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How Vietnamese still suffer thanks to America. Documentary

I don't believe it, @NiceGuy just admitted that people would be better off living in US satellite nation !
If we could not unify the South, then we would be a China's dog, so ít'd better to be US' dog than be a China's dog.

Luckily, we defeated US before Soviet collapse. We r independence nation now.
I don't believe it, @NiceGuy just admitted that people would be better off living in US satellite nation !
??? I don't get where did you get that idea? @NiceGuy just meant if NVN tried to copied the NK way, it would just collapsed itself as the people wouldn't have supported it, but would rather flee the country. However, the most suitable refuge would be China, as China would 120% support NVN to go back fighting US puppets.
Yeah...China was going to materially support two satellites AFTER the Soviet Union collapse.

In my opinion, the main reason why North Korea continues to survive is because NKR is China's only burden.

So...How about in your fantasy, China got bogged down with North Korea and North Vietnam, leaving the alliance of the US, South Viet Nam, and South Korea slowly whittle away at those two pathetic countries as China struggles with reforming her own tattered economy from decades of communist incompetence ? :lol:

And what makes you think that SVN would be like SK but not Philippines Thailand etc ?

??? I don't get where did you get that idea? @NiceGuy just meant if NVN tried to copied the NK way, it would just collapsed itself as the people wouldn't have supported it, but would rather flee the country. However, the most suitable refuge would be China, as China would 120% support NVN to go back fighting US puppets.

The logic was simple, according to @NiceGuy being Soviet puppet is better than being US puppet, so why would NViets want to flee to South ?
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And what makes you think that SVN would be like SK but not Philippines Thailand etc ?

The logic was simple, according to @NiceGuy being Soviet puppet is better than being US puppet, so why would NViets want to flee to South ?
No, that logic should be like this: you are wearing a red shirt, there are two buckets of red and blue paint you must choose one to paint your house. You will be likely to get some paint on your clothes. Which one will you choose? Of course there are other people in the house who wear blue shirts or are afraid of paint getting on their clothes. They surely will leave the house.

Now apply that logic to your statement, and you will understand.
I don't know where to start but here's something:

There is no such thing as the concept of "saving money" for nations. Each dollar you save, you are actually losing out on, thanks to the relentlessly decreasing time value of money. To try to simplify things down to "who do you save money with" is funny as hell.

The rest of your post is self explanatory in its incorrectness.

If you represent the typical educated Thai, then all I have to say is: the current status of your country is not a surprise at all. You are actually extremely biased - against Asians in general and Chinese in particular. But that's OK. Your recognition is not necessary. So as Chinese explore the universe at both astronomical scales and nanoscales, as progress is being made at the cutting edge of science and technology - you can stay where you are. You can keep wondering, what happened. You will always be wondering, when will a superman come save me, come lift me up - but there is no superman.
I just say what I see. Im me, representing no one else. If you want to know Thai people statistics, you better go and correct them yourself.
Are you work place politician? If not you try to stay in the topic and debate about how china is NOT grow up within US, and avoid talking about my personality. Hou said me dumb, you said me represent or unrepresent Thailand. U branded me alot during last 3,4 meeting. I brand you back u work place politician. Please try to avoid person attack and debate my logic flase base on story.

Chins growth under US dollar system depended on US market during her initial year. Your wealth was accumulated in us dollsr terms, merchant ships transport on US policed/dominated sea routes. Many of China factories are OEM contracted from Nike, adidas ,etc. Your mobile phone manufacturer use Snap dragon CPU, your nuclear simulation is done on Intel and Nvidia Cpu Gpu. I say what I see. China current reserve part of them are actually US firms money. When they invest in China, these money are exchanged into Yuan. The central bank of China get US dollar reserve.
We have deep feelings for the Vietnamese people, Xi Jinping's command is to deal with Japan.
really? thanks.
I mistakenly thought most of chinese think the people living in a certain southern country eat banana all the times :laugh:
Yes they do that to their favor.
So do you think after decades of US-Vietnam war was over, Vietnam will become a small brother of the U.S.?
History is really a circle....

If we could not unify the South, then we would be a China's dog, so ít'd better to be US' dog than be a China's dog.

Luckily, we defeated US before Soviet collapse. We r independence nation now.
Under the current trend, Vietnam will become a dog of the U.S. soon.
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So do you think after decades of US-Vietnam war was over, Vietnam will become a small brother of the U.S.?
History is really a circle....

Under the current trend, Vietnam will become a dog of the U.S. soon.

You guys always stick to the term "brother" ... it's funny. "Dog" ?? unacceptable word used in a forum.
as recent talk of Mr. Pham Binh Minh, Vietnam states the independence in foreign affairs.

All we could say, USA need Vietnam as their partner, that's an answer for Leon Panetta visit, and next Chuck Hagel ... after John Kerry ...
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Under the current trend, Vietnam will become a dog of the U.S. soon.
Yeah, and we may 'bite' u again like during your Song dynasty. So, run away as fast as u cant now, just run away like your fore father did when we attacked ur Guangdong :laugh:
Yeah, and we may 'bite' u again like during your Song dynasty. So, run away as fast as u cant now, just run away like your fore father did when we attacked ur Guangdong :laugh:
You too violent, friends, peace is not okay?
I just say what I see. Im me, representing no one else. If you want to know Thai people statistics, you better go and correct them yourself.
Are you work place politician? If not you try to stay in the topic and debate about how china is NOT grow up within US, and avoid talking about my personality. Hou said me dumb, you said me represent or unrepresent Thailand. U branded me alot during last 3,4 meeting. I brand you back u work place politician. Please try to avoid person attack and debate my logic flase base on story.

