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Hunger in South Asia at levels of Ethiopia and Chad

Irish Times
October 16, 2008

TWELVE INDIAN provinces have worrying levels of hunger, with the situation "extremely alarming" in the central state of Madhya Pradesh, writes Rahul Bedi in New Delhi.

The development comes at a time when the country is emerging as one of the world's fastest-growing economies.

The 2008 Global Hunger Index report, released yesterday by the Washington-based International Food Policy Research Institute along with Welthungerhilfe and the University of California, warns that Madhya Pradesh's nutrition problems are comparable to those in Ethiopia and Chad. The report reveals that India has more than 200 million people suffering from hunger - a number greater than in any other country.

It also ranked India 66 out 88 countries on the global hunger index, taking into account three vital indicators: child malnutrition, rates of child mortality and the calorie-deficient population.

"Despite years of robust economic growth, India scored worse than nearly 25 sub-Saharan African countries and all of South Asia, except Bangladesh," the report noted.

The best-performing state was Punjab in the north but that too was afflicted by a "serious" hunger problem and measured up less well than developing countries like Gabon, Vietnam and Honduras.

Nutrition experts said India's abysmal record, despite self-sufficiency in food grains, is due to faulty, corrupt and bureaucratic distribution policies, insufficient access to food, poor feeding practices and poor childcare practices.

The recent spike in global food prices had further reduced the food-buying capacity of many poor families.

In addition, India's lower castes and specific ethnic minorities were discriminated against, pushing them further into impoverishment and starvation.

India's emphasis, in the early 1990s, on a market economy resulted after 2002 in an average annual growth rate of about 8 per cent.

Expansion was buoyed by a robust stock market, rising industrial output and escalating real estate prices. This resulted in western countries flocking to invest in India, further bolstering national economic growth. But the fruits of these achievements have remained confined to a handful of the nation's 1.2 billion people.

A study by the National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector revealed 77 per cent of the population exists on 20 Indian rupees (30 cent) a day.

© 2008 The Irish Times
Poverty deepens amid food, financial crises: UN
Thursday, October 16, 2008

DUBLIN: Much of the world today is consumed by fears of recession and unemployment. But for nearly a billion people, the fear is more basic having nothing to eat.

Experts from Africa, Europe and the United States gathering in Dublin for a conference on combating world hunger say the two are connected the drift toward recession in the world's wealthiest countries is already increasing malnutrition in the world's poorest ones.

The conference begins Thursday, United Nations' World Food Day. Development experts say a global community able to commit hundreds of billions to bolstering banks should be willing to commit a fraction of that to fighting hunger. An estimated 970 million people will hungry in the coming year, up from about 920 million last year.

But the experts worry that donors may cite the financial meltdown as a reason not to do more. “The poor are usually neglected. I think they're going to be even more neglected right now,'' said American economist Jeffrey Sachs, a Third World development expert and adviser to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

“People who have what they need to stay alive should be ready to spend 1 percent of their income to help those who don't have what they need to stay alive. But this has been impossible to achieve for decades, in good times and bad,'' he said. :)

Slow but steady........... so gradually but ultimately reaching upto to the right solutions as guided by almighty God in his last book Quran. (As Islamic "Zakaat" concept is instructed to the satisfied peoples to give 2.5% /anum on their savings).
As the socio-economical situation is continue down and going worst then bad quickly. Economist / thinkers are desprate to find solutions to confront the situation as quickly as possible, and as Mr. Jeffrey Sachs advised in the last of his statement (Highlighted in blue) they are gradually reaching the concept near to what is guided by Almighty Allah.....................so to safe the time, the lives, the self-respect and identity of the billions of poorest peoples of the globe, and to establish an better social culture.....................Why dont the scholars study "Quran" but unbiasly as neutral professionalist, take notes on the guidance on social & economical issues, think on those note and adopt once they are satisfy..... :tup:

* IFPRI says low educational status of women, poor nutrition and health programmes, major problems in South Asia​

NEW DELHI: Pakistan figures slightly better than India in a new global hunger index released by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in association with a German group Welthungerhilfe and Concern Worldwide.
While India ranks 66 out of the 88 countries on the 2008 Global Hunger Index, Pakistan stands at number 61. Bangladesh made the list at number 70. According to the authors of the report, three leading indicators - prevalence of child malnutrition, rate of child mortality, and the proportion of people who are calorie deficient – were the standards upon which the countries were rated.

"The world has made only slow progress in reducing hunger in past decades, with dramatic differences among countries and regions," said Ashok Gulathi, the IFPRI Asia director.

He said though current financial measures might bring some short-term relief for hungry people, as they will reduce commodity prices, but the credit crunch will make access to capital difficult, including for agriculture, and that could add another obstacle to overcoming the food crisis.

The report said that South Asian countries, along with Sub-Saharan Africa, still suffered from high levels of hunger.

South Asia:
The report’s author Purnima Menon said the major problem in the South Asian region was a high prevalence of underweight in children under five, resulting largely from the lower nutritional and educational status of women, poor nutrition and health programmes, and inadequate water and sanitation services.

"In contrast, the poor performance of Sub-Saharan Africa is due to high rates of child mortality and a large proportion of people who cannot meet their calorie requirements. Government ineffectiveness, conflict, and political instability, as well as high rates of HIV/AIDS, have driven these two indicators in the region," she said.

The report said economic development and growth stories had helped little to eradicate hunger in India. It has placed India's most developed state of Gujarat even below the Central African country of Haiti.

"We found link between economic development and hunger missing. We believe that eight to nine percent growth is not inclusive," said the IFPRI Asia director.

