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How to Collect More Tax and Reduce Price of Petrol too

We can have $10 billion cheap oil from iran and damage our export trade with US and then remittance from arab countries.

Which will be more beneficial decision

its the govt and gas mafias who are in co hoots with qatar

- wont buy cheap gas from iran
@sha ah

- will buy expensive LNG from qatar


china is buying iranian crude at a discount -

US sanctions are meaningless
how much export do we have with US?
IT services?
if all gone then we will be walking on roads rather than traveling using bike or car
We can have $10 billion cheap oil from iran and damage our export trade with US and then remittance from arab countries.
They are not selling cheap. Pakistan tried to negotiate gas prices. They refused to come down. Pakistan stop the construction.

Chinese ask 50% discount on oil, they refused. We don’t know what deal they struck with China now
please educate me - by all means -


iran is selling oil at a discount to china


there is no such thing as US santions
How about read the whole thing.

“However, the structure of the sanctions is not on the verge of collapse by any means especially because Iran is not able to repatriate much of that revenue.”

We don’t know what deal China was able to struck with Iran. Previously they ask for 50% discount.

Pakistan is not China. China loans money to the US. On the other hand Pakistan is running off IMF bailouts. Get your head out of your rare.
Right now Turkey is generating revenue as a transit route from Russia to EU. No reason why Pakistan cannot do the same with Iranian natural gas. You realize Iran has more natural gas than any country in the world ?

For Pakistan, during peacetime with India, why not let the India contribute towards your defense budget ? Just seems like the natural thing to do for Pakistan.

Well despite US sanctions Iran is supplying oil to China, 1 million barrels a day. Those are official numbers and recently China rejected a US initiative to cease or reduce Iranian energy sales.

Venezuela, where Iranian diesel is traded for Venezuelan heavy crude and then Iranian tankers that unload the Iranian Diesel go to China again to drop off the heavy crude.

Then in the region right now Iran is supplying Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon.

Now that's just in terms of what is admitted in the media. Behind closed doors, who knows.

In 2018, at first when Trump imposed harsh sanctions on Iran, it had a very negative and detrimental effect on Iran's economy. However now Iran has adjusted.

The reason why Iran can sell oil even without access to SWIFT or international banking is because Iran can accept foreign currency, gold, rice, wheat, any valuable commodity which is in demand, Iran will work out a deal.

At the end of the day, all modern and developing nations are completely reliant on some fuel source for power generation. Even with renewables, you still require fuel in the mix because the sun won't always shine and the wind won't always blow.

Right now, from what I've been able to gather, Iran is selling each barrel to China for a $2-$5 discount. That's not even a 10% discount but it's still significant enough to spark interest. Especially now during the winter and with EU, UK, China, Lebanon all experiencing energy issues.

I heard Putin is milking the EU for every last drop. However it's their own fault. Countries like Poland or Hungary, who signed long term deals with Russia are now NOTt seeing a surge in prices. The countries who said NO to long term deals with Russia are the ones who are now paying 200% more.

I mean they could always say no to Russia and end up paying 3 times more for American Liquified Natural Gas, freedom gas, but that's their choice.

Seems like I spoke too soon, Natural Gas prices just tore through a strong resistance line, that means we're likely seeing the same prices as 2008. It's going to be a cold winter. damn.

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It's not about the details of a hypothetical agreement between Iran and Pakistan but Pakistan's willingness to face the backlash for such an energy deal. Pakistan's main trading partner currently is the U.S, you can't piss them off, and the Arabs are a massive source of remittances, you can't piss them off as well.

For an energy deal to happen, Iran and KSA will have to normalize relations. As far as China is concerned, the US can't sanction it. China gives loans to the US, while Pakistan is surviving off IMF bailouts.
Is he behind bars?

Or is he sadiq and ameen too now?
how come pti make him behind bars its courts jobs and judge jobs. First you said he will not return from UK then you took U turn and still taking.
feel some shame if you can I know its hard after eating free naan qeema and khota briyani.
How China circumvented the ban is beyond our discussion,
anyone can circumvent US sanctions, if your deal in cash, which is dependent if Iran accept your currency!
So it can be European companies as well.

Iran can export as much oil as Saudi Arabia and as much gas as Qatar
This is obviously wrong information, which only serve the ignorants. Even true, not a convincing reason for Pakistan to buy poor quality oil at higher prices than open market, just because Iran is firing missiles on Saudi Arabia, so a bit of extra cash will help Iran to accelerate those attacks.
china is buying iranian crude at a discount -

US sanctions are meaningless

If US sanctions are meaningless, why is Pakistan not daring to violate them? Expensive gas from Qatar is only because the government did not buy it on long term contracts. This is not "co hoot"ery but simple mismanagement in the best Pakistani tradition.
Here is what can be done:

China will set up a company in Pakistan ..China company buys Iranian oil....the oil is now China oil...Pakistan buys China oil...no sanctions applied ..no Arab anger..


China parks a super tanker by Gawadir Port and fills using Iranian oil..Pakistan Buys China oil and pumps oil from super tanker..same story...put SCO to work man....:undecided::undecided::undecided::undecided:
anyone can circumvent US sanctions, if your deal in cash, which is dependent if Iran accept your currency! So it can be European companies as well.

This is obviously wrong information, which only serve the ignorants. Even true, not a convincing reason for Pakistan to buy poor quality oil at higher prices than open market, just because Iran is firing missiles on Saudi Arabia, so a bit of extra cash will help Iran to accelerate those attacks.

It is not correct to pick and chose particular lines from the entire posts, without context, and then respond to them. The entire purpose becomes moot.
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