI for ever child birth in India! :enjoy:

not only this every daid person and every missing thing even a monkey blamed to isi

every road accedend in india planed in pakistan:D
You dont get it mate. India will always object to every bullet sold to Pakistan(successfully or not). That does not mean it is as Pakistan centric as it has been till now.

Its about India reacting to Pakistan's actions, that is what is changing. South Block's mandarins do the acting in the international arena without worrying about Pakistan, its Pakistan that reacts now.

I agree with Agnostic's reply.

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