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How US sanctions are crippling science in Iran

hey, maybe before opening your mouth, look at the evidence:

Iran has a spectacular growth potentials waiting to be unlocked and these sanctions will only enable these. The projected growth is despite the 'Maximum Pressure' campaign.

More evidence of Iran's economic rebound:


Iran’s Rial Rebounds Despite Tightening Trump Sanctions
Yasna Haghdoost
October 4, 2019, 8:08 AM EDT

Photographer: Ali Mohammadi/Bloomberg
Iran’s currency has appreciated 40% in the past year, the country’s central bank governor said, recovering from historic lows reached after the U.S. abandoned the 2015 nuclear deal and reimposed sanctions.

Abdolnaser Hemmati said inflation had stabilized as the currency recovered, while the economy had recorded growth over the last 12 months despite the impact of sanctions and the threat of war, the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency quoted him as saying Friday.

Iran’s rial tumbled on the unregulated market after Donald Trump said he would pull his country out of the multilateral agreement aimed at preventing the Islamic Republic from building a nuclear bomb.

Don’t Look Now Donald Trump, Iran’s Currency Is Soaring

The loss of revenues from oil exports, Iran’s main source of hard currency, hit the currency hard, fueling inflation and shortages of some imports.

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I think last time Gaddafi tried to replace dollar for buying and selling Oil and other trade, let me remind you guys how he ended up ..
Iran isnt Libya though, so false equivalence. Nice trolling attempt..

Lolz the iranian mullah propagandist here claim that iran is thriving despite of sanctions.
Anyone who wants to see how hard the sanctions are biting should visit taftan border.
"thriving" = relative.

Tbh, for you and me, who are materialistic and shallow and want new consumer gadgets and crap, if we lived in Iran, yes, we would say we're suffering, but i dont believe Iranians are THAT materialistic relative to their values/ regional goals. Not saying their economy isnt struggling but Iranians know how to manage and survive under harsh conditions. Where are the protests in Iran to overturn the govt from citizens being really angry about sanctions?

All i'm saying is, dont assume Iranians feel and behave and react the way Pakistanis or other people would. Iran is brilliant at not blowing its top and making bad decisions just because things got hard. they'll wait it out...and wait for Chinese relief, which just started..

Bull shit life is easy for billionaire mullahs and its irgc and who cares about common people?
apparently you, but since its fake care, pls mind your business and let Iranians manage their govt and life themselves.. all you're doing here is trolling. cheers.

On a personal level, I hate the Iranian regime for the massacare it facilitated in Syria. Massacare of innocent sunni Muslims. I hate the Iranian regime for that. I hate the Saudi regime too, for it's prostitution for the US and its transgressions against the Yemeni civilians.

I really hope the regime suffers. I feel for the ordinary Iranian who might have to do nothing with the policy making of the regime but that's collateral damage. After the Syrian war, I hate the Iranian regime with my guts. I hope it pays the full price and the cries of the Syrians haunt them. I can't stand the face of Bashaar al kalb and any of his allies.

I feel any Muslim who has a fair account of the recent history in Syria cant help but wish for death and destruction of this brutal regime. I wish peace for the ordinary Iranian civilian but how I wish the regime and the IRGC are crushed and made to pay the price of their excesses against the Syrians.
This smells like serious victim complex. I think you only complained about Assad killing "Sunnis" because you think Sunnis lost the civil war. Oh well. its a nasty war and all sides are war criminals.

Saudis pay your bills though, that we know. :)

Iran: Preaches about unity as it wages war against Sunni Islam and its proxies murder Sunnis
Can you shut up with your propaganda? Iran isnt waging any war against Sunni Islam. Iran is waging war against leaders of Sunni countries in the ME that Iran feels either collaborates with ISrael+ US against them, or doesnt have Islamic "legitimacy".

You wont tell us how the "Sunnis" supported ISIS and AQ in Syria, etc which are straight up terrorist groups. IRan wasnt even fighting common Sunnis in Syria. go somewhere else with your loser-victim psychology.

First of all, these articles are misleading (and erroneous) because they conflate total IRGC assets with Khamenei's wealth. Khamenei lives a very modest life - do you see him building grand palaces and buying huge yachts like the corrupt Arab Monarchs of Saudi Arabia etc?
I think Khameini does control alot of wealth, but so does Putin and so does Nawaz Sharif(didnt he use his authority as Pakistani PM to make his rich self EVEN RICHER)? Wasnt this Same Nawaz Sharif in the Panamagate scandal? pot calling kettle black!

