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Human breast milk new luxury for China's rich

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Feb 18, 2013
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This is some kinky out-there stuff man! :cheers:

One better than the Japanese sex dolls and "sleep partners."

Changes my impression and perception about the supposedly dour Chinese a whole lot.

Adult breastfeeding service enrages Chinese Web users - Taipei Times

Adult breastfeeding service enrages Chinese Web users

Human breast milk has become a new luxury for China’s rich, with some firms offering wet-nurse services, a report said, provoking outrage and disgust among Web users yesterday.

Xinxinyu, a domestic staff agency in the booming city of Shenzhen, which borders Hong Kong, provided wet nurses for newborns, the sick and other adults who pay high prices for the milk’s fine nutrition, the Southern Metropolis Daily said.

“Adult [clients] can drink it directly through breastfeeding, or they can always drink it from a breast pump if they feel embarrassed,” the report quoted company owner Lin Jun as saying.

Wet nurses serving adults are paid about 16,000 yuan (US$2,610) a month — more than four times the Chinese average — and those who are “healthy and good looking” can earn even more, the report said.

Traditional beliefs in some parts of China hold that human breast milk has the best and most easily digestible nutrition for people who are ill.

However, the report sparked heated debate in the media and on Chinese social media, with most users condemning the service as unethical.

“This adds to China’s problem of treating women as consumer goods and the moral degradation of China’s rich,” Cao Baoyin, a writer and regular commentator in various Chinese media, said on his blog.

Xinxinyu has been ordered to suspend its operations and had its business license revoked for multiple reasons, including missing three years of annual checks, regulators in Shenzhen said on Thursday, although the wet-nurse service was not among the factors they cited.

Company officials could not be reached for comment.

There were nearly 140,000 postings on Sina Weibo, a Chinese microblog, on the topic by yesterday afternoon.

In an online poll, almost 90 percent of participants voted against the service, saying it “violated ethical values,” while a fraction over 10 percent deemed it a “normal business practice.”

“People become perverts when they are too rich and tired of other forms of entertainment. This is disguised pornography,” a user with the online handle ricky_gao said.

White Lotus, another weibo writer, said: “Please do not force motherhood to lose its grace and become ridiculous.”

Other postings voiced cynical approval.

“It’s just a business, nothing to blame it for,” A Xiao Shuai said. “People are insensitive about ethics when there is money on the table.”
Something similar was proposed in Egypt, Saudi, and Kuwait as well apparently. With theological backing to add the necessary weight.

Islamic ‘Adult Breastfeeding’ Fatwas Return

Back in May 2007, Dr. Izzat Atiya, head of Al Azhar University’s Department of Hadith, issued a fatwa, or Islamic legal decree, saying that female workers should “breastfeed” their male co-workers in order to work in each other’s company. According to the BBC:

He said that if a woman fed a male colleague “directly from her breast” at least five times they would establish a family bond and thus be allowed to be alone together at work. “Breast feeding an adult puts an end to the problem of the private meeting, and does not ban marriage,” he ruled. “A woman at work can take off the veil or reveal her hair in front of someone whom she breastfed.”

Atiya based his fatwa on a hadith—a documented saying or doing of Islam’s prophet Muhammad and subsequently one of Sharia law’s sources of jurisprudence. Many Egyptians naturally protested this decree—hadith or no hadith—though no one could really demonstrate how it was un-Islamic; for the fatwa conformed to the strictures of Islamic jurisprudence. Still, due to the protests—not many Egyptian women were eager to “breastfeed” their male coworkers—the fatwa receded, and that was that.

However, because it was never truly rebutted, it kept making comebacks.

For instance, three years later in 2010, a high-ranking Saudi, Sheikh Abdul Mohsin al-Abaican issued a fatwa confirming that “women could give their milk to men to establish a degree of maternal relations and get around a strict religious ban on mixing between unrelated men and women.” But unlike Atiya’s fatwa, “the man should take the milk, but not directly from the breast of the woman. He should drink it [from a cup] and then [he] becomes a relative of the family, a fact that allows him to come in contact with the women without breaking Islam’s rules about mixing.”

Now, a report titled “Kuwaiti Activists: Husband Breastfeeding from Wife not Prohibited,” published earlier this month by Arabic RT (see also Garaa News) opens by announcing that “The adult breastfeeding fatwa has returned once again to the spotlight, after Kuwaiti Islamic activists supported the adult breastfeeding fatwa issued by the Egyptian Salafi, Sheikh Jamal al-Murakbi [different from Al Azhar's Sheikh Atiya]. This time around, the Kuwaitis examined the adult breastfeeding fatwa in the context of relations between a man and his wife.”

While the Kuwaiti sheikhs all essentially agree that the activity is not strictly forbidden according to Sharia—only “disliked” (literally makruh)—they are divided over the particulars:
•Sheikh Nazim Misbahi, head of the Fatwa Committee of the Islamic Heritage Revival Society in Kuwait, supports the decree, agreeing that “it is not forbidden [haram] for a man to breastfeed from his wife.”
•Sheikh Bassam al-Shatti, a Sharia professor, specifies: “If the husband deliberately sucks to obtain milk from the breast of his wife, this is forbidden; however, if it happens unintentionally during foreplay with his wife, then there is no problem—though it is disliked according to the four schools” of Sharia.
•Sheikh Sa’d al-Anzi stressed that “if the man, while being intimate with his wife, sucks her nipples, it is nothing, considered foreplay; but if the milk reaches his mouth, he should spit out—even if goes down in his stomach,” i.e., vomit.
Their country , their rules at least it's way better than legalised permitted brothels in western countries. We should look at bright part of this development.Good for rich guys as well as poor nurses as they get 4 month salary in just one month .

