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How US sanctions are crippling science in Iran

hey, maybe before opening your mouth, look at the evidence:

Iran has a spectacular growth potentials waiting to be unlocked and these sanctions will only enable these. The projected growth is despite the 'Maximum Pressure' campaign.

According to imf and otjers, every country has "potential". Let alone countries having oil. But i was right, so when are u replacing US as super power.
On a personal level, I hate the Iranian regime for the massacare it facilitated in Syria. Massacare of innocent sunni Muslims. I hate the Iranian regime for that. I hate the Saudi regime too, for it's prostitution for the US and its transgressions against the Yemeni civilians.

I really hope the regime suffers. I feel for the ordinary Iranian who might have to do nothing with the policy making of the regime but that's collateral damage. After the Syrian war, I hate the Iranian regime with my guts. I hope it pays the full price and the cries of the Syrians haunt them. I can't stand the face of Bashaar al kalb and any of his allies.

I feel any Muslim who has a fair account of the recent history in Syria cant help but wish for death and destruction of this brutal regime. I wish peace for the ordinary Iranian civilian but how I wish the regime and the IRGC are crushed and made to pay the price of their excesses against the Syrians.

I'm so sorry we killed your filthy head chopping terrorists!
I'm so sorry we killed your filthy head chopping terrorists!

He even mentioned hebhates saudi but since ur a propaganda mouth piece and a blind goat probably getting paid to BS.

This only confirms that iranian mullahs and their supporters are animals without any sense of humanity at all. See how u tag common syrian civilians as head chopping terrorists, even an utter idiot and moron knows common ppl suffer in war and have nothing to do with govts or groups. This only shows ur real filthy face and hatred for sunnis
LOL...... Sad thing for Bakistan is that even with all the sanctions, Iranians have much superior living standards than Bakistanis.

Also, all the international organisations like Scopes ans ISI are showing annual improvements in the scientific output of Iran. Iran is now ranked the 16th in the output of science, amongst the world countries. Turkey is ranked 19th..... Bakistan is ranked 38!!!!!
And the number of Iranian universities ranked amongst the worlds best is increasing every year, as per below article:


Ayatollah Ali Khamenei controls £60 billion financial empire, report says
12-Nov-2013 · Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader, controls a financial empire worth an estimated US$95 billion (£60 billion) - far greater than the ..

Iranian and desi khomenists be like
Fake news, yahudi propaganda, u are a wahabi
First of all, these articles are misleading (and erroneous) because they conflate total IRGC assets with Khamenei's wealth. Khamenei lives a very modest life - do you see him building grand palaces and buying huge yachts like the corrupt Arab Monarchs of Saudi Arabia etc?
First of all, these articles are misleading (and erroneous) because they conflate total IRGC assets with Khamenei's wealth. Khamenei lives a very modest life - do you see him building grand palaces and buying huge yachts like the corrupt Arab Monarchs of Saudi Arabia etc?

The article is written by the Zionist Telegraph newspaper.... enough said....

If they wanted to question heads of state with a lot of questionable money, they would start with with their queen...
so if you're cool with Iran having its proxies kill Sunnis.... are you also cool with cursing Aisha? If you're cool with Iran engaging in aggressive expansion and back Shia terrorists, maybe you're also cool with cursing Aisha.

If someone curses Aisha, is that cool or no? Are you so politically correct, that doesn't matter to you? It's just an "alternative path"?

Old saying: "The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you".

Iran: Preaches about unity as it wages war against Sunni Islam and its proxies murder Sunnis

people are so in love with Iran on the basis of some hollow rhetoric..... I'm surprised they don't just go all the way and start worshipping Ali
On a personal level, I hate the Iranian regime for the massacare it facilitated in Syria. Massacare of innocent sunni Muslims. I hate the Iranian regime for that.

I must say that you are misinformed. The Syria war is really about the Socialism-driven government fighting against NATO-supported terrorists. Just like the Libya war of 2011 and 2012.

The Syrian armed forces contain Sunnis too. And there are foreign fighters like the Palestinian group, PFLP ( all Sunni ), fighting alongside the Syrian government against the NATO-supported terrorists like FSA, HuT, al-Qaeda etc.

The Iranian assistance to the Syrian government may be because the FSA and ISIS are killing the Shias but the Syrian war is not a Shia vs Sunni conflict.

To say more, Bashar al-Assad's wife is Sunni.
LOL...... Sad thing for Bakistan is that even with all the sanctions, Iranians have much superior living standards than Bakistanis.

Also, all the international organisations like Scopes ans ISI are showing annual improvements in the scientific output of Iran. Iran is now ranked the 16th in the output of science, amongst the world countries. Turkey is ranked 19th..... Bakistan is ranked 38!!!!!
And the number of Iranian universities ranked amongst the worlds best is increasing every year, as per below article:



This is even more embarrassing considering that Pakistan has a population of 180 million!

wat a retard.

Some one who spells "what" as "wat" has no business calling others a retard!
The EU has forbidden companies under its jurisdiction from complying with US sanctions, and those that do can face criminal penalties
Really?,and just how many of these companies have the eurovassals prosecuted to send the message that us secondary sanctions have no legality in the eu.You would think that if the eurovassals were truly serious about preserving the jcpoa and proving that they still had a degree of political and economic sovereignty and independence,then not only would this be one of the sharper tools at their disposal,but it would also be one of the best opportunities to use it and prove their independence.
But I guess not.......

In a gesture of political goodwill, several EU countries led by France, Germany and the United Kingdom are establishing a special payments channel to coordinate barter exchanges with Iran called the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX). The aim is to help their companies and Iran to circumvent US sanctions.
just reading this line makes me want to vomit.....or punch someone.The hypocrisy is literally breathtaking.....and sickening.

I think last time Gaddafi tried to replace dollar for buying and selling Oil and other trade, let me remind you guys how he ended up ..
Gaddaffi thought that he could do deals with the west and that the west would honor those deals,he was truly a fool.One hopes that his wretched fate would be a powerful lesson to those who think that they can do deals with the west and that these deals would be honored.
Ironically this was an example of obama tearing up one of his predecessors [bush jnr] deals.
Gaddaffi thought that he could do deals with the west and that the west would honor those deals,he was truly a fool.

Gaddafi certainly was not a fool. Actually it was his son Saif al Islam who started dialog with Western governments.

But yes, Gaddafi was certainly naive to believe that those governments will honor those deals.
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