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How to Collect More Tax and Reduce Price of Petrol too


Jan 17, 2015
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Allow import of Petrol from Iran and collect tax too. Iranian imported Petrol in Pakistan costs not more than 40 PKR. If govt decides to collect Rs 5 per lit tax on Iranian Petrol even then avg estimated price to consumer will be Rs 45 per lit.

It is simple math & common sense. Someone please tell the government take some decision to reduce the prices and improve the tax collection at the same time.

I don't know why people at helm of affairs can't understand these simple things or they don't have time to think about anything out of the box.

Please educate me what are the reasons of not importing oil from Iran on such a low price. Petrol & Diesel prices are very low in Iran and Pakistani towns near Iran border. We should use our geopolitical location for our economic gains.
i dont care , how expensive electricity , fuel or rice is,
i will follow example of my Q uaid, imran khan, AND.............

Please educate me what are the reasons of not importing oil from Iran on such a low price.

1. US sanctions on Iran.
2. Pakistan cannot afford to violate the sanctions in place.

(The above reasons are also why the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline has never been completed.)
Allow import of Petrol from Iran and collect tax too. Iranian imported Petrol in Pakistan costs not more than 40 PKR. If govt decides to collect Rs 5 per lit tax on Iranian Petrol even then avg estimated price to consumer will be Rs 45 per lit.

It is simple math & common sense. Someone please tell the government take some decision to reduce the prices and improve the tax collection at the same time.

I don't know why people at helm of affairs can't understand these simple things or they don't have time to think about anything out of the box.

Please educate me what are the reasons of not importing oil from Iran on such a low price. Petrol & Diesel prices are very low in Iran and Pakistani towns near Iran border. We should use our geopolitical location for our economic gains.
A while ago I asked the same question and the answer given was "Politics"...

1- Remittance from Arabs will be affected if Pakistan buys Iranian energy..

2- US anger and possible sanctions on Pakistan

The good news is if Saudi and Iran finally come to terms..Pakistan may be able to do energy deals with Iran without Arab reprisals.
Not only would Iran give energy supplies to Pakistan for a substantially cheaper price, but Iran has already built a natural gas pipeline to Pakistan. The only issue is that Pakistan still has not completed it's end of the project. I'm guessing due to American pressure in the past ? But why not now ? Even with US sanctions, Iran would most likely accept a wide variety of forms of payment from Pakistan as well. How does Iran sell China 1 million barrels of crude per day despite US sanctions ? It's just a matter of figuring out the details between both sides.

If the political will was there, Pakistan could complete it's portion of the pipeline in 1 year or less and have natural gas flowing to Pakistan uninterrupted. Then during peacetime Pakistan could also transit natural gas to India and make profit simply for being a transit route just like Turkey does between Russia and EU despite US sanctions.

Again Iran could accept a wide variety of payments since SWIFT is not an option at this point. It's certainly not an insurmountable obstacle. Again it's just a matter of getting both sides to the table and working out of the details. This is of course assuming everything is on friendly and cordial terms between Pakistan and India during said time. In any case, the long term benefits of Pakistan importing energy from Iran far exceed any arguments against. It just seems like such a simple, practical and cheap solution for Pakistan.

Iran and Pakistan are brotherly nations and have long lasting historical ties going back thousands of years. How long are we going to allow some American politicians in Washington determine how we interact with each other ?

Allow import of Petrol from Iran and collect tax too. Iranian imported Petrol in Pakistan costs not more than 40 PKR. If govt decides to collect Rs 5 per lit tax on Iranian Petrol even then avg estimated price to consumer will be Rs 45 per lit.

It is simple math & common sense. Someone please tell the government take some decision to reduce the prices and improve the tax collection at the same time.

I don't know why people at helm of affairs can't understand these simple things or they don't have time to think about anything out of the box.

