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HQ-9 Air Defence System acquired by PAF?

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yes i agree to your points but the quoted part was true till a few years back but in the last 3-4 years every morning i get up and have breakfast i see india buying new weapons this , that or planes that history bit has been now overwhelmed

as far the discussion check my next post i saw having a part of the system does not confer the operational ability the thread here speaks about taking out MKIs from other members also thats why i said the system being operational is a big question mark so the claims of taking out mkis can only be true if any official confirms the operational ability

And what system that India has for which Pakistan has not gone or not going for a counter system. As i said one way or another, meaning Su-30 does not means another Su-30 kind of thing from Pakistan, rather something which can counter it. AWACS got the AEW&Cs, Smerch got the A-100s, T-90s will get a counter tank in the shape of AK-1 or some other upgraded platform.

Yes, issues are there for Pakistan in acquiring the platform, but eventually they do get a counter.

And yeah its a big question, and it should remain a big question mark, as that would be much better in any future conflict.
And what system that India has for which Pakistan has not gone or not going for a counter system. As i said one way or another, meaning Su-30 does not means another Su-30 kind of thing from Pakistan, rather something which can counter it. AWACS got the AEW&Cs, Smerch got the A-100s, T-90s will get a counter tank in the shape of AK-1 or some other upgraded platform.

Yes, issues are there for Pakistan in acquiring the platform, but eventually they do get a counter.

And yeah its a big question, and it should remain a big question mark, as that would be much better in any future conflict.

yes all the systems you said belongs to a period of the first half of 2000 decade whos results are showing now as the procurement and delivery takes a long time but in the past 2 years the amount of contracts signed by indian forces and pakistan forces the ratio is quite alarming because the results of these will show in the next decade or show not now and to counter the high end systems you dont need to match them but just negate the potential india is buying weapons at a high rate but most of these are from multiple vendors and many will be proven war-horses in case of pakistan the diversity is lacking thats my point you cannot rely on one system if you are defending in case of a conflict pakistan has put all the things in one basket so as to say all future high end procurement seems to be aimed towards china

nobody is saying to match one on one but atleast an alternate platform for every defence equipment is needed when fighting a defensive war i that filed the orders in the last 2 years have been poor from the pakistani establishment

sir point me any new high end deal or cutting edge technology signed in the last 2 years < all awacs tanks subs were signed before that >by paf or pakistani establishment dosent matter if its bought or self made there is none so ever all the deals are on hold
while india did sign actually on paper a lot of things that is alarming

thats the point i wanted to make refrdin the history bit
yes all the systems you said belongs to a period of the first half of 2000 decade whos results are showing now as the procurement and delivery takes a long time but in the past 2 years the amount of contracts signed by indian forces and pakistan forces the ratio is quite alarming because the results of these will show in the next decade or show not now and to counter the high end systems you dont need to match them but just negate the potential india is buying weapons at a high rate but most of these are from multiple vendors and many will be proven war-horses in case of pakistan the diversity is lacking thats my point you cannot rely on one system if you are defending in case of a conflict pakistan has put all the things in one basket so as to say all future high end procurement seems to be aimed towards china

nobody is saying to match one on one but atleast an alternate platform for every defence equipment is needed when fighting a defensive war i that filed the orders in the last 2 years have been poor from the pakistani establishment

sir point me any new high end deal or cutting edge technology signed in the last 2 years < all awacs tanks subs were signed before that >by paf or pakistani establishment dosent matter if its bought or self made there is none so ever all the deals are on hold
while india did sign actually on paper a lot of things that is alarming

thats the point i wanted to make refrdin the history bit

can you point out what high end defence procurements India has done in the last 2 years or so that is so much worthy to be afraid of.

What new systems India has ordered in the last 2 years ??
we got Chinese made YLC-2 Radars long time back, the same Radar which is part of mobile HQ-9 Batteries & after confirmation of A-100 I am sure we have HQ-9 some where out there :D
China-Made Radars Being Delivered To Pakistan

yes all the systems you said belongs to a period of the first half of 2000 decade whos results are showing now as the procurement and delivery takes a long time but in the past 2 years the amount of contracts signed by indian forces and pakistan forces the ratio is quite alarming because the results of these will show in the next decade or show not now and to counter the high end systems you dont need to match them but just negate the potential india is buying weapons at a high rate but most of these are from multiple vendors and many will be proven war-horses in case of pakistan the diversity is lacking thats my point you cannot rely on one system if you are defending in case of a conflict pakistan has put all the things in one basket so as to say all future high end procurement seems to be aimed towards china

nobody is saying to match one on one but atleast an alternate platform for every defence equipment is needed when fighting a defensive war i that filed the orders in the last 2 years have been poor from the pakistani establishment

sir point me any new high end deal or cutting edge technology signed in the last 2 years < all awacs tanks subs were signed before that >by paf or pakistani establishment dosent matter if its bought or self made there is none so ever all the deals are on hold
while india did sign actually on paper a lot of things that is alarming

thats the point i wanted to make refrdin the history bit

Don't you see Pakistan going for spada, giving us diversity you was talking about. I mean Pakistan is also gone for multiple platforms, and many may be secret still.
some believe that HQ-9 is based on S-300, however there are also some sources that hint that Chinese had acquired some technology of Patriot missiles through Israel to be integrated into HQ-9, so does this mean it's better than both of them if not on paper than in actual performance :yahoo:
Don't you see Pakistan going for spada, giving us diversity you was talking about. I mean Pakistan is also gone for multiple platforms, and many may be secret still.

that was a reply to the history of parity and by the way can you please confirm when the spada deal was signed?
some believe that HQ-9 is based on S-300, however there are also some sources that hint that Chinese had acquired some technology of Patriot missiles through Israel to be integrated into HQ-9, so does this mean it's better than both of them if not on paper than in actual performance :yahoo:

better than both on actual performance by the way when did it actually perform in which war or conflict may i know please there is a limit to speculation

about S-300 you can get the idea about its capability when you see the israelis screaming not to supply to iran at any cost
S-300 is past now S-400 is what is game-changer and its been installed in russia at a great pace
can you point out what high end defence procurements India has done in the last 2 years or so that is so much worthy to be afraid of.

