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How's your perception of other nations changed on the PDF

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and u r doing gr8 job..

Yep. :P

The best way to turn Chinese against Indians, is to get the Indians themselves to post more of the "slanty-eyed chinks" or other anti-Chinese stuff.

Looks like I have managed to turn RockyX to help in my goals, now Prism can you help as well? Post as much anti-Chinese stuff as possible, so my fellow countrymen see your true colours. :azn:
and u r doing gr8 job..


I agree that he is and I for one appreciate him exposing indians minds to chinese.
Yep. :P

The best way to turn Chinese against Indians, is to get the Indians themselves to post more of the "slanty-eyed chinks" or other anti-Chinese stuff.

Looks like I have managed to turn RockyX to help in my goals, now Prism can you help as well? Post as much anti-Chinese stuff as possible, so my fellow countrymen see your true colours. :azn:

i dont mind this..when outsiders make a use of it then dont cry for it.

---------- Post added at 02:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:03 AM ----------

I agree that he is and I for one appreciate him exposing indians minds to chinese.

we dont need to do this..our media serves this well..

today a poll was conducted in which 73% indians were anti chinese:azn:
I used to be in favor of Pakistan-India ties getting increased and friendship being promoted.

Wash our history and forget all that happened to lead a new future. But looking on the Bhartis here, I am strongly against it from now. Everyone is same, with exceptional of half a dozen.
today a poll was conducted in which 73% indians were anti chinese:azn:

Yes, I need to post more of those polls in the Chinese-language sections of the internet. To show the Indian hatred against Chinese people.

What goes around comes around, or as we say: 善有善报,恶有恶报。 :lol:

Have you got a link to those polls btw?
Yes, I need to post more of those polls in the Chinese-language sections of the internet. To show the Indian hatred against Chinese people.

What goes around comes around, or as we say: 善有善报,恶有恶报。 :lol:

Have you got a link to those polls btw?

you should also encourage a full invasion. I am sure some neighbouring countries will want to help you in restoring peace and harmony in this neighbourhood, they need lesson every 50 yeras or so. But this time make 34 states from india i say
I started to Love indians because of Arundathi Roy and Hemaant Karkare.
you should also encourage a full invasion. I am sure some neighbouring countries will want to help you in restoring peace and harmony in this neighbourhood, they need lesson every 50 yeras or so. But this time make 34 states from india i say

Sure. You should also attack and repeat 1971. 2 more 1971 needed. :azn:
Maybe you guys should stop saying that all the time then. :disagree:

You've already turned away most of the senior Chinese members on this forum who no longer post here. Even the most moderate ones like Cardsharp and Siegecrossbow have left after trying to be friendly.

Spoke to Cardsharp the other day and he is a thick skinned guy and i asked him why he wasnt blessing our site with his posts and he replied he was sick of people hunting in packs and almost systematically working in a group manner to abuse him.
I know there are mixtures in all societies but thats a sad response. I think sometimes we should take a look at ourselves before throwing abuse at another nation. Its embarassing for the ranters because deep down most of us can only dream our economies and country could be more like theirs.
I also started posting Anti-Chinese comment on many India forum where i am active. Due to that, Lots of hatred started against Chinese. I also mentioned How few Chinese people post racists and abusive comments against Indian. It improves nationalism among Indian. :tup:
Good, so when my fellow Chinese read those boards and see your comments, that will help to achieve my objective as well.

Looks like we're both aiming for the same goal. :azn:

Good going, both of you......keep it up :lol:
I don't judge peoples based on their location/nationality but what they say or do and we should judge each person individually without wearing the glasses of nationalism..

Perception is unique to every individual and is simply our interpretation of reality. My perception is there are good and sensible members from china, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India etc. Its all depend on us whether we prefer to see glass as half empty or half full :)
What I do, is I save the comments on this site where Indians keep calling us "slanty-eyed chink faggots", and I repost them on Chinese message boards. Just to help enlighten my fellow countrymen to what the Indians really say about us behind our backs. :P

India's own actions in the South China sea are creating a huge wave of nationalists who actually have a lot of influence on the Chinese government. The Chinese government is very populist (they have to be in order to stay in power)... which is why nationalists are such a force in Chinese politics.

The Indians made their own self-fulfilling prophecy, and they will help it to come true as well.

I just wanted to add here, that
Chinese actions in *** and supplying weapons to pakistan have also generated huge waves of nationalism in India.
Mutual feelings... probably.

The indians and chinese have reached a level where each nation is responding to other nation and then other way round.

So its kind of escalating around.
Somebody needs to stop escalation otherwise asians will never have an happy ending.
I grew up in a mostly Indian area of Canada and all my friends, even know, are Indians. I was always confused why each side hated each other.
Then I went online.........now my opinions of Indians is not so high.
Yep. :P

The best way to turn Chinese against Indians, is to get the Indians themselves to post more of the "slanty-eyed chinks" or other anti-Chinese stuff.

Looks like I have managed to turn RockyX to help in my goals, now Prism can you help as well? Post as much anti-Chinese stuff as possible, so my fellow countrymen see your true colours. :azn:

Truthfully , how many times have you been called a "slanty-eyed chink". I doubt you've been called that more than twice or thrice at best and just want to make a big deal out of it. I don't even understand how the term "slanty eyed" applies here, chinese have smaller eyes , but not slanty eyes. No one has slanty eyes unless it's some genetic deformation or he/she went through an accident. It's almost hillarious.
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