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How US sanctions are crippling science in Iran

Qaddafi got soft, paranoid and deranged, as these mad dictator types do in old age.

That’s why a system-centric based government is always better than a person-centric one. A system has a much better fail safe. Just look at the states. It’s still functioning despite a fruitcake running the show.
That’s why a system-centric based government is always better than a person-centric one.

Gaddafi was not the real ruler in Libya. The real rulers were the people - the citizens - because Libya was a Direct Democracy state. Please read this thread from 2015.
So was Yugoslavia

I don't know about Yugoslavia's political arrangement. Can you describe it to me ??

but it was still centered around one man (Tito). Hence the collapse after his death!

But the difference is no one invaded Yugoslavia.

Also, in current Libya, there are many people who wish to go back to the Jamahiriya system that existed until the war in 2011.
I just published 11.35 Impact factor paper in a Western Journal.

This article in the OP is a big LOL

No one can compete with Iran in research publishing rise in recent years esp the nations who border us.
On a personal level, I hate the Iranian regime for the massacare it facilitated in Syria. Massacare of innocent sunni Muslims. I hate the Iranian regime for that. I hate the Saudi regime too, for it's prostitution for the US and its transgressions against the Yemeni civilians.

I really hope the regime suffers. I feel for the ordinary Iranian who might have to do nothing with the policy making of the regime but that's collateral damage. After the Syrian war, I hate the Iranian regime with my guts. I hope it pays the full price and the cries of the Syrians haunt them. I can't stand the face of Bashaar al kalb and any of his allies.

I feel any Muslim who has a fair account of the recent history in Syria cant help but wish for death and destruction of this brutal regime. I wish peace for the ordinary Iranian civilian but how I wish the regime and the IRGC are crushed and made to pay the price of their excesses against the Syrians.

So basically you hate the Iranian regime based on nonsense propaganda!

Here are a few questions for you to consider

1.If the Assad regime is so hated and disliked by the vast majority in Syria why on God's green earth would Saudi Arabia, UAE, Europe and U.S. all appose and refuse to accept any election (Even a UN Monitored election) where Assad would be allowed to run??
2.When has Saudi Arabia ever backed a truly Democratic process in a Muslim country in our region for this to be the 1st time?" Election is Gaza brought about Hamas that they don't like, Elections in Iraq brought about a government they didn't like, Elections in Iran brought about a government they didn't like, They hijacked Egypt's attempts to bring about a democracy, Elections in Lebanon gave more power to Hezbullah that they don't like, They invaded Yemen because they refused to allow a democratic process and power sharing in Yemen, they sent troops in to Bahrain to prevent the downfall of a monarchy....

Fact is today Yemen one of the financially poorest countries in our region is under famine because of the Saudi's and yet your crying about Iran because your side lost in Syria and your clearly having trouble getting over it!
we have a live one here.

so tell me the article is fake and Propaganda then?

Iran has been under sanctions for 40 years and if you want an examples of how they not only don't work but in the long run make Iran stronger then here you go:

40 Years ago the U.S. placed sanctions on Iran's Air Force hoping to ground Iran's mostly western fleet and they even went as far as shredding their own F-14's to ground Iranian F-14's and the direct result of that action was the development of a robust Iranian Missile program while at the same time Iran's kept a 50year old fleet flying including it's F-14's and slowly worked on domestically reverse engineering and produced an upgraded version of the F-5 aka Kowsar all while being under sanctions that even prohibit the sale of Titanium to Iran.

Today Iran's Ballistic Missile program, UAV program & Air Defense programs are the direct result of U.S. sanctions that have banned Iran from upgrading it's Air Force because if as far back as 20 years ago Iran was simply allowed to purchase and upgraded it's Air Force at that time those Iranian programs that were still at their infancy would have never gotten the budget or the attention they need to grow into what they are today and if that had happened at best Iran today would have had ~250 Su-30 and a very limited Missile Program, UAV program & would have no doubt lacked a domestic and viable SAM program.... Where as today Iran would have to be delusional to even exchange it's missile programs alone with a fleet of 300 F-35's let alone the rest....

So you see even if the U.S. manages to even stop 90% of Iranian oil exports today all that will happen in the long run is that Iran will take that oil and use it to turn it into product so at the end of the day that oil will either be turned into petrochemicals or we'll turn it into fuel to power more powerplants to power more industrial towns that will produce more products and the main losers in the long run will be the countries who were banned from buying Iranian oil.
So you see we Iranians have faced sanctions for too long to fear it and Iran will turn any sanction US places on Iran in it's own favor it's simply a matter of time!
I just published 11.35 Impact factor paper in a Western Journal.

This article in the OP is a big LOL

No one can compete with Iran in research publishing rise in recent years esp the nations who border us.

Iran has been under sanctions for 40 years and if you want an examples of how they not only don't work but in the long run make Iran stronger then here you go:

40 Years ago the U.S. placed sanctions on Iran's Air Force hoping to ground Iran's mostly western fleet and they even went as far as shredding their own F-14's to ground Iranian F-14's and the direct result of that action was the development of a robust Iranian Missile program while at the same time Iran's kept a 50year old fleet flying including it's F-14's and slowly worked on domestically reverse engineering and produced an upgraded version of the F-5 aka Kowsar all while being under sanctions that even prohibit the sale of Titanium to Iran.

Today Iran's Ballistic Missile program, UAV program & Air Defense programs are the direct result of U.S. sanctions that have banned Iran from upgrading it's Air Force because if as far back as 20 years ago Iran was simply allowed to purchase and upgraded it's Air Force at that time those Iranian programs that were still at their infancy would have never gotten the budget or the attention they need to grow into what they are today and if that had happened at best Iran today would have had ~250 Su-30 and a very limited Missile Program, UAV program & would have no doubt lacked a domestic and viable SAM program.... Where as today Iran would have to be delusional to even exchange it's missile programs alone with a fleet of 300 F-35's let alone the rest....

So you see even if the U.S. manages to even stop 90% of Iranian oil exports today all that will happen in the long run is that Iran will take that oil and use it to turn it into product so at the end of the day that oil will either be turned into petrochemicals or we'll turn it into fuel to power more powerplants to power more industrial towns that will produce more products and the main losers in the long run will be the countries who were banned from buying Iranian oil.
So you see we Iranians have faced sanctions for too long to fear it and Iran will turn any sanction US places on Iran in it's own favor it's simply a matter of time!

why dont you guys decide amongst yourseld if its fake or Propaganda or true.

call me when you have a Konsenses
why dont you guys decide amongst yourseld if its fake or Propaganda or true.

call me when you have a Konsenses

consensus among us is that in Research publishing we rate higher than countries that border us.
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