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How to Collect More Tax and Reduce Price of Petrol too

Iranian imported Petrol in Pakistan costs not more than 40 PKR.
Iranian oil is already being smuggled into Pakistan, and what's the basis of your cost calculation...? i have been searching for the details of agreement made by Zardari with Irani mullas, ever since. If you have a copy share.

Iranian oil quality they smuggle to Pakistan is worst ever, i will always prefer oil from Pakistani refineries.
Sugar, cotton, wheat, steel, cement, car etc Mafia needs to be handled ASAP and given severe punishments.

An example needs to be set from every sector

i fail to understand... you want to import these items only from Iran, and proposing crack down on Pakistani industry, in order to create opportunity for Iranian govt. is this what you mean?

I hope you know, all Iranian industry is owned by mullas, even though if it is private, this includes their car industry as well, which basically was setup by French, whom Imran Khan kicked out of Pakistan, because the consortium had Arabs investor.
In a troubled time like this, govt could start by withdrawing tax breaks given to elites. Next step could be high capital gains tax on real estate transactions and penal taxes on undeveloped land and real estate holdings. Govt could use these earnings to subsidise basic necessities for lower and middle class.
Allow import of Petrol from Iran and collect tax too. Iranian imported Petrol in Pakistan costs not more than 40 PKR. If govt decides to collect Rs 5 per lit tax on Iranian Petrol even then avg estimated price to consumer will be Rs 45 per lit.

It is simple math & common sense. Someone please tell the government take some decision to reduce the prices and improve the tax collection at the same time.

I don't know why people at helm of affairs can't understand these simple things or they don't have time to think about anything out of the box.

Please educate me what are the reasons of not importing oil from Iran on such a low price. Petrol & Diesel prices are very low in Iran and Pakistani towns near Iran border. We should use our geopolitical location for our economic gains.

The price of petrol is not merely increased to keep up with international prices but also to provide a fair amount of revenue for the Government. Currently, I am estimating that the Government is pocketing Rs. 25 or so on every liter of petrol on account of various taxes, duties and levies.

Coming to Iran:

1. the US has not allowed countries to buy Iranian Oil/Gas and so we are not able to buy from Iran.
2. more importantly, if we start buying from Iran it will piss off Saudi Arabia and UAE and we cannot afford to piss them off, not merely because of their peanut support in terms of keeping 3 Billion USD in the SBP coffers each but because of the large number of expats living in these countries who not only earn a livelihood but also send Billions in remittances each year.

Based on the above, it is not possible to just start importing Oil/Gas from Iran. Furthermore, Iran will not be selling Oil at 30%-40% OPEC rate which is what you are making it to be. The Oil is around USD 85/Barrel which is quite high; well, not as high as it hit during the PPP tenure but still high. You add importation costs (Shipping, lading, insurance), refining cost, distribution cost, profits, taxes/duties/levies etc., the price does go up significantly even when there are almost 159 liters/barrel. From Iran, we may get it at 20%-25% discount based on the proximity and transportation methods which can be made available (pipeline).

Unfortunately, not every decision can be made on best sense, some have to be made keeping the larger interest of the country in mind.

P.S. the oil which is available in towns close to Iran is not refined to the grade which is sold at the pump and is smuggled due to which it is Rs. 50-70 cheaper.
>> Iranian imported Petrol in Pakistan costs not more than 40 PKR.

Iran petrol price is skyrocketed recently 1 liter = IR 15000,- while the value of Iranian Rial is going down like rock in well. There is huge shortage of petrol, long queue in pumps and sometimes riots due to shortage as well as price shootup. Their petrol and diesel quality is very poor due all their refineries are age old and technologically backdated due to US embargo shortage of parts and machinery. Those smuggled petrol and diesels are really killing pakistani cars.

1. the US has not allowed countries to buy Iranian Oil/Gas and so we are not able to buy from Iran.
Obama allowed India to import as an exception, China give middle finger to sanctions. Iran lost nothing.
1. US sanctions on Iran.
2. Pakistan cannot afford to violate the sanctions in place.

(The above reasons are also why the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline has never been completed.)


its the govt and gas mafias who are in co hoots with qatar

- wont buy cheap gas from iran
@sha ah

- will buy expensive LNG from qatar


china is buying iranian crude at a discount -

US sanctions are meaningless
Obama allowed India to import as an exception, China give middle finger to sanctions. Iran lost nothing.

I believe it was Trump who gave India and China a time limited exception, after expiry of the exception India ceased import of Oil from Iran whereas China did continue but the quantity was grossly reduced. How China circumvented the ban is beyond our discussion, however China is 1 country which can actually take the US on financially and hurt the US economy almost as much as the US can hurt the Chinese economy and this co-dependence on economies ensures that neither country take it to the extreme.

