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Huge: IAF confirms operationalisation of Rafales

Aug 29, 2018
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Meteor has turned to be not a game changer but infact it changed the entire world of BVR combat. It is similar to how jet engine discovery impacted world of air combat.
Meteor has turned to be not a game changer but infact it changed the entire world of BVR combat. It is similar to how jet engine discovery impacted world of air combat.
Once upon a time Indians Sukhois also changed the face of Aerial combat , they were on top of food chain in their hangers , everyone thought they were invincible, there was no weapon in existence which could even put a scratch on them and then on one fateful day they met falcons and then the Sukhois were no longer invincible. I fear Rafale will share their fate too.
So like eight foreign fighters will change the world for India?

The Pacific islanders of Vanatu worshiped an American pilot John Frum as a god because he flew there in an airplane:

Once upon a time Indians Sukhois also changed the face of Aerial combat , they were on top of food chain in their hangers , everyone thought they were invincible, there was no weapon in existence which could even put a scratch on them and then on one fateful day they met falcons and then the Sukhois were no longer invincible. I fear Rafale will share their fate too.

And in the end Su30mki pilots were given awards not for firing missiles or shooting down enemy aircrafts but for dodging missiles fired by enemy aircrafts :lol:

Complex missions were conducted.
Best part is Large Force engagement (LFE) were simulated in exercise in which two pairs of Rafales proved their mettle by neutralizing an entire enemy Offensive Counter-Air (OCA) package (16 fighter jets).
@kursed @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Signalian @Bratva @Hodor
What did oca consist of and what other assets were there with rafales
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