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How's your perception of other nations changed on the PDF

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India sent the British home in 1947,
India sent Portuguese home in the 1970s after fighting with their military.

What did china do to Get hong Kong back from the British ?

Waited until 1997 till the lease is over.

whats this got to do with the thread. You are well off topic. When i came on the forum I thought chinese were nice people. After being on this forum this perception of mine was confirmed
Albeit there is no doubt that there are highly credible members from both sides of the border who either wouldn't jump into a hostile debate or would just walk away, but i found a good number of Indian members who just to salvage some pride would jump into any debate and join in like a hunting party. That's when gloves tend to come off. There are others who would just make a silly one line comment out of THIN AIR and then just disappear.
whats this got to do with the thread. You are well off topic. When i came on the forum I thought chinese were nice people. After being on this forum this perception of mine was confirmed
The post which he was replying to was also off-topic..........
We may have our differences with Vietnam, but they have balls. So does America, Japan, Korea, Europe, etc... they have all proved that they are capable nations, and worthy of respect.

India on the other hand isn't worth anyone's time. India is not even a real country, but an artificial creation of the British.

While China was fighting the superpower USA in the Korean war, and the superpower USSR in the Sino-Soviet split.... India was losing her land to third-world nations like China (Aksai chin) and Pakistan (half of Kashmir).

India has more poor than Africa, yet from how they talk, you would think that they are already the #1 superpower in the world. Really 不要脸。

The first Chinese dynasty that left historical records, the loosely feudal Shang (Yin), settled along the Yellow River in eastern China from the 17th to the 11th century BC. The oracle bone script of the Shang Dynasty represent the oldest forms of Chinese writing found and the direct ancestor of modern Chinese characters used throughout East Asia. The Shang were invaded from the west by the Zhou, who ruled from the 12th to the 5th century BC, until their centralized authority was slowly eroded by feudal warlords. Many independent states eventually emerged out of the weakened Zhou state, and continually waged war with each other in the Spring and Autumn Period, only occasionally deferring to the Zhou king. By the time of the Warring States Period, there were seven powerful sovereign states, each with its own king, ministry and army.

After the collapse of Han, another period of disunion followed, including the highly chivalric period of the Three Kingdoms.[46] Independent Chinese states of this period such as Wu opened diplomatic relations with Japan,[47] introducing the Chinese writing system there. In 580 AD, China was reunited under the Sui.[48] However, the Sui Dynasty was short-lived after a failure in the Goguryeo-Sui Wars (598–614) weakened it.

The Yuan Dynasty or Great Yuan Empire (simplified Chinese: 大元帝国; traditional Chinese: 大元帝國; pinyin: Dà Yuán Dìguó) was a ruling dynasty founded by the Mongol leader Kublai Khan, who ruled most of present-day China, all of modern Mongolia and its surrounding areas,[3] lasting officially from 1271 to 1368.It is considered both as a division of the Mongol Empire and as an imperial dynasty of China.


so great mighty china was under mongol rule for 97 years.

and even then CD has courage to call India weak.
The post which he was replying to was also off-topic..........

well does that make it right. Think before engaging typing fingers

back on topic. Chinese sri lankans and bangladeshis are nice people i found since coming on forum
well does that make it right. Think before engaging typing fingers

back on topic. Chinese sri lankans and bangladeshis are nice people i found since coming on forum
So your logic is..........
you guys will say things(even though off-topic) against India.....and Indians will merely sit back sucking their thumbs.

If you think CD's post is also off-topic then why didn't you advise him first.....only when someone replied, you felt it necessary to advice.
Isn't this double-standard on your part??
So your logic is..........
you guys will say things(even though off-topic) against India.....and Indians will merely sit back sucking their thumbs.

If you think CD's post is also off-topic then why didn't you advise him first.....only when someone replied, you felt it necessary to advice.
Isn't this double-standard on your part??

listen mate you can suck on whatever you want that is a matter for you. Two wrongs dont make a right. You know the rules. back on topic.

Chinese, srilankas and bangladeshis come over very well on the forum
listen mate you can suck on whatever you want that is a matter for you.................
So you got the point!......that it's only our concern......therefore, if someone insults our country, then we won't sit back and suck our thumbs.....we will make that person suck our d***.

Two wrongs dont make a right. You know the rules. back on topic.

Chinese, srilankas and bangladeshis come over very well on the forum
"Two wrongs don't make a right"......if you can think so far logically....then try a little harder, you will also understand my logic......that the person making the mistake first, should be advised first.
My perception about any other nation is not changed.

But yes my perception about my own country is changed, first my perception was "overseas pakistanis are not loyal to their country" but now i think "they are more loyal than pakistanis within pakistan". :pakistan:
Now that is one hell of a reply :tup:


i dont think he will reply :cheers:

i couldn't stand the comments saying India was colonized from people whose nation was also colonized.

so i did research and result is post number 170.

my advice is if Chinese members unnecessarily talk about colonization of India post link in my post.

either they will run from thread or will start posting IQ stuff or Indian poverty. :angry:

i dont think he will reply :cheers:

i couldn't stand the comments saying India was colonized from people whose nation was also colonized.

so i did research and result is post number 170.

my advice is if Chinese members unnecessarily talk about colonization of India post link in my post.

either they will run from thread or will start posting IQ stuff or Indian poverty. :angry:

Back on topic. I found that most non indians to be nice people on this forum
Here is how my perceptions have changed:

India - Positive to extremely negative.

Pakistan - Positive to very positive.

Bangladesh - Positive and unchanged.

Sri Lanka - Positive and unchanged.

I have always held South Asian and Central Asian countries in very high regard. The only perception that went negative was India, due to the unbelievable amount of hatred, racism, and their laughing at Japanese war crimes in which millions of Chinese people died. And this is the rule rather than the exception.

I salute Japanese for what they did.
now change your india perception from "extremely negative" to "1000 X extermely negative"
and I will do it again
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