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How Pakistanis view others but do not get the same respect and dignity

The problem lies in creating pride out of image versus achievements. The achievements, which are no doubt many, are individual, but the collective image is abysmal; personal brilliance but no national pride.
Sir please do tell me about the achievements of Jordanians and why they are so proud of their country. Or even that of Indians and Bangladeshis.

I think the problem is something else.

Almost all of us are so ashamed of our country and its history that if you ask anyone he will find his lineage either from Bukhara and Badakhshan or Syria and Yemen. In my tiny little life, I have only found two groups in Punjab at-least who take pride of belonging to that region, Jats and Rajputs. All others are decedents of Turks and Arabs.

In Karachi, I had a friend from Jasqam, an absolute Sindhi nationalist who even talked about secession sometimes based on his Sindhi sentiment. He was Soomro, a tribe with a glorious past, yet when talking about his genealogy he found his lineage from the early Arab conquerors who came with Bin Qasim.

Hell a Pathan friend of mine floated a theory that they are one of the 12 Israelite tribes.

The population of Syeds in this country is at-least double of that of rest of the world combined, no offense intended. There are more Bukharan and Samarqandis living in Punjab than most states in Central Asia.

What is wrong in belonging to this place. People don't even look like from the regions they trace their lineage from. I for one can't find a difference between a Rajput or Jat and an Awan from central Asia or an Arain from Syria. Yep I am gonna get a lot of flak for this.

Our history books starts with 712 invasion of Bin Qasim and that is exactly what we try to relate to.

Nearly all of current Muslim world, barring the countries in Far East, were brought into fold of Islam through conquest, we are not a unique case. Yet an Egyptian will take pride on their Pharhos and pyramid. A turk will still take pride in his pre-Islamic Oghuz roots. But we won't.

Our people are such a strange breed that when reading the history of Battle of the Hydaspes, they will mentally support Alexandar instead of the son of soil, Porus the king of Jehlum. They will laugh about how Porus's elephants ruined his own army, instead of realizing that he was fighting for the liberty and honor of this land that they call home. Oh yes because he was a Hindu. Islam had not even arrived on the planet back then you morons, heck not even the Christianity. Yes but he was a Hindu. And Alexander was a pious, God-fearing Muslim?

So the problem is we just don't want to take pride in this land and its history. In our mind we think of it as inferior to rest of the world, probably because of its pre-Islamic Hindu history. This inferiority complex is what is leading us to behave the way we do.
Sir please do tell me about the achievements of Jordanians and why they are so proud of their country. Or even that of Indians and Bangladeshis.

I think the problem is something else.

Almost all of us are so ashamed of our country and its history that if you ask anyone he will find his lineage either from Bukhara and Badakhshan or Syria and Yemen. In my tiny little life, I have only found two groups in Punjab at-least who take pride of belonging to that region, Jats and Rajputs. All others are decedents of Turks and Arabs.

In Karachi, I had a friend from Jasqam, an absolute Sindhi nationalist who even talked about secession sometimes based on his Sindhi sentiment. He was Soomro, a tribe with a glorious past, yet when talking about his genealogy he found his lineage from the early Arab conquerors who came with Bin Qasim.

Hell a Pathan friend of mine floated a theory that they are one of the 12 Israelite tribes.

The population of Syeds in this country is at-least double of that of rest of the world combined, no offense intended. There are more Bukharan and Samarqandis living in Punjab than most states in Central Asia.

What is wrong in belonging to this place. People don't even look like from the regions they trace their lineage from. I for one can't find a difference between a Rajput or Jat and an Awan from central Asia or an Arain from Syria. Yep I am gonna get a lot of flak for this.

Our history books starts with 712 invasion of Bin Qasim and that is exactly what we try to relate to.

Nearly all of current Muslim world, barring the countries in Far East, were brought into fold of Islam through conquest, we are not a unique case. Yet an Egyptian will take pride on their Pharhos and pyramid. A turk will still take pride in his pre-Islamic Oghuz roots. But we won't.

Our people are such a strange breed that when reading the history of Battle of the Hydaspes, they will mentally support Alexandar instead of the son of soil, Porus the king of Jehlum. They will laugh about how Porus's elephants ruined his own army, instead of realizing that he was fighting for the liberty and honor of this land that they call home. Oh yes because he was a Hindu. Islam had not even arrived on the planet back then you morons, heck not even the Christianity. Yes but he was a Hindu. And Alexander was a pious, God-fearing Muslim?

So the problem is we just don't want to take pride in this land and its history. In our mind we think of it as inferior to rest of the world, probably because of its pre-Islamic Hindu history. This inferiority complex is what is leading us to behave the way we do.
We should take pride in our history. This is where I agree with you.
The US will keep shitting on us until we stop taking their aid. How can you demand respect from someone who pretty much pays to keep you intact.