So was Yugoslavia, but it was still centered around one man (Tito). Hence the collapse after his death!
So was Iraq under Saddam...
I think Khameini does control alot of wealth, but so does Putin and so does Nawaz Sharif
When do you ever see Khamenei with expensive clothes or cars or planes or anything? He has influence over the IRGC in a military sense but that doesn't mean he owns all their business assets and personally benefits from their profits.
When do you ever see Khamenei with expensive clothes or cars or planes or anything? He has influence over the IRGC in a military sense but that doesn't mean he owns all their business assets and personally benefits from their profits.
Not owning or wearing expensive clothes or cars doesnt mean you dont have wealth. Khamenei displays a moderate lifestyle but he has billions of dollars under his control via bonyads, biz interests etc. I'm not criticizing or complaining about it, just stating the mere fact that Khamenei has lots of wealth under his control and can access it, when he wants.
Not owning or wearing expensive clothes or cars doesnt mean you dont have wealth. Khamenei displays a moderate lifestyle but he has billions of dollars under his control via bonyads, biz interests etc. I'm not criticizing or complaining about it, just stating the mere fact that Khamenei has lots of wealth under his control and can access it, when he wants.
"under his control" aka via many layers of control and which he doesn't use for his own personal benefit nor does he possess in reality.

And "moderate" is like Boris Johnson or Justin Trudeau, not Khamenei ("luxury" is reserved for the dictators of the Persian Gulf like MBS/MBZ and their clans).
Not owning or wearing expensive clothes or cars doesnt mean you dont have wealth. Khamenei displays a moderate lifestyle but he has billions of dollars under his control via bonyads, biz interests etc. I'm not criticizing or complaining about it, just stating the mere fact that Khamenei has lots of wealth under his control and can access it, when he wants.
You can have wealth under your control ,it don't mean you own it.
Putin: The US is sawing the bench they are sitting on by weaponizing the dollar.

stupid americans. they are the biggest beneficiary of the USD being the international currency for transfers... they will be the biggest losers of this long term. as the world turns away from USD transactions and alternatives develop. This story has happened before with the british pound, and it will happen again with the USD..

in the mean time, pro- Zionist politicians and media will brag about how much vandalism they managed to cause on the Iranian economy.. Keep on gloating that you managed to vandalize some sections of the Iranian economy short term to serve your Zionist masters, while destroying your national security long term.

Give Netanyahu credit though. as rex Tillerson recently said, he played that orange clown like a fiddle. hurt both US and Iranian interests to advance Zionist israeli ones.. (though I still believe sanctions benefit Iran long term)
Putin: The US is sawing the bench they are sitting on by weaponizing the dollar.

stupid americans. they are the biggest beneficiary of the USD being the international currency for transfers... they will be the biggest losers of this long term. as the world turns away from USD transactions and alternatives develop. This story has happened before with the british pound, and it will happen again with the USD..

in the mean time, pro- Zionist politicians and media will brag about how much vandalism they managed to cause on the Iranian economy.. Keep on gloating that you managed to vandalize some sections of the Iranian economy short term to serve your Zionist masters, while destroying your national security long term.

Give Netanyahu credit though. as rex Tillerson recently said, he played that orange clown like a fiddle. hurt both US and Iranian interests to advance Zionist israeli ones.. (though I still believe sanctions benefit Iran long term)
Ha, I wrote the same thing in another thread a few months ago....the weaponization of the dollar will come back to haunt them for a long time. I also noted how a small country like Iran has changed the course of history in the USA. By taking hostages in 1979 we helped elect Reagan....he of course gave rise to the Neo-Cons, the same group that armed the Mujahideen in Afghanistan to beat the Soviets....which later gave rise to the Taliban and Bin Laden and Al Qaeda (we know how that turned out). Then they started a war in Iraq that led to ISIS (we also know how that turned out too)....by their own admission Iran was next but the whole thing of course blew up in their face with Iraq. Now Iran is the spark that will dethrone the U.S. Dollar. It's funny all of these past events and the future consequences can be traced back to a group of people that are either aligned with the Zionists or are Zionists in the U.S. government.....if their Intelligence community is reading this I hope they can see it for what it is.
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