Chins growth under US dollar system depended on US market during her initial year. Your wealth was accumulated in us dollsr terms, merchant ships transport on US policed/dominated sea routes. Many of China factories are OEM contracted from Nike, adidas ,etc. Your mobile phone manufacturer use Snap dragon CPU, your nuclear simulation is done on Intel and Nvidia Cpu Gpu. I say what I see. China current reserve part of them are actually US firms money. When they invest in China, these money are exchanged into Yuan. The central bank of China get US dollar reserve.

Use of tools does not necessitate support of those who invented the tools. The Soviet Union used words such as "corporation", "shareholder", "profits" and other terms used in capitalism - Soviet Union is capitalist? Soviet Union bought milling machines for building submarine propellars from Sweden and Japan - Soviet Union allied to and obedient to Sweden and Japan?

Simulations - what of the difference between front-end data management, and back-end processor chips? The back-end processor chips are just commodity goods - if Intel doesn't supply them, if Nvidia doesn't supply them, someone else will. They are not part of the core technology of supercomputers. The front-end data management chips and the interconnects distinguish supercomputers from few-core computers. - why do you not mention those, which were all developed by NUDT? The only part that was bought was the commodity, off-the-shelf back-end processors - all else was proprietary.


Many Chinese factories are contracted OEM - but what of Thai factories? Are they not OEM? And many Chinese factories produce their own branded goods - who ever heard of Thai branded goods else than Red Bull? Is it shameful for Lenovo factories in the US to be producing Lenovo?

Wealth - accumulated in infrastructure. If all the dollar reserves disappeared tomorrow, Chinese still have the scientific and industrial infrastructure accumulated over the past 65 years. Does losing the reserves remove the infrastructure? Does it remove the intellectual property accumulated? No. What about Thailand? Has it done anything with its dollar reserves? What of Thai infrastructure? Intellectual property?

You said that Chinese women were "freed from foot binding" by Western colonialism - is that true? Why was foot binding not abolished in the 1840's or 1890's then, why only after Republic of China established was it abolished? Why were other evils against women not abolished even until 1949?
Exactly, you got it right. In fact as i said before, had it not been for China(and to soe extent Russia/U.S.S.R), North Vietnam would have been decimated in a few months at most by the U.S and its south Vietnamese allies. It was China and Russia support that kept the war going for so longggg. Also the U.S was afraid of launching a massive ground invasion of north Vietnam since it was too close to China's border, and the U.S was afraid of repeating a Korean war, since they thought by launching a massive ground invasion of the North, this will provoke a direct Chinese intervention like it did in Korea earlier, in support of the the communist North Vietnam.

So Vietnamese should blame China for their current Communist authoritarian government.Since had it not been for China, Vietnam would have been a democratic prosperous country under the U.S by now, and would have avoided all the long vietnam war and subsequent sanctions/isolation that followed. This would have made it easier for Vietnam to be ally with the U.S and Japan together with some ASEAN countries as well. But the Communist North Vietnamese Victory over the South/U.S with massive Chinese/Russian help prevented this from happening unfortuntely.:(:tdown:
I agree with your point about why the U.S didnt invade north Vietnam. I have red alot about the Vietnam war, and i agree with this point. However, it helped China since it kept Vietnam from turning into a U.S ally/pro U.S government. But it didnt help Vietnam, since had it not been for China, Vietnam would have been a capitalist democracy and much more prosperous than being communist. Its unfortunate Vietnam fought a brutal war, but the wrong side won because of China and Russia. Hopefully Vietnam will get rid of its corrupt Communist government with time and replace it with a democratic one just like south Korea and Taiwan did in the past. Vietnam doesn't always have to follow China's communist political system.

In fact the "Vietnam War" is the competition for influence between 2 blocks: "communist and capitalist", led by S.U and U.S.
China was just an opportunist, it participated with its own conspiracy.

And in fact, Americans attacked NVN in 1972 by its powerful air forces, but all Americans got that were thousands of their aircrafts were shot down (including tens of B52), hundreds of American pilots captured.
How could US attack ground of NVN while it was unable to push out North Vietnam Army and Viet Cong in SVN?
It is not because "china" factor.
A clear example of this was the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War. It was a strategic failure because the premise of the conflict was to force Vietnam from Cambodia (the Khmer Rouge was aligned to Beijing, and an ally). Despite the PLA wrecking havoc in Northern provinces of Vietnam, the VPA still managed to defeat the Khmer Rouge, forcing them to the border of Thailand near the Thai surin region. Vietnam then installed a pro-Vietnam government in Cambodia that remains to this day.

In this particular example, it would be pertinent for you to agree that the United States isn't the only example of winning battles, yet losing the overall strategy.

Chinese lost both of the battle and the overall strategy (to force Vietnam pull out of Cambodia). Their regular army was quickly defeated by militia forces and local forces of Vietnam. But the war helped them realize the weakness of PLA and they did fix that.

We saved Cambodian people from Pol Pot genocide, while china supported Pol Pot regime, U.S and other powers had blindness.
In fact the "Vietnam War" is the competition for influence between 2 blocks: "communist and capitalist", led by S.U and U.S.
China was just an opportunist, it participated with its own conspiracy.

And in fact, Americans attacked NVN in 1972 by its powerful air forces, but all Americans got that were thousands of their aircrafts were shot down (including tens of B52), hundreds of American pilots captured.
How could US attack ground of NVN while it was unable to push out North Vietnam Army and Viet Cong in SVN?
It is not because "china" factor.

I'm disappointed that Vietnam government also do such propaganda with lies upon lies, like all communist countries do.
There's nothing to be proud of with such a narrow mind.

Continuing to deceiving people, VCP will be over.

Please read more published by international media instead of Textbooks.
youtube have endless videos from 3rd parties.
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