Please educate me what are the reasons of not importing oil from Iran on such a low price. Petrol & Diesel prices are very low in Iran and Pakistani towns near Iran border. We should use our geopolitical location for our economic gains.
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A while ago I asked the same question and the answer given was "Politics"...

1- Remittance from Arabs will be affected if Pakistan buys Iranian energy..

2- US anger and possible sanctions on Pakistan

The good news is if Saudi and Iran finally come to terms..Pakistan may be able to do energy deals with Iran without Arab reprisals.
not only this but USA is # importer of pakistani exports
more tax ? they can impose tax on oxigion the only thing tax free in pakistan is breathing .
You forgot corruption too getting old are we? 😁


forever young
Not only would Iran give energy supplies to Pakistan cheaper, but Iran has already built a natural gas pipeline to Pakistan. The only issue is that Pakistan still has not completed it's end of the project. I'm guessing due to American pressure in the past ? But why not now ? Even with US sanctions, Iran would most likely accept a wide variety of forms of payment from Pakistan.

If the political will was there, Pakistan could complete it's portion of the pipeline in 1 year or less and have natural gas flowing to Pakistan uninterrupted. Then during peacetime Pakistan could also transit natural gas to India and make profit simply for being a transit route. This is of course assuming everything is on friendly and cordial terms between Pakistan and India during said time. In any case, the long term benefits of Pakistan importing energy from Iran far exceed any arguments against. It just seems like such a simple, practical and cheap solution Pakistan.

Iran and Pakistan are brotherly nations and have long lasting historical ties. How long are we going to allow some US politicians in Washington to decide how we interact with each other ?

I won't go that far but we should ready up the gas pipe line and any improvement in West/Iran relation connect it in 24 hours.
Why not turn the other cheek and let the smugglers do their business. Catch the oil and pay them for being an obedient boy and release them an hour latter. Tell them as punishment do the next trip lol.
The good news is if Saudi and Iran finally come to terms..Pakistan may be able to do energy deals with Iran without Arab reprisals.
Region must counter the Neocon/Zionist sectarian shadow wars that have reeked havoc in MENA. Even a semi-cooperating MENA bloc would resolve the global energy crisis. Regions leaders must think long term and of life after the petro-dollar.
Right now Turkey is generating revenue as a transit route from Russia to EU. No reason why Pakistan cannot do the same with Iranian natural gas. You realize Iran has more natural gas than any country in the world ?

For Pakistan, during peacetime with India, why not let the India contribute towards your defense budget ? Just seems like the natural thing to do for Pakistan.

Well despite US sanctions Iran is supplying oil to China, 1 million barrels a day. Those are official numbers and recently China rejected a US initiative to cease or reduce Iranian energy sales.

Venezuela, where Iranian diesel is traded for Venezuelan heavy crude and then Iranian tankers that unload the Iranian Diesel go to China again to drop off the heavy crude.

Then in the region right now Iran is supplying Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon.

Now that's just in terms of what is admitted in the media. Behind closed doors, who knows.

In 2018, at first when Trump imposed harsh sanctions on Iran, it had a very negative and detrimental effect on Iran's economy. However now Iran has adjusted.

The reason why Iran can sell oil even without access to SWIFT or international banking is because Iran can accept foreign currency, gold, rice, wheat, any valuable commodity which is in demand, Iran will work out a deal.

At the end of the day, all modern and developing nations are completely reliant on some fuel source for power generation. Even with renewables, you still require fuel in the mix because the sun won't always shine and the wind won't always blow.

Right now, from what I've been able to gather, Iran is selling each barrel to China for a $2-$5 discount. That's not even a 10% discount but it's still significant enough to spark interest. Especially now during the winter and with EU, UK, China, Lebanon all experiencing energy issues.

I heard Putin is milking the EU for every last drop. However it's their own fault. Countries like Poland or Hungary, who signed long term deals with Russia are now NOTt seeing a surge in prices. The countries who said NO to long term deals with Russia are the ones who are now paying 200% more.

