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Huge: IAF confirms operationalisation of Rafales

Good for you guys. As for Pakistanis, underestimating the enemy does not help, better prep does.

We were prepared 27th Feb, we will be prepared for next round. What we do not do is go around and do a brain fart whenever we manage to fly a foreign plane correctly.

Next news story will be "IAF manages to take off and land Rafale"....
Meteor has turned to be not a game changer but infact it changed the entire world of BVR combat. It is similar to how jet engine discovery impacted world of air combat.
Yes after it being operationalized 20 years ago every country ran towards ramjet based missles

USA, russia and china then tried for 20 years but none were able to devlped any due to MBDA being 100 years ahead in technology from these third world countries..

Ultimately usa china decided to give up and devlope dual pulse engines rockets PL15& AIM120D-260 that have more range then meteor but still inferior as indians dont believe it
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Q. Will these French comes and fight for India when the shit hit the fan and China decides to turn the knife in!!!

A: Nope.

They would be arriving to sell more weapons to the Indians.

Indians would demand, we want men with the machines. How much are men worth!!! :omghaha:
These Western European LGBTs are as worthless as maggots when it comes to fight like a man!!! Hence, President Trump was damn mad at them.....
The Rafale has many advanced technologies and it can be used on aircraft carriers. The Rafale's only problem is that it's expensive, but India has the money

Buying a few dozen Rafales doesn't make India any more powerful than China or Pakistan, but it does slightly increase the strength of the Indian air force and navy.

Buying Rafale is the right decision.
Meteor has turned to be not a game changer but infact it changed the entire world of BVR combat. It is similar to how jet engine discovery impacted world of air combat.
No man ramjet engines r not something new. They r always there. Still new versions of multiple BVRs are not Ramjet based.

Its always cost v/s benefit. The cost of ramjet and meteor id insanely high.

PL15 achieve similar or higher range at a much lower cost
Every time Indians put a nut on a bolt, it's either breaking news or huge achievement.
As for giving example of Egypt and Qatar, i believe it was some six years after their induction that SU-30MKI participated in their first International exercise....what does that tell us.
Oh once the joke doing rounds in RAF and other English speaking Airforces was ......What's the difference between French pilots and a Bucket of crap ?
Answer....... The Bucket. !!
Once upon a time Indians Sukhois also changed the face of Aerial combat , they were on top of food chain in their hangers , everyone thought they were invincible, there was no weapon in existence which could even put a scratch on them and then on one fateful day they met falcons and then the Sukhois were no longer invincible. I fear Rafale will share their fate too.
Well sukhois were deadly in early 2000s when Pakistan didn’t even have bvrs in their arsenal. But two decades of zero upgradation have made them lag behind.
Everything will be solved when the sukhois will get their mid life upgrades.

Complex missions were conducted.
Best part is Large Force engagement (LFE) were simulated in exercise in which two pairs of Rafales proved their mettle by neutralizing an entire enemy Offensive Counter-Air (OCA) package (16 fighter jets).
@kursed @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Signalian @Bratva @Hodor

2 Rafales neutralised 16 aircraft, in what way , shot them down? Deterred further entry? Such feats will be very hard to replicate in real life combat, due to many variables.

Anyway, the plan for Rafales and Meteor is this, wait till the 400km successor comes out.....

Ismai "huge" kya hai ?

inka achar danlay thodi na laye they.. :sarcastic:
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Well sukhois were deadly in early 2000s when Pakistan didn’t even have bvrs in their arsenal. But two decades of zero upgradation have made them lag behind.
Everything will be solved when the sukhois will get their mid life upgrades.
Sure thing, and in the meanwhile I'll make sure Pakistan puts a ban on acquisition of new and upgradation of existing platforms.
Well sukhois were deadly in early 2000s when Pakistan didn’t even have bvrs in their arsenal. But two decades of zero upgradation have made them lag behind.
Everything will be solved when the sukhois will get their mid life upgrades.

"will happen", "going to happen", "in the future" Blah blah blah.

In the meantime the whole world will stop modernising and wait for India.

More and more these days Indian posters are becoming delusional and posting crap as reality of last 10 years of LCA failure and lack of massive intake of new planes is now dawning on them.

IAF will be down to less than 25 squadrons very soon. Effectively stopping it being a deterrence to China and Pakistan
"will happen", "going to happen", "in the future" Blah blah blah.

In the meantime the whole world will stop modernising and wait for India.

More and more these days Indian posters are becoming delusional and posting crap as reality of last 10 years of LCA failure and lack of massive intake of new planes is now dawning on them.

IAF will be down to less than 25 squadrons very soon. Effectively stopping it being a deterrence to China and Pakistan

When you liberating Srinagar and Kashmir then, what's the delay about ? :)
When you liberating Srinagar and Kashmir then, what's the delay about ? :)

No one is starting a war, that would be insane, only your leaders talk of war, Imran Khan has never mentioned it, but of course if you start we can happily pay you back like Feb 27th.

To stick to the topic through, with every passing year, PAF becomes more modern, China becomes stronger and the IAF gets smaller.

You have 7 MIG-21 squadrons about to retire with only 1 Rafale squadron replacing them

You have 6 Jaguar Squadrons that are still un modernised and will need replacing.

PAF is now averaging 1 new JF-17 Sqd every year. Add any J-10C or more F-16s you can see all our Mirages gone in 3 years and still maintain squadron strength

China now has

700 J-11/J-16/SU-30s
450 J-10Cs
60 J-20s

Game is up now
2 Rafales neutralised 16 aircraft, in what way , shot them down? Deterred further entry? Such feats will be very hard to replicate in real life combat, due to many variables.
Seems the Indians have once again shot themselves in the foot again.
Say even if it was the truth, were these so called 16 kills achieved in just one mission or over a period.
Even if IAF had the confidence to send up so many aircraft in a single mission, was each Rafale carrying at least 8 missiles each to score 16 kills.
And above all, since the participants involved Rafales, MKIs and Mirage-2000.....so naturally the victim were these types.....all flown by Indian pilots.
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