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How should Bangladesh Muslims deal with atheists who do not attack Islam?

a muslim who left islam either atheist or convert, he/she is sure about islam is not his/her path and most probably will be hating islam to the core. but, unlike any other apostates, ex-muslims are very much critical about islam(especially if they are in liberal countries). they won't spare islamic god or his messenger. muslim scholars knows about it, that's why islamic are behind murtad for their lives. very clever.

Stop making stuff up, every freaking Hindu acts like he has been researching Muslims for last 2 decades :lol:.
In which case why protest against anything done in the west. After all, when in Rome, do as the romans do.........

I can protest all i want from my country as i am safe here but yes it would be stupid to go and do it in theirs when i am only a minority

I wonder what will be the next discussion? - How to deal with witches and sorcerers? How to buy slaves properly? What is a minimum age for concubine? How to stone adulteress?

150 or 151 stones? you decide.
I can protest all i want from my country as i am safe here but yes it would be stupid to go and do it in theirs when i am only a minority

I wasn't referring to protesting in your country, I was referring to those doing it in the countries of the west & the support they receive from people across the Muslim world.
I wasn't referring to protesting in your country, I was referring to those doing it in the countries of the west & the support they receive from people across the Muslim world.

If the Muslims in America goes and protest for the banning of Churches there, they would be nothing but retarded just as the atheists in Bangladesh are in for the banning of religious parties. Common sense.
If the Muslims in America goes and protest for the banning of Churches there, they would be nothing but retarded just as the atheists in Bangladesh are in for the banning of religious parties. Common sense.

That is not what i was referring to. Freedom of speech is a given there. Why not accept that others have a right to mock your beliefs? Why all the protests about cartoons etc....?
That is not what i was referring to. Freedom of speech is a given there. Why not accept that others have a right to mock your beliefs? Why all the protests about cartoons etc....?

Really? Freedom of speech in USA?then why they spend so much money on internet/phone monitoring system that us media writes about now and then.if our protesting about a cartoon seems so big a deal,please tell me why M F Husain had to leave India and die in his old age leaving his beloved motherland?
Stop making stuff up, every freaking Hindu acts like he has been researching Muslims for last 2 decades :lol:.
fyi, I am not a Hindu(if Hindu means Hindostani, then I am) by religion. stop assuming too much and start learning 1-0-1.
Well I hear ya, both sides need to stop acting all emo and respect each other's view.

But you hardly ever hear about Islamist bloggers calling atheists names. Can't atheist bloggers simply keep their opinions about God and prophets to themselves or keep their very own secret personal diaries to make notes of their feelings whenever they feel this sudden urge to insult Muslims or the prophet?

What would Jews do if some Islamist (in the US) dedicated a blog to denying the holocaust? You'd expect an outlash from the Jewish community, wouldn't you? Same principle applies here.
Plenty of them....heck, just look at this forum!
Good to see that the caveman mentality of the OP is being criticized by most, not just hindooooo Indians.
Well I hear ya, both sides need to stop acting all emo and respect each other's view.

But you hardly ever hear about Islamist bloggers calling atheists names. Can't atheist bloggers simply keep their opinions about God and prophets to themselves or keep their very own secret personal diaries to make notes of their feelings whenever they feel this sudden urge to insult Muslims or the prophet?

What would Jews do if some Islamist (in the US) dedicated a blog to denying the holocaust? You'd expect an outlash from the Jewish community, wouldn't you? Same principle applies here.
Sorry I don't understand, if religious people can proselytize openly by saying there's is the true path then what's wrong if atheists saying theirs is the true path. There's thousands of blogs by Islamists, missionaries, hinduvtas etc which regularly berates anyone who doesn't subscribe to their ideology and call them various names. So what's wrong if some hardcore atheist does the same. At best it would put him at the same level with religious nut jobs.
That is not what i was referring to. Freedom of speech is a given there. Why not accept that others have a right to mock your beliefs? Why all the protests about cartoons etc....?

Sure, they are free to mock my beliefs and whatever they wish. But hopefully they won't cry when they face a punch right at them. :lol: you can discuss in a civilized manner but if you start badmouthing something then expect an uncivilized behaviour as well

By they way, don't mistaken Freedom of speech with hate speech
Hate speech - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is prohibited in several OPEN minded countries. Everything must have a limit and so should the expression.
Sure, they are free to mock my beliefs and whatever they wish. But hopefully they won't cry when they face a punch right at them. :lol: you can discuss in a civilized manner but if you start badmouthing something then expect an uncivilized behaviour as well

Don't confuse violence with speech, no one else accepts them as being equal.
By they way, don't mistaken Freedom of speech with hate speech
Hate speech - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is prohibited in several OPEN minded countries. Everything must have a limit and so should the expression.

It is better to understand what constitutes hate speech. Mocking your beliefs does not qualify. In any case, any dispute is to resolved by the courts, don't see many people opting for that. What is the limit is decided by people of those countries, they are not about to allow you to dictate those limits. As was said "When in Rome, do as the Romans do".
Don't confuse violence with speech, no one else accepts them as being equal.
Couldn't care less. Just like they would get a punch for insulting my parents, they would get twice as much for insulting my religion. As i said before Hate speech shall be dealt appropriately.
It is better to understand what constitutes hate speech. Mocking your beliefs does not qualify. In any case, any dispute is to resolved by the courts, don't see many people opting for that. What is the limit is decided by people of those countries, they are not about to allow you to dictate those limits. As was said "When in Rome, do as the Romans do".
In law, hate speech is any speech, gesture or conduct, writing, or display which is forbidden because it may incite violence
What they did was not mock our belief but used rubbish language against our Prophet. What court? it is the most retarded possible move to do that in 90% Muslim majority country and if you think human rights can protect you, think twice. This isn't the country of freedom of speech bla bla bla like the west, live by the manner of society and treat everyone's with respect. Not even at the end of world must these morals or principles be compromised. As long as you do that, you can be atheist, buddhist, Muslim, Hindu or anything else. If you violate the rules, expect the wrath of people. Agreed with the second part. Their country, their rules.
Of course u can also discuss how earth stands on 3 elephants and big turtle, but it would be rather strange.

I wonder what will be the next discussion? - How to deal with witches and sorcerers? How to buy slaves properly? What is a minimum age for concubine? How to stone adulteress?

The Quran & Hadis does not mention any worldly punishment for sorcerers or witches. Witches & sorcerers living among us for 1500 years, its a great sin but we never burnt them. Currently, the wahabi's of KSA making big fuss over it but Muhammad (PBUH) never punished the man who used black magic on him. Magic is something unseen you can never prove it, Islam doesn't permit to punish anyone without proof. Those no good wahabi's useing magic an excuse to pick on weak foreign labors.
As for slavery check the link below-
Khalifa Umar bin al-Khattab - Islamic Actions and Social Mandates | Alim.org
As for minimum age for concubine what your religion say? stone adulteress is also common between Islam & Jews but not all Muslim country practice it.

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