I mean they could always say no to Russia and end up paying 3 times more for American Liquified Natural Gas, freedom gas, but that's their choice.

Seems like I spoke too soon, Natural Gas prices just tore through a strong resistance line, that means we're likely seeing the same prices as 2008. It's going to be a cold winter. damn.


I won't go that far but we should ready up the gas pipe line and any improvement in West/Iran relation connect it in 24 hours.
Why not turn the other cheek and let the smugglers do their business. Catch the oil and pay them for being an obedient boy and release them an hour latter. Tell them as punishment do the next trip lol.
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Allow import of Petrol from Iran and collect tax too. Iranian imported Petrol in Pakistan costs not more than 40 PKR. If govt decides to collect Rs 5 per lit tax on Iranian Petrol even then avg estimated price to consumer will be Rs 45 per lit.

It is simple math & common sense. Someone please tell the government take some decision to reduce the prices and improve the tax collection at the same time.

I don't know why people at helm of affairs can't understand these simple things or they don't have time to think about anything out of the box.

Please educate me what are the reasons of not importing oil from Iran on such a low price. Petrol & Diesel prices are very low in Iran and Pakistani towns near Iran border. We should use our geopolitical location for our economic gains.

collecting tax? hahha, first sort out you minister of fianance

Finance Minister Shaukat Tarin’s tenure will end today (Saturday) as the government has not been able to elect Tarin as a member of the parliament within the stipulated period of six months.
Sugar, cotton, wheat, steel, cement, car etc Mafia needs to be handled ASAP and given severe punishments.

An example needs to be set from every sector
Right now Turkey is generating revenue as a transit route from Russia to EU. No reason why Pakistan cannot do the same with Iranian natural gas. You realize Iran has more natural gas than any country in the world ?

For Pakistan, during peacetime with India, why not let the India contribute towards your defense budget ? Just seems like the natural thing to do for Pakistan.

Well despite US sanctions Iran is supplying oil to China, 1 million barrels a day. Those are official numbers and recently China rejected a US initiative to cease or reduce Iranian energy sales.

Venezuela, where Iranian diesel is traded for Venezuelan heavy crude and then Iranian tankers that unload the Iranian Diesel go to China again to drop off the heavy crude.

Then in the region right now Iran is supplying Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon.

Now that's just in terms of what is admitted in the media. Behind closed doors, who knows.

In 2018, at first when Trump imposed harsh sanctions on Iran, it had a very negative and detrimental effect on Iran's economy. However now Iran has adjusted.

The reason why Iran can sell oil even without access to SWIFT or international banking is because Iran can accept foreign currency, gold, rice, wheat, any valuable commodity which is in demand, Iran will work out a deal.

At the end of the day, all modern and developing nations are completely reliant on some fuel source for power generation. Even with renewables, you still require fuel in the mix because the sun won't always shine and the wind won't always blow.

Right now, from what I've been able to gather, Iran is selling each barrel to China for a $2-$5 discount. That's not even a 10% discount but it's still significant enough to spark interest. Especially now during the winter and with EU, UK, China, Lebanon all experiencing energy issues.

I heard Putin is milking the EU for every last drop. However it's their own fault. Countries like Poland or Hungary, who signed long term deals with Russia are now NOTt seeing a surge in prices. The countries who said NO to long term deals with Russia are the ones who are now paying 200% more.

I mean they could always say no to Russia and end up paying 3 times more for American Liquified Natural Gas, freedom gas, but that's their choice.

Seems like I spoke too soon, Natural Gas prices just tore through a strong resistance line, that means we're likely seeing the same prices as 2008. It's going to be a cold winter. damn.

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USA want Europe to but USA LNG, Russia wants Europe to buy from them via pipeline. USA and Russia are looking out for themselves. Europeans have to have a more independent global stance, unless that happens status quo will remain. MENA has to look to land energy connections to Asia. Asia combined already makes up the majority of the global GDP. This will only go higher.
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