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How's your perception of other nations changed on the PDF

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Truthfully , how many times have you been called a "slanty-eyed chink". I doubt you've been called that more than twice or thrice at best and just want to make a big deal out of it. I don't even understand how the term "slanty eyed" applies here, chinese have smaller eyes , but not slanty eyes. No one has slanty eyes unless it's some genetic deformation or he/she went through an accident. It's almost hillarious.

You sound guilty sarthak.

That is because YOU have even said it yourself, here is a screenshot:



Now where is your feigned innocence sarthak? You're just another Indian, as the screenshot shows above.
Utterly hilarious.

Indian members like Sarthak coming on here and saying that Indians don't keep calling us chinks, yet I posted a screenshot of HIM calling us "stupid chinks" himself... so incredibly ironic.

Sarthak if you are so desperate to prove that Indians here are not racist, then maybe you should start with yourself?
The obsession with what anonymous members call each other is astounding to say the least.

All I can say is "Get a life"..I mean a real one.
Utterly hilarious.

Indian members like Sarthak coming on here and saying that Indians don't keep calling us chinks, yet I posted a screenshot of HIM calling us "stupid chinks". So ironic.

Sarthak if you are so desperate to prove that Indians here are not racist, then maybe you should start with yourself?

Did you read my post above? I said i doubt you've been called "slanty eyed chink" more than twice or thrice. Please post some more instances where you've been called chink. Also , if you take this as racism , then perhaps chinese are one of the most racist members on PDF. Look at some of the posts by your members Hongfu , who calls indians inferior all the time, then there was that guy named Sshchinese or something , don't quite remember , he used to get banned half the time for racist abuses on Indians. Look at yourself before blaming others. I don't feel any guilt as opposed to what you said for calling whoever it was a "chink" because at that time , he was saying things against us that were anything but nice.
you should also encourage a full invasion. I am sure some neighbouring countries will want to help you in restoring peace and harmony in this neighbourhood, they need lesson every 50 yeras or so. But this time make 34 states from india i say

china will get help from pakistan !(just on paper,pakistan cant provide single thing to china)
but India will get help from USA,Israel,Russia,Japan,Most of Europe etc.

do your calculation.
LOL, sarthak came back into this thread and left. :lol:

The obsession with what anonymous members call each other is astounding to say the least.

All I can say is "Get a life"..I mean a real one.

Remember the first rule of internet etiquette? There is a real person behind that text.

No computer has yet passed the Turing test, which means that behind every user account, there is a real person.

Indians can show their "class" on the internet and in the Times of India comments section, by using the most foul racial abuse that they can muster on a daily basis.

And the truth is that the vast majority of Chinese and Indians who live outside the big cities, will never get to interact with each other face to face. So the biggest point of contact between Chinese and Indians in the future will be on the internet.
The obsession with what anonymous members call each other is astounding to say the least.

All I can say is "Get a life"..I mean a real one.

Says a person who's been on the PDF since April 2010 :rofl:
Please post some more instances where you've been called chink.

Didn't you see the screenshot above? It was YOU who called us "stupid chinks". :lol:

If you want more examples (apart from you), then I am glad to show them:

yes,you are slant eyed chinkis + 2 cents army paid by communist party of chinks:rofl:

why surprised??i told you truth. and truth is "you are slant eyed chinkis"

Grow up Chink! :lol:

your a bloody slit eyed chink fuc*ing 2 cent china man

chink mustve have been raped by his maderchod porkgaystani boyfriend :rofl:

hey you dirty chink keep sucking halal co*k


sala chini bastard

Chinese are.. yellow with 0.5 mm eyes :lol: They are the most ugly after Africans!

Slint eyed fagot

fukng chinks

loser chinks

stfu u faggots!!!!
chinks are best trolls ,having a chink sized brains

remember me chink? yeah im back sala slit eyes

chink OPEN your eyes if thts possible

Great! $l!t 3yed

And sleep well Chinese..with your already 'almost closed' eyes :lol:

maderchod pussystanis need chinks to back them up

teri allah ki gandh maro

Tell me what you want me to explain in that? i hope you know the meaning of chink

Slint eyed fagot

Maybe you guys have small balls,just like your eyes!!!!

seems like slant eyed chink lives in dellusions as they are growing more..but your ccp will never pay you more than 50 cents.
bloody chinks,mind your own business.
commie chinks.
seems you are on high opium or loving more and more 50 cents

Dong ching chong mong wong fong slit eyed FAGGOT

i told you,slant eyed chinks are on high opium:rofl:
Ok , that's just sad LOL. Also Hillarious.

LOL, I know you think it is hilarious, since you are a racist yourself, as proven by the screenshot above. :lol:

And I only save the most interesting quotes, obviously I couldn't save all of them. I have seen that word used more times than I can count on here.

So first you tried to claim that Indians don't really say it and I was making it up, then I put a screenshot of you saying it. :lol: After that you asked for more proof, and I quoted you some from my collection. Now what is your next excuse, or are you going to call me a stupid chink again like you did in the screenshot above?

So typical.

If I didn't have these screenshots and quotes, then the Indians would be playing dumb and pretending that it never happened.
LOL I know you think it is hilarious, since you are a racist yourself, as proven by the screenshot above.

And I only save the most interesting quotes, obviously I couldn't save all of them. I have seen that word used more times than I can count on here.

So first you tried to claim that Indians don't really say it and I was making it up, then I put a screenshot of you saying it. :lol: After that you asked for more proof, and I quoted you some from my collection. Now what is your next excuse, or are you going to call me a stupid chink again like you did in the screenshot above?

Nope , no excuses , i accept defeat, you win. But at the same time , some of the things that chinese members say about indians sound way more abusive than "slanty eyed chink" which sounds hillarious.
Nope , no excuses , i accept defeat, you win. But at the same time , some of the things that chinese members say about indians sound way more abusive than "slanty eyed chink" which sounds hillarious.

So next time, instead of saying "stupid chink" like you did in the screenshot, say "slanty eyed chink" instead, since you find it so funny. :lol:

No wonder India has more poor people than Africa, you guys can only think of hatred.
Says a person who's been on the PDF since April 2010 :rofl:

You never cease to amaze me with your stupidity.

There is a difference in coming here for timepass and between taking screen shots of who abused who and posting it a year later to cry.

Tht is obsession.
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