What new systems India has ordered in the last 2 years ??

there is nothing to be afraid of i was pointing towards a lot of equipment purchases of high end that you said that pakistan always maintain parity with....

signature of nuclear sub lease
MTA sign with 80 on order
Pakfa order signed 50
new naval mig29k signed
globemaster iii on the verge of signing once cleared
50 additional su30 MK-I3 signed
New 80 choppers signed dec 2008
new frigates signed for

all of these will be delivered that will replace older generation stuff and upgrade it to the next level where is the history of parity in this some of these are new like developments and not even replacements
all of these and many more none of them are in service but all deals are not speculations its signed on paper in the last 2 years
speculation is india getting F-35 or aegis or S-400 as there are no signature to these claims
there is nothing to be afraid of i was pointing towards a lot of equipment purchases of high end that you said that pakistan always maintain parity with....

signature of nuclear sub lease
MTA sign with 80 on order
Pakfa order signed 50
new naval mig29k signed
globemaster iii on the verge of signing once cleared
50 additional su30 MK-I3 signed
New 80 choppers signed dec 2008
new frigates signed for

all of these will be delivered that will replace older generation stuff and upgrade it to the next level where is the history of parity in this some of these are new like developments and not even replacements
all of these and many more none of them are in service but all deals are not speculations its signed on paper in the last 2 years
speculation is india getting F-35 or aegis or S-400 as there are no signature to these claims

So are you unaware of Pakistan's procurement or news deals for procurement..
I mean F22 frigates,,,
J10B's and do not tell me about their capability as no one have that information yet,
250-300 JF17 block I and II
upcoming is the deal of submarines.
some speculation recently rised about US may offer F35 to Pakistan as it been a long standing customer of LM by 2018-20.
Some speculations are also emerging about Pakistan going for JXX to counter PAK FA at somewhere around 2020-2022.
Saab 2000
KJ2000 variant for Pakistan i.e., Y-8
Recently few unconfirmed news of Pakistan leasing Nuclear Submarine from China also popped up.
etc etc,,,,

So I think Pakistan is on the right track.:cheers:
Taimi Bhai will elaborate you further.
So are you unaware of Pakistan's procurement or news deals for procurement..
I mean F22 frigates,,,
J10B's and do not tell me about their capability as no one have that information yet,
250-300 JF17 block I and II
upcoming is the deal of submarines.
some speculation recently rised about US may offer F35 to Pakistan as it been a long standing customer of LM.
Some speculations are also emerging about Pakistan going for JXX to counter PAK FA at somewhere around 2020-2022.
Saab 2000
KJ2000 variant for Pakistan i.e., Y-8
Recently few unconfirmed news of Pakistan leasing Nuclear Submarine from China also popped up.
etc etc,,,,

So I think Pakistan is on the right track.:cheers:
Taimi Bhai will elaborate you further.

my friend you are agin coming up with figures before the last 2 years show me the links of signature to your claims that comes post 2008 all the news i get here from the forum for the last 2 years off of them have been speculation no signatures

jf-17 was much before planned and executed its flying now
saab 2000 was before 2008 a when india also started with the phalcon somewhere 2004-05
F-22 frigates deal was done much before 2008 if i am not wrong
spada was 2007 as you said
thats what i am saying what i gave the list was not speculation even
J-10b signed can you give me the link to signature confirmation last i heard was its delayed and was this in the last year or two?

Some speculations are also emerging about Pakistan going for JXX to counter PAK FA at somewhere around 2020-2022.

yes speculation thats y point eve this thread is speculation my point was speculation on open forum vs signature on paper inter government levels

Recently few unconfirmed news of Pakistan leasing Nuclear Submarine from China also popped up.

again unconfirmed news from forums and blogs official links or it never happened
element of surprise is ok but false claims to satisfy oneself is not

some speculation recently rised about US may offer F35 to Pakistan as it been a long standing customer of LM.

another speculation ...... what to say for this just one comment let america and its allies who paid for them have it first in numbers

all i get is speculation against a claim even indians on this forum speculate that F-35 is coming to them aswell also others like S-400 ageis and even the authorities have offered these to them

the historical parity was there but its gone now in the near future its showing signs of eroding out if its not acted upon now

So are you unaware of Pakistan's procurement or news deals for procurement..

i am throughly aware my friend thats why i am saying this is what i have been doing for the last 1.5 years day in day out together with my studies but i think you need to know more the actual detail rather than believe these speculations
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Basically, Russia and China are sort of important alliances to counter against U.S, they have developed military exercises and political previously.

Then Russia supplied to India desperately all of the lists equipments in your post above that would use against China, one of your best pal. agreed?

1. false - untrue why?
chinas rise militarily has been only this decade they have made advances but still behind europe or america its a fact not speculation

Then Russia supplied to India desperately

and you mean russia didnt supply to china at all ? check the history of the 90s and the chinese deals with russia and how they outnumber indian deals

so thats a false argument russia sold china fighters , engines , missiles and what not still supplying S-300 recently delivered huge numbers of engines and flankers delivered

the post is incorrect and holds no argument
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