Iran lost big, Iran can export as much oil as Saudi Arabia and as much gas as Qatar but is unable to do so because of sanctions. As long as the world is held hostage by SWIFT and other US financial systems and the US Dollar is the Global currency, the US will retain hegemony over sanctions unilaterally and will control the economy of many countries.

its the govt and gas mafias who are in co hoots with qatar

- wont buy cheap gas from iran
@sha ah

- will buy expensive LNG from qatar


china is buying iranian crude at a discount -

US sanctions are meaningless
You must be living under a Rock. All your points are wrong.
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Allow import of Petrol from Iran and collect tax too. Iranian imported Petrol in Pakistan costs not more than 40 PKR. If govt decides to collect Rs 5 per lit tax on Iranian Petrol even then avg estimated price to consumer will be Rs 45 per lit.

It is simple math & common sense. Someone please tell the government take some decision to reduce the prices and improve the tax collection at the same time.

I don't know why people at helm of affairs can't understand these simple things or they don't have time to think about anything out of the box.

Please educate me what are the reasons of not importing oil from Iran on such a low price. Petrol & Diesel prices are very low in Iran and Pakistani towns near Iran border. We should use our geopolitical location for our economic gains.

#1. Iranian fuel is bought locally at Iranian rates by smugglers before being Smuggled Into boarding towns of Pakistan. Iranian govt wants to sell oil and gas to Pakistan on international market rate. Which is same as buying from any other country.

#2. Iran is sanctioned by US. Considering Pakistan financial situation, cost to benefit ratio is not in favor of Pakistan. Any sanctions on Pakistani oil and gas industry (which rely on US technology) or financial institutions will push Pakistan close to bankruptcy.

3. Geopolitics is another matter. Pakistan can’t make dozen friends unhappy to make one friend happy. You gotta stay with the (wolf) pack to survive. Specially when you are not the strongest.
Allow import of Petrol from Iran and collect tax too. Iranian imported Petrol in Pakistan costs not more than 40 PKR. If govt decides to collect Rs 5 per lit tax on Iranian Petrol even then avg estimated price to consumer will be Rs 45 per lit.

It is simple math & common sense. Someone please tell the government take some decision to reduce the prices and improve the tax collection at the same time.

I don't know why people at helm of affairs can't understand these simple things or they don't have time to think about anything out of the box.

Please educate me what are the reasons of not importing oil from Iran on such a low price. Petrol & Diesel prices are very low in Iran and Pakistani towns near Iran border. We should use our geopolitical location for our economic gains.
Hello brother the rates of oil u r talking about are not correct as the iranian petrol is not imported but smuggled.

Like any other oil producing country iran sell petrol to its own domestic. Citizens at a cheap price but when we will import directly the rate will be based on international benchmark market rate rather the rate of iranian citizen
A while ago I asked the same question and the answer given was "Politics"...

1- Remittance from Arabs will be affected if Pakistan buys Iranian energy..

2- US anger and possible sanctions on Pakistan

The good news is if Saudi and Iran finally come to terms..Pakistan may be able to do energy deals with Iran without Arab reprisals.
No brother cost will have lower impact as purchase can still be done via barter system but barter system is costly whereas iranian oil u will get at international rates
#1. Iranian fuel is bought locally at Iranian rates by smugglers before being Smuggled Into boarding towns of Pakistan. Iranian govt wants to sell oil and gas to Pakistan on international market rate. Which is same as buying from any other country.

#2. Iran is sanctioned by US. Considering Pakistan financial situation, cost to benefit ratio is not in favor of Pakistan. Any sanctions on Pakistani oil and gas industry (which rely on US technology) or financial institutions will push Pakistan close to bankruptcy.

3. Geopolitics is another matter. Pakistan can’t make dozen friends unhappy to make one friend happy. You gotta stay with the (wolf) pack to survive. Specially when you are not the strongest.
Finally someone talking sense
You must be living under a Rock. All your points are wrong.

please educate me - by all means -
#1. Iranian fuel is bought locally at Iranian rates by smugglers before being Smuggled Into boarding towns of Pakistan. Iranian govt wants to sell oil and gas to Pakistan on international market rate. Which is same as buying from any other country.

#2. Iran is sanctioned by US. Considering Pakistan financial situation, cost to benefit ratio is not in favor of Pakistan. Any sanctions on Pakistani oil and gas industry (which rely on US technology) or financial institutions will push Pakistan close to bankruptcy.

3. Geopolitics is another matter. Pakistan can’t make dozen friends unhappy to make one friend happy. You gotta stay with the (wolf) pack to survive. Specially when you are not the strongest.


iran is selling oil at a discount to china


there is no such thing as US santions
I won't go that far but we should ready up the gas pipe line and any improvement in West/Iran relation connect it in 24 hours.
Why not turn the other cheek and let the smugglers do their business. Catch the oil and pay them for being an obedient boy and release them an hour latter. Tell them as punishment do the next trip lol.
That’s minuscule compared to country needs. Can’t rely on few containers of dirty fuel to drive a country. What is needed is to drill a fuel line under the border and buy fuel at local Iranian rates and pay them in Iranian currency.😜

iran is selling Venezuela oil as well
P.S. the oil which is available in towns close to Iran is not refined to the grade which is sold at the pump and is smuggled due to which it is Rs. 50-70 cheaper.

irani smuggled petrol is one thing

gas and crude is another

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