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How Vietnamese still suffer thanks to America. Documentary

I do not deny that you are partially right. But another part of you is still wrong.
Communist Vietnam declared independence in 1945, while communist China only did the same thing in 1949.
In fact, Communist Vietnamese go the way of Soviet Union, Marxism-Leninism
There is not any communist Vietnamese said that Vietnam followed Maoist...
Your PLA did not have the balls to fight the South Vietnamese, let alone the Americans.
China's strategic goal was to push U.S. ground troops far away from the border.

Similar situation happened in Korea war. Commander Peng dehuai stopped aggressive attack to the south and held the line at 38th parallel for three reasons: 1. This line was an agreement between USSR and the U.S; 2. China didn't benefit anything by continuing pushing to South. 3. Loss will go up exponentially.

Based on above 3 reasons, holding the line at 38th parallel is the best choice.

In Vietnam-US war, it made no sense for China to put so many money and human lives to push to south.
We do not need to completely cleanse SVN of NVA units. We just need to isolate and contain them. You forget that the Viet Cong was largely decimated after 1968. If the SVN/US alliance was determined to cross the 17th, any NVA units that may be in the southern region will be recalled back to the north to try to defend that half. They will try to return to the north and many of them would be killed.
Or the NVA could take the chance to throw off SVN govt. China wouldn't let US friendly troops got too close to it, while the US is not in the South of VN, but across the pacific. It would become a chicken game, and NVN surely would have been the last one standing.

Enlighten us, how did SVN lose Paracel Islands to China ?
The SVN didn't have the ball to mobilize their flagship Dinh Tien Hoang, fearing that NVN would take the chance and seize control of the habors system.
that was at end phase of the war. SVN is quite weak at that time.

SVN was collapsed all of sudden, rather than gradually lose the war.

Think about it, if a regime is anticipated to be vanquished by enemy very soon, would they still have the luxury to fight for some rocks on the sea which won't change their fate anyway ?
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Your PLA did not have the balls to fight the South Vietnamese, let alone the Americans.
The ball is in your hand when we set the 17th parallel line. Grow some ball, man. LOL
US didn't interfered to Haong Sa battle 1974, because he known well that he will turn back to a region.

China is greedy but idiot.
It was mutual benefits relationship: both sides got what they wanted. VN got guns and supports from China, China turned VN into a broken country like Korea, with the civil wars going on, one side got dependent on China. Don't tell me that China helped VN out of communism brotherhood or internationalism friendship. Even the Soviet got to use our naval base for their Pacific fleet.
We gain absolutely nothing from helping you. Please, give us a break, will ya? You think we want to split your country? If we do, why would we even help you gaining independent from France in the first place? This is not to mention that it was always you knocking on our door asking for help. We never seek to provide our helping hand to other.

As far as Korean fiasco. That country was split apart by Soviet and the USA. We got caught in the middle of the fight and again it was NK begging us to involve.
We gain absolutely nothing from helping you. Please, give us a break, will ya? You think we want to split your country? If we do, why would we even help you gaining independent from France in the first place? This is not to mention that it was always you knocking on our door asking for help. We never seek to provide our helping hand to other.

As far as Korean fiasco. That country was split apart by Soviet and the USA. We got caught in the middle of the fight and again it was NK begging us to involve.
Can't believe you are fine with having an imperial colony right next door. Also NK has border to both Soviet and China, so both countries did provide NK support during the Korean war.

The infamous 17th paralel was set up by 2 forces: US+France vs China+Soviet, both sides of VNese govts were not considered in the accord at all. That's a simple fact (despite of our and your govt propaganda). Then later, SVN didn't carry out the accord, then NVN simply used violence. China and Soviet had different opinions regarding that matter. China wanted a second NK, while Soviet wanted a second Cuba. So there you have it, simple deduction.

We (both you and me) are not politicans, we do not have access to classified documents, to secret dirty deals our govts made behind everyone's back. So don't speak with such certainty.
Can't believe you are fine with having an imperial colony right next door. Also NK has border to both Soviet and China, so both countries did provide NK support during the Korean war.

The infamous 17th paralel was set up by 2 forces: US+France vs China+Soviet, both sides of VNese govts were not considered in the accord at all. That's a simple fact (despite of our and your govt propaganda). Then later, SVN didn't carry out the accord, then NVN simply used violence. China and Soviet had different opinions regarding that matter. China wanted a second NK, while Soviet wanted a second Cuba. So there you have it, simple deduction.

We (both you and me) are not politicans, we do not have access to classified documents, to secret dirty deals our govts made behind everyone's back. So don't speak with such certainty.
All the conflicts between China and Soviet can be attributed to the contradiction of China and Soviet.
Can't believe you are fine with having an imperial colony right next door. Also NK has border to both Soviet and China, so both countries did provide NK support during the Korean war.

The infamous 17th paralel was set up by 2 forces: US+France vs China+Soviet, both sides of VNese govts were not considered in the accord at all. That's a simple fact (despite of our and your govt propaganda). Then later, SVN didn't carry out the accord, then NVN simply used violence. China and Soviet had different opinions regarding that matter. China wanted a second NK, while Soviet wanted a second Cuba. So there you have it, simple deduction.

