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How should Bangladesh Muslims deal with atheists who do not attack Islam?

@madx I saw your posts trying to prove that Farhad Mazhar attacked Islam and thus people's belief system and religious feelings in some instances. If these are facts, then I personally disagree with these activities. He should refrain from such activities in the future and apologize for them if needed.

But there is a huge difference between the activities of atheist bloggers tasteless attacks on Islam - borrowing, copy pasting and translating from Islamophobia Industry website such as jihadwatch and making philosophical musings in mystic poetry. It shows that you and perhaps your AL activist brigade are catching at straws to try to prove your point and its not working very well.

As far as I know, Farhad Mazhar is a far more conscientious man to be an Islamophobe. He may have chosen a different lifestyle for himself, but he will not do anything to harm the masses, by attacking a belief system that is so dear to them.
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@madx I saw your posts trying to prove that Farhad Mazhar attacked Islam and thus people's belief system and religious feelings in some instances. If these are facts, then I personally disagree with these activities. He should refrain from such activities in the future and apologize for them if needed.

But there is a huge difference between the activities of atheist bloggers tasteless attacks on Islam - borrowing, copy pasting and translating from Islamophobia Industry website such as jihadwatch and making philosophical musings in mystic poetry. It shows that you and perhaps your AL activist brigade are catching at straws to try to prove your point and its not working very well.

As far as I know, Farhad Mazhar is a far more conscientious man to be an Islamophobe. He may have chosen a different lifestyle for himself, but he will not do anything to harm the masses, by attacking a belief system that is so dear to them.

My point is those ppl whom are suporting Hafazot have to be pure in every state related to Islam.
And your side whom are trying to implement opposition as atheist just to gain political advantage isnt
the best idea, as your side is also full of them.
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My point is those ppl whom are suporting Hafazot have to be pure in every state related to Islam.
And your side whom are trying to implement opposition as atheist just to gain political advantage isnt
the best idea, as your side is also full of them.

madx, whatever I do and say here, I do out of concern for my country and people and that includes you and your clan. Perhaps we disagree on our views and methods, but we should agree on one thing that all Bangladeshi's should want the best for their country, because it is stupid to do otherwise. If the country goes down, everyone goes down with it.

Now please tell me:

- do you want rule of law in Bangladesh?
- do you want democracy in Bangladesh?
- do you want development of Bangladesh?

If your party Awami League worked for democracy, rule of law and development of Bangladesh, it is not just me, many people in Bangladesh would again vote for them. Why do you guys make the same mistakes every time and then expect to see a different result? Why this insanity?

Please ask your conscience. I know it is useless debating with a party hack, but I just could not resist asking these questions, as I always wonder what goes on in the head of people like you. Do you guys think you can continue on like this forever?
Modi in action
Well their idol is not only modi appearently. Dont you see many of them use Israeli flag for their location flag but yet they are such idiots they write the name of indian cities as their current location. But I guess they may not be as stupid as it seems maybe they just want to showcase their moral support for their genocidal brothers in arms half-way across the world. There is also one Indian W.Bengali poster who uses Israeli flag both for his country and location flag. Just shows the kind of love they possess for those around the world who are specifically involved in a fight and continuously committing genocide against muslims around the world.

But remember they also say they are also tolerant to every religion and we BD ppl are the extremists, religious fanatics etc. etc. Well Hypocrisy is a word that can be substituted by the word Indian everytime and anytime I guess.
Since when...It is republic of Bangladesh, not Islamic republic..they have a secular constitution.

Pledging that the high ideals of absolute trust and faith in the Almighty Allah, nationalism, democracy and socialism meaning economic and social justice, which inspired our heroic people to dedicate themselves to, and our brave martyrs to sacrifice their lives in the war for national independence, shall be fundamental principles of the Constitution.

We are NOT a secular country.We believe in equal rights for adherents of all religion in here.But we are a Muslim country where the laws must not go against the religious sentiment of the majority of the people!

non believers or kuffars/ kaafirs is an insulting term isnt it ? so respect is only for the ones who follow islam n only islam ?

So what should we call a person who does not believe?
madx, whatever I do and say here, I do out of concern for my country and people and that includes you and your clan. Perhaps we disagree on our views and methods, but we should agree on one thing that all Bangladeshi's should want the best for their country, because it is stupid to do otherwise. If the country goes down, everyone goes down with it.

Now please tell me:

- do you want rule of law in Bangladesh?
- do you want democracy in Bangladesh?
- do you want development of Bangladesh?

If your party Awami League worked for democracy, rule of law and development of Bangladesh, it is not just me, many people in Bangladesh would again vote for them. Why do you guys make the same mistakes every time and then expect to see a different result? Why this insanity?

Please ask your conscience. I know it is useless debating with a party hack, but I just could not resist asking these questions, as I always wonder what goes on in the head of people like you. Do you guys think you can continue on like this forever?

