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Xi Jinping Gets Mocked Going After New Zealand on Food Safety

Freedom of expression is allowing Liu Xiaobo and thousands like him to voice their opinion in public without getting jailed with entire family, or going to the gallows.

Freedom of expression is not monitoring what media should report or should not report, and not blocking media from presenting news like Noble prize winning ceremony of Liu Xiaobo, and even allowing him to be present there.

Freedom of expression is not hiding the worst part of history like Tienanmen Square massacre and not try to delete all records of it from the country's history.

And many more.....you won't understand.

@Destro And your Weibo is monitored by the Govt. Only daring ones write negative against CCP there, obviously the negative comments will be miniscule.

Freedom is to be able to have food on the table.

Freedom is to have a toilet.

Freedom is not bring pigeonholed into a caste system.

Freedom is the ability to start a
business and not have the government bureaucracy interfere.

Freedom is a currency that is stable where people can afford to buy basic necessities.

Freedom is a government that tries to improve the living standards of its people and not wasting the tax money on weapons imports to fight imaginary enemies.

Freedom is to have an independent foreign policy.

Freedom is to have a professional media that isn't controlled by the CIA.

Freedom is not being ruled by white people, especially those pesky white women.
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Does that mean Weibo is heavily monitored and CCP knows the identity of each user?

I think we are not doing anything different from the yankees on inland security or other countries like india, uk,france, japan, s korea, australia, canada, israel, russia etc for that matter
Weibo does have verification for ID. There are frequent and group of known people that post anti-establishment comment on Weibo.

That is why, when outside media say China do not have freedom of speech, it make Chinese feel funny because they can read these comments online all the time.

Xi JinPing is defending the Chinese people interest when he question New Zealand. That is his job and what he is suppose to do.

Chinese people are not stupid and they know this.

They can also tell that those people that mock Xi is not looking after their interest.

That is why in China, those people get the same level of respect like as circus clown.
Does that mean Weibo is heavily monitored and CCP knows the identity of each user?

Identity verification is required, but not forced.

Just functionally like Twitter, weibo is a relatively free Internet social network. Many corrupted officials were caught because of weibo, because our netizens disclose and repost their corrupt evidence.
I think we are not doing anything different from the yankees on inland security or other countries like india, uk,france, japan, s korea, australia, canada, israel, russia etc for that matter

That's what I want to know, what exactly is the process of monitoring? How do they verify identity of the users, from the IP addresses? Or there is actually a physical process to confirm the identity? Only verifying IP addresses shouldn't be considered as a full proof method, as there are public computers also. Then what they are actually doing?

Please don't answer if it is not safe to answer for any reason.
In one way they say there is no freedom of speech while on the other they frequently quote comments from Weibo which suit their tastes. Weibo has hundreds of million of users.
These clowns are cheerleaders making fun of themselves all the time!

Here's a challenge for you. (despite me defending Congress over BJP)- I say the following-

'Congress is a bunch of @$$holes, scumbags, idiots and numbnuts. They're a bunch of numbskulls who are perpetual f**kups who've sc*ewed our country over and over. Many of them ought to be shot' (Of course the only party worse is BJP)

Now...say the same thing about CCP and I'll agree you have 'voice' :enjoy::D:sarcastic:
Here's a challenge for you. (despite me defending Congress over BJP)- I say the following-

'Congress is a bunch of @$$holes, scumbags, idiots and numbnuts. They're a bunch of numbskulls who are perpetual f**kups who've sc*ewed our country over and over. Many of them ought to be shot' (Of course the only party worse is BJP)

Now...say the same thing about CCP and I'll agree you have 'voice' :enjoy::D:sarcastic:

this is not a challenge but a mentally challenged stating stupidities on the forum
And who said the Chinese people do not have a voice?
Face to face? There is protection in anonymity. But for true honesty, can Xi Jinping or any other Party leaders stand criticisms face to face from an individual citizen?
Here's a challenge for you. (despite me defending Congress over BJP)- I say the following-

'Congress is a bunch of @$$holes, scumbags, idiots and numbnuts. They're a bunch of numbskulls who are perpetual f**kups who've sc*ewed our country over and over. Many of them ought to be shot' (Of course the only party worse is BJP)

Now...say the same thing about CCP and I'll agree you have 'voice' :enjoy::D:sarcastic:

I think many of the above postings have already answered your call
Not to feed troll no more!
It's so funny now these western propaganda mouthpieces go searching for Weibo posts that criticise the CPC and glorify the west. The few netizens that criticise the CPC are cherry picked and exaggerated to represent the opinion of every Chinese :lol:

The western propaganda is good, very good.

For every 1 Weibo post bashing the CPC, there are 50 others posts supporting the CPC. But of course the western propaganda mouthpieces never want to publish the Weibo posts supporting the CPC for defending Chinese interests and getting tough on foreign companies that abuse their position in China.
Didn't you know they have a whole department in the media mainly to search Chinese social media user opinion and exaggerate about it? Talking about desperation. The next time Xi fart, I bet there will be massive news on all US major media. LOL
Face to face? There is protection in anonymity. But for true honesty, can Xi Jinping or any other Party leaders stand criticisms face to face from an individual citizen?

I can see a lot of trivial people and marginal professionals are doing these stupid things all the time

now take your pill marginal!
The idiot say we are brainwashed, but from their comments, can't understand why they are such ignorant, self-righous in their "democratic and free" country, low IQ or brainwashed deeplier than chinese?
The idiot say we are brainwashed, but from their comments, can't understand why they are such ignorant, self-righous in their "democratic and free" country, low IQ or brainwashed deeplier than chinese?

indeed while we are laughing at those low IQs all the way and at intensity that they are brainwashed by their own media! america - yes we scan! india - the next superpowder!
That's what I want to know, what exactly is the process of monitoring? How do they verify identity of the users, from the IP addresses? Or there is actually a physical process to confirm the identity? Only verifying IP addresses shouldn't be considered as a full proof method, as there are public computers also. Then what they are actually doing?

Please don't answer if it is not safe to answer for any reason.

Weibo verify ID with our ID card number, it's importance is just like SSN in US.

Every verified Weibo user has a 80 credit points record(maybe 60, I cant remember), rumors or "out-of-line" comments associated with political sensitive, or better to say CPC security will lead to credit points reduction. Once your points is below 40, you will be banned and can't speak to the public.

BTW, Weibo has a sensitive word recognition system. Some specific word are pre-defined as sensitive, we can't input such word.

Actually, we can post political comments to rather freely more than you thought, but don;t be too straightly against CPC, nobody will really waste time catch you...:china:
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