In between it's clear that many poor or not so rich Chinese don't like this idea hence the outrage, isn't it @HongWu ??
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Their country , their rules at least it's way better than legalised permitted brothels in western countries. We should look at bright part of this development.Good for rich guys as well as poor nurses.

In between it's clear that many poor or not so rich Chinese don't like this idea hence the outrage, isn't it @HongWu ??

I think you misunderstand. I am not being judgmental at all.

The article also says that away from the Western world, the breastfeeding rate (and duration) seems to be shortest in China, in spite of many programs to promote it. A lactating mother not breast feeding would anyways have to resort to a breast pump to remove the milk build up in her breasts. Not doing so causes painful engorgement, breast abscess, and eventually causes the milk flow to cease. So this way everyone wins. I just hope the kids are getting some too.
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Something similar was proposed in Egypt, Saudi, and Kuwait as well apparently. With theological backing to add the necessary weight.

Islamic ‘Adult Breastfeeding’ Fatwas Return

Back in May 2007, Dr. Izzat Atiya, head of Al Azhar University’s Department of Hadith, issued a fatwa, or Islamic legal decree, saying that female workers should “breastfeed” their male co-workers in order to work in each other’s company. According to the BBC:

He said that if a woman fed a male colleague “directly from her breast” at least five times they would establish a family bond and thus be allowed to be alone together at work. “Breast feeding an adult puts an end to the problem of the private meeting, and does not ban marriage,” he ruled. “A woman at work can take off the veil or reveal her hair in front of someone whom she breastfed.”

Atiya based his fatwa on a hadith—a documented saying or doing of Islam’s prophet Muhammad and subsequently one of Sharia law’s sources of jurisprudence. Many Egyptians naturally protested this decree—hadith or no hadith—though no one could really demonstrate how it was un-Islamic; for the fatwa conformed to the strictures of Islamic jurisprudence. Still, due to the protests—not many Egyptian women were eager to “breastfeed” their male coworkers—the fatwa receded, and that was that.

However, because it was never truly rebutted, it kept making comebacks.

For instance, three years later in 2010, a high-ranking Saudi, Sheikh Abdul Mohsin al-Abaican issued a fatwa confirming that “women could give their milk to men to establish a degree of maternal relations and get around a strict religious ban on mixing between unrelated men and women.” But unlike Atiya’s fatwa, “the man should take the milk, but not directly from the breast of the woman. He should drink it [from a cup] and then [he] becomes a relative of the family, a fact that allows him to come in contact with the women without breaking Islam’s rules about mixing.”

Now, a report titled “Kuwaiti Activists: Husband Breastfeeding from Wife not Prohibited,” published earlier this month by Arabic RT (see also Garaa News) opens by announcing that “The adult breastfeeding fatwa has returned once again to the spotlight, after Kuwaiti Islamic activists supported the adult breastfeeding fatwa issued by the Egyptian Salafi, Sheikh Jamal al-Murakbi [different from Al Azhar's Sheikh Atiya]. This time around, the Kuwaitis examined the adult breastfeeding fatwa in the context of relations between a man and his wife.”

While the Kuwaiti sheikhs all essentially agree that the activity is not strictly forbidden according to Sharia—only “disliked” (literally makruh)—they are divided over the particulars:
•Sheikh Nazim Misbahi, head of the Fatwa Committee of the Islamic Heritage Revival Society in Kuwait, supports the decree, agreeing that “it is not forbidden [haram] for a man to breastfeed from his wife.”
•Sheikh Bassam al-Shatti, a Sharia professor, specifies: “If the husband deliberately sucks to obtain milk from the breast of his wife, this is forbidden; however, if it happens unintentionally during foreplay with his wife, then there is no problem—though it is disliked according to the four schools” of Sharia.
•Sheikh Sa’d al-Anzi stressed that “if the man, while being intimate with his wife, sucks her nipples, it is nothing, considered foreplay; but if the milk reaches his mouth, he should spit out—even if goes down in his stomach,” i.e., vomit.

Your this post seems bit out of place and was not needed to be posted here.
Your this post seems bit out of place and was not needed to be posted here.

I agree. Its out of place on the Chinese forum. Maybe the mods could move it to a more general Social Affairs forum or something. Am not really sure bro. Just sounded similar.
Bit fcked up. There was the Breast Milk ice cream in the UK :pissed:


China is not the only country that has seen a rise in breast milk for adults. In 2011, London outlet The Icreamists hit the headlines with its Baby Gaga dessert (pictured) made from human breast milk and served with a rusk

The first website offering breast milk for sale was launched in 2010 and it has steadily grown since then. In the UK, as well as NHS registered breast milk banks for mothers who cannot breast feed their babies themselves, there are also women selling supplies to adults, who claim it helps with a variety of ailments. In 2011, London outlet The Icreamists hit headlines around the world with their Baby Gaga ice-cream made from breast milk and served with a rusk.

Other countries take the supposed health benefits of breast milk very seriously. Cancer patients, or those with digestive disorders or immune problems, can obtain breast milk on prescription in the U.S. Trials are also underway in California for a breast milk acne cream.

Read more: Human breast milk becomes new luxury item for China's super-rich with firms even offering wet nurse services | Mail Online
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