For ur first questions answer is yes.

I said it many times my support changes. I dont like AL in many cases, infact most of the cases.
For democracy we vote, but parties cant give us justice. But there is my problem when you bring
tempered history to defame BD. Then the problem starts. Plz follow the thread and see what I said
earlier. I want justice to war criminals and whoever bothers with that I hate him. Bnp and jamat
came on the path so my anger gone to them. I have taken the opposite side as ur side taken the
side of anti BD ppl.

@Al-zakir U dont get it i thank india for what they did to us back in '71.

But today i hate them more than anyone in the earth, I also blame al to not defend them perfectly & want them to remove from power.

But point is i hate zia & his family(they r the most corrupted & insane people).he influenced army members to kill mujib & taken this country for a dark era for a long time.he just captured the country but not won the heart of people.

& religion.Islam was never at risk in our country,nobody can take its place.people use this to spread terrorism in our peaceful country.

sorry you have no right to insult my belief, go take your freedom of speech elsewhere. you ever try to insult prophet (pbuh) in front of me i break your head

And If You Say something About My God, I Will Leave You Alone... And If Ur Not A Bad Person , I will Pray For You.
For ur first questions answer is yes.
That is good to know.

I said it many times my support changes. I dont like AL in many cases, infact most of the cases.
For democracy we vote, but parties cant give us justice. But there is my problem when you bring
tempered history to defame BD
. Then the problem starts. Plz follow the thread and see what I said
earlier. I want justice to war criminals and whoever bothers with that I hate him. Bnp and jamat
came on the path so my anger gone to them. I have taken the opposite side as ur side taken the
side of anti BD ppl.

I was misled by the lie propagated by Col (retd) Shawkat Ali, who was claiming that Mujib was actually involved in the Agartala case. I have since changed my views on Mujib as I found out with reasonable certainty that Mujib or any major Awami League leader were not actually involved with Agartala case, a minor RAW project. Ayub Khan tried to frame Mujib using this case with a false charge and Bhasani saved and freed Mujib with his 11 point movement:

Now please tell me where I have defamed Bangladesh.

@Al-zakir U dont get it i thank india for what they did to us back in '71.

But today i hate them more than anyone in the earth, I also blame al to not defend them perfectly & want them to remove from power.

But point is i hate zia & his family(they r the most corrupted & insane people).he influenced army members to kill mujib & taken this country for a dark era for a long time.he just captured the country but not won the heart of people.

& religion.Islam was never at risk in our country,nobody can take its place.people use this to spread terrorism in our peaceful country.

As far as I know Zia knew about the coup, but he had no role in it. It was rather a faction of Awami League led by Khondoker Mushtaque together with the Army officers, one of whom was a relative of Mushtaque, a friend of Major Dalim, these are the main players in that incident.

I personally do not support killing for any reason, not by Army, RAB or political goons. I consider this culture of killing as some kind of solution to be the biggest problem in Bangladesh. If Mujib and his family were not killed, my feeling is that AL would have been finished as a party and there would be no opportunity to revive it under Hasina.

I have no great love for any political party, but when I see the menace of AL led by Hasina, I know this has got to stop.

What we need is rule of law, democracy and development. AL must re-instate CTG and allow a free and fair election, that is the key issue here. If AL did not start the war crimes kangaroo trial and then this Shahbag circus to back up that kangaroo trial, all to divert from CTG issue, no one would bring up this atheist issue. AL deserves what it got, because of their bad choice. The only way out for them is to allow CTG and a free and fair election. If AL trys to stage another rigged election, the people of the country will not forgive AL, like they did last time. Hawa Bhaban was fresh in people's mind then, but now people think that Tareque with his broken spine has received enough punishment for his alleged crimes. And Hasina and AL has crossed all limits taking law in their own hand and inching closer to BKSAL every day.
That is good to know.

I was misled by the lie propagated by Col (retd) Shawkat Ali, who was claiming that Mujib was actually involved in the Agartala case. I have since changed my views on Mujib as I found out with reasonable certainty that Mujib or any major Awami League leader were not actually involved with Agartala case, a minor RAW project. Ayub Khan tried to frame Mujib using this case with a false charge and Bhasani saved and freed Mujib with his 11 point movement:

Now please tell me where I have defamed Bangladesh.

As far as I know Zia knew about the coup, but he had no role in it. It was rather a faction of Awami League led by Khondoker Mushtaque together with the Army officers, one of whom was a relative of Mushtaque, a friend of Major Dalim, these are the main players in that incident.

I personally do not support killing for any reason, not by Army, RAB or political goons. I consider this culture of killing as some kind of solution to be the biggest problem in Bangladesh. If Mujib and his family were not killed, my feeling is that AL would have been finished as a party and there would be no opportunity to revive it under Hasina.