The IFPRI recommended three areas for high-priority policy actions including productivity and research, nutrition and social protection and elimination of agriculture trade restrictions.

The report calculated hunger levels for 17 major states in India, representing more than 95 percent of the population. Twelve states fall into the ‘alarming’ category and Madhya Pradesh was reported to have an ‘extremely alarming’ level of hunger. Four states — Punjab, Kerala, Haryana and Assam — fell in the 'serious' category.

The authors said India's poor performance was primarily due to its relatively high levels of child malnutrition and under-nourishment resulting from calorie deficient diets.
i think its just because we are 140 mn and they more then 1000mn
Dear Agno it has to be seen in the context; when Ban kay moon is bidding to change the status of india in parallel to China.
It is a rare news poping up other wise one women raped in Pakistan is treated differently and incidents of hundereds of Christians being burned alive and converted to hinduism on gun point is treated differently.
Indian state laws are no different than Martial laws and their sole purpose is to indimidate minorities but never any western news paper dare to report about prisoners dying in indian state custody.
Dear Agno it has to be seen in the context; when Ban kay moon is bidding to change the status of india in parallel to China.
It is a rare news poping up other wise one women raped in Pakistan is treated differently and incidents of hundereds of Christians being burned alive and converted to hinduism on gun point is treated differently.
Indian state laws are no different than Martial laws and their sole purpose is to indimidate minorities but never any western news paper dare to report about prisoners dying in indian state custody.

Hinduism has no facility for conversion and re-conversion. It is just some BS ritual made up just for the "occasion."

Indian state laws are no different than Martial laws
Again BS propoganda. Please come to india and point it out to me.
Your statement has no credibility. Indian state laws actually uphold minority rights. There is obviously a lot of resentment for that among the general population.
My father and Myself are both victims of minority upliftment laws.

My dad wasnt allowed transfer back to bangalore on the last few years before retirement because the equivalent post held by his co-worker happened to be from the Scheduled caste(Dalit).

The last seat in an engineering college I wanted was taken over by a muslim guy even though he had lesser marks than I had. I actually got the seat. Then the college authorities told me they would be withdrawing my name to accommodate the muslim guy to uphold the quota system.

Rules for seats in educational institutions are simple. If u are a brahmin and scored first rank. But, u are competing against a SC/ST, OBC, Muslim or Christian student who secured a rank of 50000. The SC/ST, OBC, Muslim or christian gets first priority regardless of rank. It is the same in govt jobs.

So, if u want proof. Then plz come to india. U will see proof staring at u in the face.

Reservation in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


This is along with the Tamil Nadu Graph

# It can be seen that the Backward Castes have gained more seats than their population at the expense of Forward Castes, Most Backward Castes, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
# On calculating the % of forward castes among all students admitted it works out 2.68% in 2005 (38 out of 1415) and 1.9% in 2004 (28 out of 1415).

When it comes to education and jobs, the backward classes have made forward classes 2nd citizens in our own country.

Stop reading Propaganda BS published in Pak. It is screwing with your minds on the truth.
Stop reading Propaganda BS published in Pak. It is screwing with your minds on the truth.

and start reading BS indian puplished .because they can't give food but dreams of superpower free for every indian
As for the topic at hand.

India actually grows enough food to feed its entire population and still be left with surplus. We grow 300 million tonnes of food grain alone every year.

The problems lie in the distribution systems that exist in india. Be it power, food or water. The distribution system is similar to what existed during independence. A lot of grain rots in govt godowns. Lot of it gets stolen. Either due to govt apathy or pests etc. the govt has not undertaken any major initiative to correct the distribution problems or has it planned to correct it either.
So, we have food for all. But, not the manpower or willpower to actually go out there and feed them all.

Indian Agriculture
I only managed to find the 2003-04 reports.
if things are getting worse, then y r u smiling????
oh they are Indians thats y.................................

plz put something good to read on the screen, including ur reactions about smiling on poverty issues of ur neighbour.......

Dontwannafite, sir
I am very sory, sir if i hurt your feelings any way, but what i think is , if india reduces its poverty, surly it will become a real superpower, iam 1000% sure about it, its the only big weekness , it has but , what my fear is, that india cant kill its poverty, because its unhumman caste system.:lol:
Dontwannafite, sir
I am very sory, sir if i hurt your feelings any way, but what i think is , if india reduces its poverty, surly it will become a real superpower, iam 1000% sure about it, its the only big weekness , it has but , what my fear is, that india cant kill its poverty, because its unhumman caste system.:lol:

Another evidently BS relation with poverty and caste.

U think european companies care if I am a dalit or brahmin unless I can get the job done.

If u actually think caste is going to keep us back, then u are gravely mistaken.
Another evidently BS relation with poverty and caste.

U think european companies care if I am a dalit or brahmin unless I can get the job done.

If u actually think caste is going to keep us back, then u are gravely mistaken.

it is actully, what you call, tearing india apart.
european companies care or not care ,i dont know but surly BALL JEE cares a lot ! if you are dalit or brahmin.
Well as I said we are trying to eradicate caste system.....

on;y our older generation is wrapped in caste system....... as new generation is coming foward, the caste system is going down........

Just for u to know that a low caste woman in INDIA is the chief minister of the state with largest Hindu population.......including brahmins...

Dontwannafite; sir
dont just try it, do it!
i think it is very easyin india, its very simple that , your primeminster can declar's in indiain parliment by a simple motion, that caste system is being banned, and india is not a hindu state any more.
see very easy !
it is actully, what you call, tearing india apart.
european companies care or not care ,i dont know but surly BALL JEE cares a lot ! if you are dalit or brahmin.

What the heck is BALL JEE????

As usual you make no sense again.
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