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HQ-9 Air Defence System acquired by PAF?

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^and this will go as our real strength. INSHAALLAH
till then people should keep thinking we are bluffing and it isn't around, especially the enemies. :)

But the problem is, almost all the bluffs came true.:smokin::smokin::smokin:
lets hope the we will get few of these soon if haven't already
Pakistan's military is well prepared for any aggression of the enemy and deploying such kind of weaponry would enhance the powers of military manifold.
Nuke subs, well why not get 2 or more conventional subs with AIP system in the price of 1 nuke sub, which can fire AShM as well as conventional warhead equipped or nuke tipped warheads and give IN a headache. 2 subs with such capability are much more useful compared to one nuclear sub, reason being we do not have ambitions to become a blue water navy to go on long route missions. We are a defensive navy, which has to protect its sea shore and mount offensive when given the chance.
A nuke sub does more than that Taimi. I really thought you would give more thought to this aspect.

Two types of nuke subs-SSN and SSBN. This one that India is building is an SSBN..
It does hell of a lot to Pakistan's strategies in war. I can give you a small example. Pakistan being a smaller and weaker in conventional military holds its nukes as a threat. Should something drastically go wrong in war, it uses the threat of nukes as first strike. Being larger, India will not be the first to use nukes.

In this scenario, an SSBN preempts the possibility that Pakistan might have -a first strike by Pakistan which would be able to eliminate Indian nukes or delivery vehicles. It assures Pakistan that ANY nuclear strike regardless of the damage it might cause on Indian mainland would invite a retaliatory strike. Thus guaranteeing second strike by India. And thus ensuring that Pakistan knows a first strike is of limited use, it would mean suicide both ways. It blunts Pakistani threat in a big way. Coupled with the ABM systems India is investing in..and you see the picture faced by Pakistan. Ofcourse nothing's perfect, but you see its about calculating the change in probability by the introduction of these systems by India.

That is why you never have countries keeping SSBN's in secret. The purpose is to let the world know that you have second strike capability.

The second type of nuke sub is SSN. Meant for carrier protection, hunting other subs, etc. Im sure you know all about this one.
signature of nuclear sub lease

Nuclear sub doesn't affects Pakistan, as we have sufficient first strike nuke options available in the form of SSMs and aircraft delivery options. Our posture is defensive, not offensive.

MTA sign with 80 on order

Doesn't affects Pakistan, as its a transport plane and India needs to replace its existing old fleet also. Its not an offensive weapon system, its a transport plane.

Pakfa order signed 50

A decade there to get it into inducted or may be more, enough time to get a counter to it, so this field is still wide open for us.

new naval mig29k signed

SO ?? India has many more Mig-29s and they are getting an aircraft carrier, which needs fighter aircraft, especially when the harriers are getting old and will have to be retired.

globemaster iii on the verge of signing once cleared

Not an offensive weapon, transport aircraft, won't affect Pakistan in any way.

50 additional su30 MK-I3 signed

I hope you have heard the procurement and up gradation of F-16s and procurement of FC-20s, which are gonna being inducted to counter these MKIs and other Indian stuff.

New 80 choppers signed dec 2008

transport ones again, doesn't affects Pakistan in offensive nature, we are getting our own ones for transport as well as attack ones, even in a few years hopefully decision about a new attack helicopter would be done also.

new frigates signed for

So are we getting and will order more in coming years, as again, we are a defensive force, thus few good reliable platforms more then enough to counter the offensive force.

What I meant was we procure a system which becomes a counter to any offensive platform inducted by India. We not need to induct each and everything and make ourselves a junk yard. We procure as per the threat, even may be after 5 years after Indian platform getting inducted.

Nice post Buddy :cheers:.
India is getting defense equipment along with tech transfer or JV's what will you do to counter it?
Nice post Buddy :cheers:.
India is getting defense equipment along with tech transfer or JV's what will you do to counter it?

Sorry but everything india buys from russia or such as..
india dont get full tech transfer.
do not think india has advanced technologies.
Sorry but everything india buys from russia or such as..
india dont get full tech transfer.
do not think india has advanced technologies.

India has one of the best technical and research establishments in the world.
Sorry but everything india buys from russia or such as..
india dont get full tech transfer.
do not think india has advanced technologies.

India is buying equipment with tech transfer clause :cheers:
Not really..
go search for the things that india gets from other countries.
most of them arent full techs transfer.
and options are some of them limited.
Not really..
go search for the things that india gets from other countries.
most of them arent full techs transfer.
and options are some of them limited.

India is one of the technologygly most Advanced Countries, they are Super Power and Rule the World and need no Tech Transfer ....:rofl:
India is one of the technologygly most Advanced Countries, they are Super Power and Rule the World and need no Tech Transfer ....:rofl:

India needs no Tech Transfer? I beg to differ.

Do you know Mat Damon, the guy who plays in Bourne Identity? Mat went to India in a voluntary mission of tech transfer last year and soon was reported eacaping from India out of shock!

What Mat dedicated in that mission was Technologies Transfer for building toilets. Go google it, man. :lol:
to sum up the thread....I always felt there won't be any further war between IND & Pak ..so since threz military parity..but reading in this forum has given me ample ideas that India is getting more hightec stuff and the military balance is going over the roof favouring INDIA alarmingly..even the Pak nukes are getting countered pathetically by ABM & SSBN etc..so in the next decade when all the MRCA & FPGA's India buying comes into picture the military tilt gets even worse..more so is the willingness on the part of US to give highteck stuff ( their designs to counter china) eventually a threat towards Pakistan..and other factor is Israel..who is willing to give India anything it wants in return of hard cash..which India has and the dramatic economic growth of India the military tilt is more in future quality & quantity..and the arms race continues until either country throws in the white towel..in this case it seems Pakistan:oops:...and soon milit planners Pakistan realises this the better..ie be not a pawn in US or China..make peace with INDIA ASAP..!!!
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