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How to Improve relationship with China and pak.

Ok, you are intelligent. I agree!! The pact binds governments and armies not to attack each other.

Does it cover LeT and Hijbul too?

As long as it included the RSS and other right wing fanatics involved in recent bombing and the indian army stops the killing in kashmir.
Ok, before thread closes, one honest solution - Give hyderabad, J&K, Arunachal, Delhi, Chennai to Pakistan and Mumbai, Sikkim, Kolkata to China.

Permanent peace.

No your okay.......we will stick to the kashmir issue,as this is what your govt took to the UN and is recognized as an international dispute by the international community.
After all you prime minister promised the kashmiris that they would have a free vote on the issue.......dont recall the india govt doing the same for the places you mentioned.
its very simple.........give kashmir to pakistan..........and make 20 countries from india
Ideally the chances of there being peace between india and china is very unlikely.. China the so called next superpower is rising. it is much better off than the next rising star india at present. But as India grows, it will aspire to take the place from china just like china aspires to displace US now. and you know, EGO PROBLEMS..
Get a Time Machine, and go back to 1959. Let another country host them, any country that does not border Tibet.

As for a realistic solution, ask your media sources (NDTV etc.) to stop predicting future Sino-Indian wars in 2012/2014/2017.

But the media just prints what people want to read. So I doubt anything will change.

the poor old man is still making you scratch your head?? LOL

as for the media BS, even i dont believe what ndtv says. watch DD

Both South Tibet and Kashmir are major obstacles. A very realistic way is to have them as "international zones" where there is visa free entry for citizens of the respective 2 countries and a 2nd controlled border for immigration purposes. They should also be jointly policed and no heavy military weapons stationed there.

A major question is, will Indian media stop demonizing China and calling for a war? If China, Pakistan and India were at peace that would be the biggest nightmare of the Wall Street regime as the USN will be forced to be divided between Pacific and Indian oceans rather than 60% in Pacific.
Both South Tibet and Kashmir are major obstacles. A very realistic way is to have them as "international zones" where there is visa free entry for citizens of the respective 2 countries and a 2nd controlled border for immigration purposes. They should also be jointly policed and no heavy military weapons stationed there.

The realistic way is to maintain the status quo.

You have no locus standi in Kashmir and have what you really wanted in the Eastern sector (as well as Western sector).

A major question is, will Indian media stop demonizing China and calling for a war? If China, Pakistan and India were at peace that would be the biggest nightmare of the Wall Street regime as the USN will be forced to be divided between Pacific and Indian oceans rather than 60% in Pacific.

No Indian media calls for a war with China. You guys need to understand the picture in toto rather than go by some sensationalist headlines.

There is no one in India who wants a war with China if we can avoid it. But we won't shirk in case of an attack.
Both South Tibet and Kashmir are major obstacles. A very realistic way is to have them as "international zones" where there is visa free entry for citizens of the respective 2 countries and a 2nd controlled border for immigration purposes. They should also be jointly policed and no heavy military weapons stationed there.A major question is, will Indian media stop demonizing China and calling for a war? If China, Pakistan and India were at peace that would be the biggest nightmare of the Wall Street regime as the USN will be forced to be divided between Pacific and Indian oceans rather than 60% in Pacific.

so you mean to say that tibet, arunachal and kashmir should be visa free zones.. Jointly policed by the forces of both the countries??
Seems good to me. good for business too.
so you mean to say that tibet, arunachal and kashmir should be visa free zones.. Jointly policed by the forces of both the countries??
Seems good to me. good for business too.

But certain fanatic far right Indians disagree and believe that keeping things the way they are now is great for peace.

And that is obviously not true.
so you mean to say that tibet, arunachal and kashmir should be visa free zones.. Jointly policed by the forces of both the countries??
Seems good to me. good for business too.

Neither area is exactly a critical hub of trade. Too isolated and desolate. Need to settle the border through negotiations. Good fences make for good neighbours.
After war thread and all happiness with tsvram lets give your Suggestions and things what we have to do to improve relations with both this country.


What our these neighbours can do about it?

It should be a win win situation.
The present border issue doesnt seem to make it true.

1.Relations with china can be improved as long as we stay away from US though we have border disputes.
2.By making BRIC(/MATO) as a counter to NATO ie making it a military organisation with pakistan as a member.
3.Same revolt like Eygpt,Libya should happen in china or pakistan to make it perfect democratic.
4.Seperate Tibet (, having a border is main dispute with pakistan and china).
5.Terrorism should be completely removed in pakistan.
6.Unification of India and pakistan.
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