I don't know under what illusion our people are under that China is a brotherly nation. No they're f***ing not. They made a business deal with us that's it. They will abandon us at the first sight of personal loss.

We need to stop supporting the Afghan taliban against the afghan govt to start warming up relations with Afghanistan.

As for India, it honestly seems like both sides ate destined to proxy fight each other to the end of times as no one is interested in peace. Kind of sad that the British are still successful 70 years later in keeping us as hostile as we can be towards each other.
Is time for Pakistanis to stop being soft kind hearted people and stand up to be more assertive? Not suggesting in anyway to be prejudice or racist towards other nations but a time has to come where Pakistanis must reconsider their position on international matters and put their nation and people first. Pakistan has a habit of placing other nations such as Saudi Arabia, Iran and possibly the US above themselves. Causes such as Palestine, Syria and the Rohingya crisis are close to the heart of every Pakistani but how many in the Muslim world bothers to even think about the Kashmir issue or the devestating tradegies Pakistan is still going through? Pakistan helped Afghans in their desperate hour of need and today the same people accuse us of destroying their country. Pakistanis have goodwill gestures towards India but as expected Indians refute this with accusations including several senior Islamic scholers of India such as Owisuddin Akbari & Mahmoud Madni who swear abuse and insult at Pakistan and our founding father Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Should Pakistanis stop caring about helping others and look at making things better in their own country?
Every state has an army but Pakistan army has a state. You know very well that the key policies in Pakistan are made in Rawalpindi and masses have no say in it. Any criticism should be directed at Islamabad. Try to establish a strong democracy first, then you can expect people to bring desired changes.
Every state has an army but Pakistan army has a state. You know very well that the key policies in Pakistan are made in Rawalpindi and masses have no say in it. Any criticism should be directed at Islamabad. Try to establish a strong democracy first, then you can expect people to bring desired changes.

You have no clue about Pakistan.
When that survey came out that Pakistanis are the least racist of all the nations in Asia, even less racist than Japanese, Chinese or the Russians, much more advanced societies, I was not thrilled by it at all.

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I am not saying we need to become intolerant against other people but my argument is we need to stop being racist towards ourselves. We need to have some of that self-respect and nationalism that the rest of the world has. We as a nation and people just get a bit too friendly, get awed too quickly and show a bit too much respect to others and most of the time, others take it for granted.

So a segment of society will respect an Arab, because he speaks the language of Quran, it does not matter if he has even read the Quran or not, he is an Arab after all. Another will respect an Iranian, as he comes from the land of Qom.

Chinese are considered brothers, and I know for a fact that this feeling is not mutual. I am not saying Chinese hate us but their public in general does not share the same enthusiasm for our friendship as our guys do.

Other countries always give preference to their own people rather than foreigners, but here its the opposite. After graduation I got an internship in a company in Islamabad in Saudi-Pak tower. It was way before CPEC and even before terrorism becoming a norm in this country, it was early musharaf era. But I was amazed to see that they had an elevator which could only be accessed by Chinese working in Huawei or ZTE I can't remember, Pakistanis were not allowed to even get near it. This was the capital of my country and a foreigner was given an exclusive elevator so that he does not have to tolerate me and my people for even those 2 minutes.

Tell me the name of another country who does this?

And then there are the gora people. Oh man our people are simply obsessed with them. It does not matter if he comes from piss poor Moldova, they will try their best to be nice to them. And goras know it pretty well, I was reading Kim Barker other day and she mentioned quite clearly that our people have a colonial hangover and try our heart out in pleasing a gora.

As for the Muslim brethren and our belief we are Muslims first and Pakistani second, I challenge anyone who thinks there are such folks in the rest of the Muslim world, talk to them. If you find an Arab, Turkish, Indonesian ummah theory believer, talk to him for a moment, ask a few tough questions about the history of his country and a Syrain, Egyptian, Arab, Turkish, Indonesian nationalist will pop right out of that Muslim brother of yours.

And that is how it should be. Anyway unless our people change and start having some actual pride in being a Pakistani not just words, our leadership, who are actually a product of our people, will continue making decisions to placate its people.
What was the answer people gave when for the same question the option was people from another faith?
this is reason
Sir please do tell me about the achievements of Jordanians and why they are so proud of their country. Or even that of Indians and Bangladeshis.

I think the problem is something else.

Almost all of us are so ashamed of our country and its history that if you ask anyone he will find his lineage either from Bukhara and Badakhshan or Syria and Yemen. In my tiny little life, I have only found two groups in Punjab at-least who take pride of belonging to that region, Jats and Rajputs. All others are decedents of Turks and Arabs.

