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How should Bangladesh Muslims deal with atheists who do not attack Islam?

Certainly we must resolve the ungläubigerfrage these atheists are contaminating Bangladesh with their lack of belief.

Perhaps the Atheist Question could be solved most humanely by resettling Atheists in Madagascar or elsewhere in Australia or South America or perhaps establish an Atheist homeland where they cant contaminate good Bagladeshi? There has to be a piece of desert some where with no oil under it where they could be sent.
As a temporary measure you could establish a ghetto so they could be watched and controlled while you determine a final solution?
It was not meant to be insulting. It means one who does not believe in Islam. People do use it as an insulting term though. Anyways, most religions have had one such term for defining those outside its binds, I guess.

Christianity - Pagans.
Islam - Kafirs
Hinduism - Mleccha. (Barbarians)

The words pagan and kafir were used historically as cuss words, not just as a slur. They are similar to how some muslims use the word 'jew'. You only hear the word jew, but what they are actually saying is 'that blood-sucking evil jew'. These words are used as tags to people who are legitimate targets for religious violence.

If you notice, liberal muslims in intelligentsia never use these words. They are probably offensive too.

Only some naive muslims listen to BS of religious organizations and use these words for non-Muslims and pretend that using such words is not bad because they are just words with a meaning. Next time don't complain when some white guy calls you **** then. Apparently in their mind, what they simply mean is that you are a South Asian.:sick:
I love seeing people write about atheism like it's some sort of disease or crime.

If people don't want to believe in an imaginary person, then let them not. Same goes with people who want to believe in an imaginary person.

Countries like Bangladesh etc still have large populations who don't understand the concept of freedom.
I love seeing people write about atheism like it's some sort of disease or crime.

If people don't want to believe in an imaginary person, then let them not. Same goes with people who want to believe in an imaginary person.

Countries like Bangladesh etc still have large populations who don't understand the concept of freedom.

A person cant be imaginary. Mostly deities can be.

on the other hand the athiests who are confused about their own idea of negating religion one way or the other hangs on to one while abuse the other in name of atheism.

In Bangladesh the Muslims did NOT have any issue with atheists as long as these so-called athiest aka anti-Islam pro-Hindu forces do not insult Muslims and their faith.

as soon as they resort to insulting and attacking Muslim faith they are going to see retaliation
I love seeing people write about atheism like it's some sort of disease or crime.

I love seeing atheists abuse every piece of online real estate at their disposal to announce their "atheismness" and denounce religion, like members of a hate-based cult.

If people don't want to believe in an imaginary person, then let them not. Same goes with people who want to believe in an imaginary person.

If people don't want to believe in God, then let them not. But you don't have to be an attention wh0re and insult religious people. And that's what you just did^^.

Countries like Bangladesh etc still have large populations who don't understand the concept of freedom.

A xenophobic Australian looking down on a third-world country. What's new? ;p


Hey by saying there is higher being up above who looks after us, your being a religious attention ***** and insulting my atheist sentiment. I'm not even counting the weird storied that every religion peddle as truth.

Why should you guys have higher preference at being offended at every drop of hat. Atheists have feelings too.
A person cant be imaginary. Mostly deities can be.

on the other hand the athiests who are confused about their own idea of negating religion one way or the other hangs on to one while abuse the other in name of atheism.

In Bangladesh the Muslims did NOT have any issue with atheists as long as these so-called athiest aka anti-Islam pro-Hindu forces do not insult Muslims and their faith.

as soon as they resort to insulting and attacking Muslim faith they are going to see retaliation

i love how you equate ani-muslim automatically to pro-hindu.kudos to you.
Hey by saying there is higher being up above who looks after us, your being a religious attention ***** and insulting my atheist sentiment. I'm not even counting the weird storied that every religion peddle as truth.

Why should you guys have higher preference at being offended at every drop of hat. Atheists have feelings too.

Well I hear ya, both sides need to stop acting all emo and respect each other's view.

But you hardly ever hear about Islamist bloggers calling atheists names. Can't atheist bloggers simply keep their opinions about God and prophets to themselves or keep their very own secret personal diaries to make notes of their feelings whenever they feel this sudden urge to insult Muslims or the prophet?

What would Jews do if some Islamist (in the US) dedicated a blog to denying the holocaust? You'd expect an outlash from the Jewish community, wouldn't you? Same principle applies here.
I love seeing atheists abuse every piece of online real estate at their disposal to announce their "atheismness" and denounce religion, like members of a hate-based cult.

I'm not abusing anything. I believe in Science and Rationalism. Science indicates that there is no god. People are free to believe in any religion if they choose to, just as im allowed to believe in Santa Claus etc. But trying to punish people because they don't believe in something imaginary is just wrong.

If people don't want to believe in God, then let them not. But you don't have to be an attention wh0re and insult religious people. And that's what you just did^^.

I'm not being an attention ***** nor am i insulting religious people.

A xenophobic Australian looking down on a third-world country. What's new? ;p
I don't have an irrational or unreasoned fear of Bangladeshis(which is the definition of Xenophobic) nor i am looking down on them. I simply made the note that countries like Bangladesh and numerous other country in this world have no been exposed to the concept of freedom(ie freedom of belief, freedom of speech etc etc) so they don't understand the concept, hence why religious people in Bangladesh are getting so upset and angry at other people who don't share their faith.
a muslim who left islam either atheist or convert, he/she is sure about islam is not his/her path and most probably will be hating islam to the core. but, unlike any other apostates, ex-muslims are very much critical about islam(especially if they are in liberal countries). they won't spare islamic god or his messenger. muslim scholars knows about it, that's why islamic are behind murtad for their lives. very clever.
I'm not abusing anything. I believe in Science and Rationalism. Science indicates that there is no god.

Ok lets be rational, we came out of nothing. Explain life-cycle. Explain the complex bodies of animals. I want to hear your rationalism and do tell us how science indicate that there is no GOD without any baseless statement. But you can't so convince yourself, we are fine with our belief and so are you with yours. Hate speeches will only get yourself beaten, which is totally not surprising. Atheists can keep whining about it, we don't give a **** :lol:

Hey by saying there is higher being up above who looks after us, your being a religious attention ***** and insulting my atheist sentiment. I'm not even counting the weird storied that every religion peddle as truth.

Majority rules. When in Rome, do what the Romans do. :rolleyes:
i love how you equate ani-muslim automatically to pro-hindu.kudos to you.

BD atheists are a weird lot. They go to Durga-puja festival to celebrate it but you'd find them nowhere near a Muslim religious ceremony or festival.

BD atheist characteristics:

1. They are ex-Muslims. Like any ex-Muslim from the ex-Muslim forum opposing anything related to Islam and Muslims is their sole manifestation of atheism.

2. They are hardline Bengali nationalists. They would frequently lie and ignore an obvious truth to promote and safeguard their ultranationalistic views. To this end they would even deny you your basic human/democratic rights.
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