We (both you and me) are not politicans, we do not have access to classified documents, to secret dirty deals our govts made behind everyone's back. So don't speak with such certainty.
Excuse me? You are not the only one bordering us. Are you forgetting the US can station in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and even Mongolia had they force their way into it? So no, you offer nothing to us other than a "buffer zone", a zone which is no longer important because we can exchange missile from far away without seeing eyes to eyes. NK asked for support and for they were communist, we and Soviet provided help. It's that simple.
Excuse me? You are not the only one bordering us. Are you forgetting the US can station in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and even Mongolia had they force their way into it? So no, you offer nothing to us other than a "buffer zone", a zone which is no longer important because we can exchange missile from far away without seeing eyes to eyes. NK asked for support and for they were communist, we and Soviet provided help. It's that simple.
In Pakistan and Afghanistan, the US got their hands busy dealing with Soviet back-up gurreilla fighters and now terrorists. Also unlike the two countries, VN has a North to South coast which made land combat in VN can have naval support at any times (yes, I count aircraft from carriers as part of the naval support, not the airforce). Also transportation of troops and supply is always easier via sea, instead of land.

Look at NK now and you still say China got nothing from helping NK? NK is dependent on China regarding food, fuel, energy, heavy industry technology and machine. Beijing makes one decision, millions of NKoreans get into troubles. Not to mention any conferences regarding NK nuclear program or the unity program of NK, China is always there to join. I remember one time China agreed with US to cut down NK nuclear program, NK answered by a nuke test. Next year, China cut down its food supply to NK, NK carried out a second test and demanded SK and US food. NK has little friends beside China (yes, VN used to be NK friend, but NK refused to pay for our $500 millions rice shipment, then the relationship got sour), and now even NK starts doubting China too. I believe there is a Chinese saying "There is no free lunch in this world". Don't you believe in it?
1. Do you not realize that China has its own semiconductor foundries such as SMIC, which fabricates chips for customers such as Qualcomm, as well as chip designers such as Huawei? You think that Intel's x86 architecture is irreplacable? That with both foundries and fabless companies it is impossible to produce a CPU? :lol: That it is impossible for SMIC to fabricate Huawei chips? :lol:

2. OEMs are limited by their lack of branding. Without competition in the home market, the OEMs that are competitive will build their own brands, those who aren't will fail. I made a directly related remark - you have little experience with branded products, since your country has very few of them.

3. No lol. Give me one book that says that China was completely colonized or even colonized in general. China has *never* lost sovereignty - not even Qing Dynasty.

Again, your viewpoint has been colored by your background: you are extremely prejudiced against Chinese achievements.

1. Yes. I know. but still you have _no_answer_ (not even theoretical answer) to Moore's law. Why? Moore's law relies on world market. If Chinese CPU companies cannot have large enough share's of the world CPU and OS, China made CPU will always be slower than the current. If theoretically China cannot complete US, how can there be realization? Can Huawei's CPU somehow stacked up to compete with Intel? If you do not go for x86 architecture, China has to create her own OS. Creating OS is not difficult as you can use Linux and just change some low level, to make an OS widely use is difficult. Chicken and Egg, if you cannot have wide market share of your OS, how can you sell more your non-86 CPU? If you cannot sell more your CPU, then you loose Moore's law. And you have no theoretical solution to solve the Moore's law. Don't forget that our debate is on that "China relies on US for her prosperity" Most of your Mobile phone manufacturers are acting as Qualcomm's resellers.

2. You didn't debate me out that China on her initial state, relies on US for her prosperous.

3. Look at my wording, Im not saying that China was colonized. I'm saying that the colonization era changes Chinese social structure.
"It was because new social structure on the new era that changed that. The new era would not have come without western colonization."
1. Yes. I know. but still you have _no_answer_ (not even theoretical answer) to Moore's law. Why? Moore's law relies on world market. If Chinese CPU companies cannot have large enough share's of the world CPU and OS, China made CPU will always be slower than the current. If theoretically China cannot complete US, how can there be realization? Can Huawei's CPU somehow stacked up to compete with Intel? If you do not go for x86 architecture, China has to create her own OS. Creating OS is not difficult as you can use Linux and just change some low level, to make an OS widely use is difficult. Chicken and Egg, if you cannot have wide market share of your OS, how can you sell more your non-86 CPU? If you cannot sell more your CPU, then you loose Moore's law. And you have no theoretical solution to solve the Moore's law. Don't forget that our debate is on that "China relies on US for her prosperity" Most of your Mobile phone manufacturers are acting as Qualcomm's resellers.

2. You didn't debate me out that China on her initial state, relies on US for her prosperous.

3. Look at my wording, Im not saying that China was colonized. I'm saying that the colonization era changes Chinese social structure.
"It was because new social structure on the new era that changed that. The new era would not have come without western colonization."

Moore's Law is not a physical law. I don't need to solve Moore's Law, Moore's Law will break down by itself. Conventional Si electronics are already reaching the limits of gate size. It is only within 5 more halvings of size that a gate will be smaller than a single Si atom - if it was possible. Before that step is ever reached, the current models of devices would have completely broken down of course and patterning at such scales would be pretty much impossible. In breakthrough technologies beyond Si, anything can happen.

If there is no alternative to x86 (such as US refuses to sell it) then it automatically becomes less competitive with Linux, understand? And guess what? x86 is losing its importance already with the rise of smartphones. And for Qualcomm? Again, by the mere existence of competitors, if they refuse to sell, someone else will fill the domestic market vacuum.

I know what you imply despite your wording. There's such a thing in English called "connotations", understand?
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