I have no great love for any political party, but when I see the menace of AL led by Hasina, I know this has got to stop.

What we need is rule of law, democracy and development. AL must re-instate CTG and allow a free and fair election, that is the key issue here. If AL did not start the war crimes kangaroo trial and then this Shahbag circus to back up that kangaroo trial, all to divert from CTG issue, no one would bring up this atheist issue. AL deserves what it got, because of their bad choice. The only way out for them is to allow CTG and a free and fair election. If AL trys to stage another rigged election, the people of the country will not forgive AL, like they did last time. Hawa Bhaban was fresh in people's mind then, but now people think that Tareque with his broken spine has received enough punishment for his alleged crimes. And Hasina and AL has crossed all limits taking law in their own hand and inching closer to BKSAL every day.

I also said in some of my posts I also support CTG. But self reliance is good.
Hope the politicians make out a way of it.
You said one of your post that "you" means not you. So everything I am not meaning you.
My problem started when ppl here on pdf started denying killings of pk army back on 71.
And some of you wanted to implement BD is nothing but a raw conspircy.
And u posted some threads defaming mujib's birth history and to prove mujib bahini as raw agents.
Those I consider as anti BD practice. Hope you understand.
I also said in some of my posts I also support CTG. But self reliant is good.
Hope the politicians make out a way of it.
You said one of your post that "you" means not you. So everything I am not meaning you.
My problem started when ppl here on pdf started denying killings of pk army back on 71.
And some of you wanted to implement BD is nothing but a raw conspircy.
And u posted some threads defaming mujib's birth history and to prove mujib bahini as raw agents.
Those I consider as anti BD practice. Hope you understand.

I think you are confusing Mujib Bahini with Mujib Battery.Mujib Battery was a legendary artillery force of the Muktibahini.Mujib Bahini was formed towards the end of the war to take control from the ultra leftist freedom fighters.It did fight beside the Muktibahini and were somewhat better equiped.But nonetheless it was a political force and whose primary motivation was to retain control of the war and the soon to be liberated country.It was later transfored into the infamous Jatiyo Rakkhi Bahini which has been compared to the Gestapo and other Nazi forces.Mujib's birth story seemed pretty unlikely but I don't think anyone cares who he was born to.He will be remebered for his actions and contributions.
Someone also suggested this for @marty:

and the same user also suggested that Muslims or Bangladeshi Muslims in this forum are would be terrorists and US govt. should monitor our activity:

And all I did was ask a simple question and it was twisted every which way possible by unwanted visitors to this thread, to prove that Bangladeshi Muslims are Islamofascists and would be terrorists.

I have already got the answers though from Bangladeshi Muslims:

Atheism is fine, as long as they keep it to themselves and do not attack Islam, by becoming one more useful idiots and pawns of Islamophobia Industry.

Lol cry me a river for all I care. What's wrong in suggesting USA should contemplate ways to deal you people when according to you atheists need to be dealt with in Bangladesh.
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i dont insult anybody religion but if anybody insult mine dont expect me to be calm

I don't think his intention was to hurt you. All he said is that atheists have beliefs as strong has yours and they have right to their beliefs just like you do. In a secular country you learn to respect and coexist with people having different sets of beliefs.

Just a word of advice..... If you want to survive for long in an online forum and not get offended then you have to develop a thick skin. You have to deal with atheists, religious extremists, secularists, and occasional nut cases etc.
I don't think his intention was to hurt you. All he said is that atheists have beliefs as strong has yours and they have right to their beliefs just like you do. In a secular country you learn to respect and coexist with people having different sets of beliefs.

Just a word of advice..... If you want to survive for long in an online forum and not get offended then you have to develop a thick skin. You have to deal with atheists, religious extremists, secularists, and occasional nut cases etc.
He is most probably a false flag, he read in PDF about jamat e islami rally in kolkata in support of Bangladeshi war criminals and assumed an identity. When I asked him which part of kolkata did the jamat demonstrate their protest and he ran away.

From his terrorist like views and support towards Bangladeshi war criminal I can gauge his identity, just see the people who are thanking his posts.
We all know that before there were humans, there was no religion on earth. Earth had five long periods(Permian, Jurassic, Triassic etc..) full of living beings having a good time. Until the creator/nature/so called Aliens/GOD got bored and we humans showed on this planet. Because we had thinking power, to govern self by some rules and regulation and to install fear in our mind to obey those rules, the religion was created. Of course all the religions preach many good things, the common being just be a good human being. But some think too much about it and see where the earth stands now. Scientists have said that withing next 20-50years or so we are very much likely to have an intelligent alien contact. Well, by then we shall have many other religion of theirs and the quarrel will get wide.

N.B : Before that What I think is if an 2-3 Kms. Rock get slammed on to earth then all the human along with religion with their gods, knowledge, will go KAPUT, just Vanish!!
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