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How Vietnamese still suffer thanks to America. Documentary

According to Judeo-Christian principle of morality, Sin is an aspect of human nature. I'd love to expand on this, but i shan't run the course of digressing this thread on a philosophical dictum.

well said. so bombing in Nagasaki and Hiroshima with nuclear weapons was not a sin.

as a Vietnamese you never know the pain of Japanese.
Isn't the U.S. trying to sell weapons to Vietnam and improving relationship with Vietnam?
We r trying to be good friends , but it doesnt mean VNese need to trust US Govt.US allow VN to enrich uranium, going to sell VN weapon coz they know we will use those weapons to counter China, not to harm back US.

We dont want war except when the enemies keep bullying us.
well said. so bombing in Nagasaki and Hiroshima with nuclear weapons was not a sin.

Of course it was. In fact, the entire war was sinful.

It was an affront to Divine Providence. But I don't want to go into philosophical discussions because its not the right platform for that. I hope you can understand and appreciate my view.

as a Vietnamese you never know the pain of Japanese.

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You are young and proud. I know it. However, Our views today may not be the same tomorrow. It changes as we grow older. History, people and the outside world has the ability to trigger our emotional responses. If you simply react to the cause, you have already lost without a fight. In order to protect your country and to win, you must first learn to fight your emotions.

The past is the past. Focus on the present and look towards the future.
This discussion thread is simply to catch the reactions of Vietnamese members.
According to Judeo-Christian principle of morality, Sin is an aspect of human nature. I'd love to expand on this, but i shan't run the course of digressing this thread on a philosophical dictum.

We can have a new thread about human nature, cannot wait for talk about these.
well said. so bombing in Nagasaki and Hiroshima with nuclear weapons was not a sin.

as a Vietnamese you never know the pain of Japanese.
That goes for all of us who never taste real war. VN got bombed by the total of 5 times explosive power of the bomb dropped in Hiroshima, constantly in 10 years. We can't say who suffered more, because number of casuality alone is never the reflect the true cruelty of war.

Anyway I thought this topic was about US and VN. How did Japan get into it?
Yes I mean what I said. Where do you save your US dollar reserve? US government bonds!

I don't know where to start but here's something:

There is no such thing as the concept of "saving money" for nations. Each dollar you save, you are actually losing out on, thanks to the relentlessly decreasing time value of money. To try to simplify things down to "who do you save money with" is funny as hell.

The rest of your post is self explanatory in its incorrectness.

If you represent the typical educated Thai, then all I have to say is: the current status of your country is not a surprise at all. You are actually extremely biased - against Asians in general and Chinese in particular. But that's OK. Your recognition is not necessary. So as Chinese explore the universe at both astronomical scales and nanoscales, as progress is being made at the cutting edge of science and technology - you can stay where you are. You can keep wondering, what happened. You will always be wondering, when will a superman come save me, come lift me up - but there is no superman.
It is unlikely that North Vietnam would produce anything like the Kims of NKR. Not impossible, just unlikely, in my opinion. What this mean is that had Viet Nam been partitioned throughout the Cold War, South Viet Nam would have been like South Korea, and once the Soviet Union collapsed, Viet Nam would be whole again under southern leadership towards unity and economic prosperity.

Have you forgot something ? Germany was able to reunite because at that time the Soviet was about to collapse, and it approved German reunification. Korea couldn't emulate German model because China won't allow that from happening. Had Vietnam been divided into North and South, NVN won't be much different with NKR.

Why do you think communist regime fell in those Eastern European countries ? Because they were Soviet satellites, they weren't self-sustained, once the core collapsed so does appurtenants. Kim regime survived because they can still get essential supplies(food, fuel etc) from China, and so would NVN in the hypothetic scenario.
Have you forgot something ? Germany was able to reunite because at that time the Soviet was about to collapse, and it approved German reunification. Korea couldn't emulate German model because China won't allow that from happening. Had Vietnam been divided into North and South, NVN won't be much different with NKR.

Why do you think communist regime fell in those Eastern European countries ? Because they were Soviet satellites, they weren't self-sustained, once the core collapsed so does appurtenants. Kim regime survived because they can still get essential supplies(food, fuel etc) from China, and so would NVN in the hypothetic scenario.
Yeah...China was going to materially support two satellites AFTER the Soviet Union collapse.

In my opinion, the main reason why North Korea continues to survive is because NKR is China's only burden.

So...How about in your fantasy, China got bogged down with North Korea and North Vietnam, leaving the alliance of the US, South Viet Nam, and South Korea slowly whittle away at those two pathetic countries as China struggles with reforming her own tattered economy from decades of communist incompetence ? :lol:

You are young and proud. I know it. However, Our views today may not be the same tomorrow. It changes as we grow older. History, people and the outside world has the ability to trigger our emotional responses. If you simply react to the cause, you have already lost without a fight. In order to protect your country and to win, you must first learn to fight your emotions.

The past is the past. Focus on the present and look towards the future.
Yep, past is the past, hope US Govt. will pay the compensation to VNese who suffered the pain from agent orange.

Have you forgot something ? Germany was able to reunite because at that time the Soviet was about to collapse, and it approved German reunification. Korea couldn't emulate German model because China won't allow that from happening. Had Vietnam been divided into North and South, NVN won't be much different with NKR.
Wrong, unlike N.Korean cant escape from N.K, our Northern people will try to get out of the country by boats, by go to Laos etc, so N.VN would collapse if we could not unify the South.
Wrong, unlike N.Korean cant escape from N.K, our Northern people will try to get out of the country by boats, by go to Laos etc, so N.VN would collapse if we could not unify the South.

I don't believe it, @NiceGuy just admitted that people would be better off living in US satellite nation !
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