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How to Collect More Tax and Reduce Price of Petrol too

Inflation is their because you consume more than you produce. Everything is imported. Work hard, Produce everything at home, you won’t need to devalue your currency or buy dollars to buy imports and cry inflation.

With expensive gas or gas shortages, how is one supposed to do that?
If Pakistan is just going to end up buying LNG from Qatar forever, why didn't Pakistan simply build a cng pipeline to Qatar and get it over with?

LNG is for rich countries and fools.

You could even do Qater-Pakistan-India pipeline for transit fees.
Ever wondered why Pakistan doesn't invest in renewables, like wind and solar, on BOT / BOO basis ? If they did, then those in Power wouldn't get commissions.
1. iran is evading capital controls by using third parties and barter with china . US sanctions are merely the cut off of iranian banks from SWIFT systems , there is no one physically stopping iran from exporting oil /gas

2in case of pakistan, we either keep buying expensive lng from qatar ( and cry inflation) / OR we go for cheap iranian gas -

3. sanction can hit pakistan - but inflation is hitting more

its you who needs to get your head out of the behind - dollar slave
Wouldnt this upset USA and Saudia your export partner?

And we always go to IMF for dollars in the end.
we are talking about gas here, not crude oil - the two are entirely different commodities , unless one doesnt know like you

you allege that iran- pakistan deal was full of corruption? what evidence you have regarding fairness for qatar LNG deal besides a shady , i know a friend of a friend who was in a board room ,

PTi ranted all day and night about expensive qatari LNG, then went to sign more agreements with qatar ! if this is not corruption, i dont know else is

simple fact is this - LNG is compressed natural gas - it needs sea shipment( also expensive) , it needs road transportation, it needs port terminals

all in all , an expensive deal

iranian natural gas would have been connected to already existing sui gas infrastructure


PS - i worked in British petroleum pakistan - sindh gas fields -

PTi needs eugenics experts like you

i can make references if need be !
Sure my buddy Mcfucfuck was in board meeting and told me Zardari IP pipeline was full of corruption.

You are posting links for oil discount and yapping about gas. Working as a Receptionist doesn’t count.

Unless you have comprehension issues, I already told you Iranians wanted to link their gas prices to oil.

Delivering gas over pipeline isn’t free. Cost of project and lifetime cost is added to the gas. Which is why it was expensive than Qatar deal.

Zardari sold Pakistan’s interest to Iranians because it hourbours and supported Terrorist like Uzair Bloch for his party.
Wouldnt this upset USA and Saudia your export partner?

And we always go to IMF for dollars in the end.
If Iranians deal was any good Pakistan would have completed it’s side of pipeline. Zardari screwed over Pakistan with IP deal. This guy has no numbers, no stats. He is just arguing with everyone.
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it is clear that you are severely affected by right wing republican propaganda in US. all of what is happening is the govt's doing, and not by the people. when govts introduce incentives for exports, exports do pick up, electronics companies like samsung set up plants. but when govts are hell bent on doing nothing, then nothing comes out of it. also, since you are a hardworking person, why dont you back to Pakistan and help the country?

US govt didn’t set up Microsoft, Tesla, Amazon, Apple. It’s the genius and hard work of average American. Setup and running Samsung factory is expensive than in Pakistan. Companies setup factories in US because their is a consumer demand here. There is no shortage of hard workers in Pakistan, but issue is their shortsightedness and the idiots and leg-pullers that out numbers them. US don’t have this problem. Idiots maybe, but they aren’t leg-pullers.
Sure my buddy Mcfucfuck was in board meeting and told me Zardari IP pipeline was full of corruption.

You are posting links for oil discount and yapping about gas. Working as a Receptionist doesn’t count.

Unless you have comprehension issues, I already told you Iranians wanted to link their gas prices to oil.

Delivering gas over pipeline isn’t free. Cost of project and lifetime cost is added to the gas. Which is why it was expensive than Qatar deal.

Zardari sold Pakistan’s interest to Iranians because it hourbours and supported Terrorist like Uzair Bloch for his party.

If Iranians deal was any good Pakistan would have completed it’s side of pipeline. Zardari screwed over Pakistan with IP deal. This guy has no numbers, no stats. He is just arguing with everyone.

im gettting tired here, replying to B.s here and there

you are merely posting conjectures, made up assumptions and concoctions mixed with cheap personal attacks just to look good

1- you claim zardari was doing corruption in IP deal - source - friend of a friend of a friend,, how conventiant

2. first , you outright deny iran was giving discounts to china, i then posted authentic links from oilprice.com, reuters ... will you negate them as well ?

3. iranians were linking their gas prices to oil ? where did this even happen? do you have any proof or you had a chachay ka puttar ka mama in the board room? crude and NG are priced entirely differently, have altogether difference benchmarks ! the IP gas line was cancelled due to US pressure, nothing else

4. delivering gas with pipe line is expensive vs LNG ???? do you know what is the tarriff of these two ? have you even paid a gas bill your entire life mr eugenics???

oh, i worked in BP as a mechanical engineer, i was in charge of 3 gas wells ,, let that sink before arguing vaguely with someone who worked in the industry
Wouldnt this upset USA and Saudia your export partner?

And we always go to IMF for dollars in the end.

yeap .,

i will complete your post

......... imran and nawaz are no different here
I foresee riots.

this govt will keep on increasing prices until the public boils over -

they are such haramis -
Claims to be a natural gas expert.

Claims that LNG is the cheapest way to deliver gas.......

If LNG is cheaper why does retards in northeast US have to buy Russian LNG at 3x price of cng pipeline gas in the US due to not wanting CNG pipelines into their states?
Claims to be a natural gas expert.

Claims that LNG is the cheapest way to deliver gas.......

If LNG is cheaper why does retards in northeast US have to buy Russian LNG at 3x price of cng pipeline gas in the US due to not wanting CNG pipelines into their states?

internet is full of sad morons , cant blame them

only here on pdf i learn that LNG is cheaPER THAN NATURAL GAS -

this forum has turned into a PTI infested gutter sadly , little kids who run here and there and then claim they work for the permian basin!
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