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How's your perception of other nations changed on the PDF

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:rofl: yeah..yeah..with couple of links in handy and cry same routine 'womanish' line of someone said something long long back you know and i cry on it forever and repeat the same line again and again :rofl: ...

i am talking facts you know :lol:

Dude I don't think its hard to admit that racism is wrong even if its your country man who does it . You should condemn those who used these racist remarks..Why blame victim ?
Dude I don't think its hard to admit that racism is wrong even if its your country man who does it . You should condemn those who used these racist remarks..Why blame victim ?

Because they agree with what those other Indians had to say. :lol:

Check the original threads, the Indians were all supporting each other and patting each other on the back even while talking the most vile sort of racism imaginable.

It makes me confused why we treat the Indians in Hong Kong so nicely, when they hate us so much.

Hong Kong has an average income that is THIRTY times higher than India, maybe they should * off back to India and live like real Indians in the sewers of Mumbai.
"Chinese-dragon" reminds me of those market women selling fish......
Astounding, amazing, surprising, stunning, awesome, remarkable, breathtaking
fantastic, wonderful, terrific, out of this world, marvelous, great, fabulous, splendid
huge, colossal, enormous, gigantic, mammoth, prodigious, tremendous,stupendous butt hurt.
Epic butt hurt. My god....

If you guys had the courage to say all this stuff in China, then it wouldn't be your butt hurting. :lol:

So brave on the internet. Yet when it comes to retaliating to the Mumbai attacks, you couldn't do anything but cry like babies. Despite all the boasting from the Indian government, you guys didn't have the balls to do anything.

Man I wish one of these Indians in Hong Kong would dare, I really do. Shameless and cowardly, they act nice to your face and talk crap behind your back.
If you guys had the courage to say all this stuff in China, then it wouldn't be your butt hurting. :lol:

So brave on the internet. Yet when it comes to retaliating to the Mumbai attacks, you couldn't do anything but cry like babies. Despite all the boasting from the Indian government. :D

Did I say out of this world butt hurt yet??
You never cease to amaze me with your stupidity.

There is a difference in coming here for timepass and between taking screen shots of who abused who and posting it a year later to cry.

Tht is obsession.

Time pass like you, who has been banned a few times, but you pop right back? Time pass like you who has 6636 posts, & been here since April 2010? Have a little respect for yourself.
If you guys had the courage to say all this stuff in China, then it wouldn't be your butt hurting. :lol:

So brave on the internet. Yet when it comes to retaliating to the Mumbai attacks, you couldn't do anything but cry like babies. Despite all the boasting from the Indian government, you guys didn't have the balls to do anything.

Lol, the only one crying like a baby is you. All you EVER do is throw a hissy fit all over the forum and play the victim card...Pathetic troll..
Chinks are my best of best friends in US. Chinks have an old and great civilization. Chinks have beautiful girls and are smart and resiliant people that suffered Imperialism and overcame it by becoming one of the world's strongest nations. I respect China and the Chinese, more than any other Islamic country. :pakistan::china:
We may have our differences with Vietnam, but they have balls. So does America, Japan, Korea, Europe, etc... they have all proved that they are capable nations, and worthy of respect.

India on the other hand isn't worth anyone's time. India is not even a real country, but an artificial creation of the British.

While China was fighting the superpower USA in the Korean war, and the superpower USSR in the Sino-Soviet split.... India was losing her land to third-world nations like China (Aksai chin) and Pakistan (half of Kashmir).

India has more poor than Africa, yet from how they talk, you would think that they are already the #1 superpower in the world. Really 不要脸。
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