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How would a war on Iran start off?

Nuclear weapons + Iranian regime = :crazy: Can you imagine how dangerous it it looks like.

Egypt, Turkey and Saudi Arabia should become nuclear powers and start supporting and defending the Islamic World. Turkey is the only nation out of the three actively supporting the Islamic world.
Egypt, Turkey and Saudi Arabia should become nuclear powers and start supporting and defending the Islamic World. Turkey is the only nation out of the three actively supporting the Islamic world.
Egypt, Turkey and Saudi Arabia should become nuclear powers and start supporting and defending the Islamic World. Turkey is the only nation out of the three actively supporting the Islamic world.

My dear Chruslim hybrid, there exists NO Islamic brotherhood. It's dolla dolla bill y'all. Plus no one has the capability to make a nuclear bomb in the Islamic world at this stage well obviously apart from us.

And do you really think Israel would risk attacking Iran with conventional weapons? Israel isn't that idiotic. The statements you hear are just politics and to apply political pressure. Nothing else. Israel doesnt have plans to touch Iran. They arent stupid to ruin their economy on the offset chance that Iran maybe someday will have a nuke. Their Mossad agents willt ake care of the scientists on the ground.
Nuclear weapons + Iranian regime = :crazy: Can you imagine how dangerous it it looks like.

I understand your concerns. My analysis to the Iranian Nuclear Question was given on a personal-experience level about what KSA can do, and what it can't.
Oh look at you little cute boy crying for your terrorist Israeli friends. :lol:

MIlitary targets were targeted in the bus bombing and they lost eight IDF occupiers that day in Palestinian land and you're crying that they defended themsevles. AWWWWWW....:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Your existence is based off of hatred and lies, Arabs on this forum are not normal Arabs, they're defintely CIA people here. :rofl:

Stop fighting here guys.

No problem, could the mods here just warn Saudi members from harassment? I've noticed they keep referring to Iranians as embassy bombers and laughing and mocking the chemical attacks against Iran. How come no action is taken? Here we will end it here though. Just for you. :) :D
Nuclear weapons + Iranian regime + North Korea = The worse combination on the planet = WWIII and the destruction of the global economy. And no one will allow that as the world's a much better place without the Nazi type of crap!

Nuclear weapons + Iranian regime + North Korea = The worse combination on the planet = WWIII and the destruction of the global economy. And no one will allow that as the world's a much better place without the Nazi type of crap!
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