In Karachi, I had a friend from Jasqam, an absolute Sindhi nationalist who even talked about secession sometimes based on his Sindhi sentiment. He was Soomro, a tribe with a glorious past, yet when talking about his genealogy he found his lineage from the early Arab conquerors who came with Bin Qasim.

Hell a Pathan friend of mine floated a theory that they are one of the 12 Israelite tribes.

The population of Syeds in this country is at-least double of that of rest of the world combined, no offense intended. There are more Bukharan and Samarqandis living in Punjab than most states in Central Asia.

What is wrong in belonging to this place. People don't even look like from the regions they trace their lineage from. I for one can't find a difference between a Rajput or Jat and an Awan from central Asia or an Arain from Syria. Yep I am gonna get a lot of flak for this.

Our history books starts with 712 invasion of Bin Qasim and that is exactly what we try to relate to.

Nearly all of current Muslim world, barring the countries in Far East, were brought into fold of Islam through conquest, we are not a unique case. Yet an Egyptian will take pride on their Pharhos and pyramid. A turk will still take pride in his pre-Islamic Oghuz roots. But we won't.

Our people are such a strange breed that when reading the history of Battle of the Hydaspes, they will mentally support Alexandar instead of the son of soil, Porus the king of Jehlum. They will laugh about how Porus's elephants ruined his own army, instead of realizing that he was fighting for the liberty and honor of this land that they call home. Oh yes because he was a Hindu. Islam had not even arrived on the planet back then you morons, heck not even the Christianity. Yes but he was a Hindu. And Alexander was a pious, God-fearing Muslim?

So the problem is we just don't want to take pride in this land and its history. In our mind we think of it as inferior to rest of the world, probably because of its pre-Islamic Hindu history. This inferiority complex is what is leading us to behave the way we do.
books that i have read startes With the aryans

The US will keep shitting on us until we stop taking their aid. How can you demand respect from someone who pretty much pays to keep you intact.

I don't know under what illusion our people are under that China is a brotherly nation. No they're f***ing not. They made a business deal with us that's it. They will abandon us at the first sight of personal loss.

We need to stop supporting the Afghan taliban against the afghan govt to start warming up relations with Afghanistan.

As for India, it honestly seems like both sides ate destined to proxy fight each other to the end of times as no one is interested in peace. Kind of sad that the British are still successful 70 years later in keeping us as hostile as we can be towards each other.
the afghan govt is corrupt and Indian and american puppet f*** them

we should care about Pakistan and Our Brother countries because we have influence there and they can help and support us
What was the answer people gave when for the same question the option was people from another faith?
it must be better than india we don't elect religious bigots as our Pm or Cm either do our politicians have to spread religious hate to win public support unlike Butcher who had to murder 2000 Muslims to become and Prime minister of shithole called India
or The Yogi scum who openly asked to kill Muslims and rape their dead women in his election campaign

Every state has an army but Pakistan army has a state. You know very well that the key policies in Pakistan are made in Rawalpindi and masses have no say in it. Any criticism should be directed at Islamabad. Try to establish a strong democracy first, then you can expect people to bring desired changes.
first, try to liberate your country from Hindutva goons then talk about democracy
books that i have read startes With the aryans

the afghan govt is corrupt and Indian and american puppet f*** them

we should care about Pakistan and Our Brother countries because we have influence there and they can help and support us

Doesn't matter if its corrupt or not. So is ours. We need to strengthen them to the point till they can atleadt curb Taliban influence and deal with their border properly.

There are no "brother countries". Ironically trying to help every single Muslim country has done nothing but backfire.

it must be better than india we don't elect religious bigots as our Pm or Cm either do our politicians have to spread religious hate to win public support unlike Butcher who had to murder 2000 Muslims to become and Prime minister of shithole called India
or The Yogi scum who openly asked to kill Muslims and rape their dead women in his election campaign

first, try to liberate your country from Hindutva goons then talk about democracy

Our politicians don't spread religious hate ? Maryam safdar (possible next PM) literally gives statements against minorities every other week. Her husband Cap Safdar , the man who literally commended qadri (an extremist murderer) while standing in the national assembly.

Are you deaf, dumb or both ?
So the problem is we just don't want to take pride in this land and its history. In our mind we think of it as inferior to rest of the world, probably because of its pre-Islamic Hindu history. This inferiority complex is what is leading us to behave the way we do.

So how does one cure this complex as you have described it?
Sir please do tell me about the achievements of Jordanians and why they are so proud of their country. Or even that of Indians and Bangladeshis.

I think the problem is something else.

Almost all of us are so ashamed of our country and its history that if you ask anyone he will find his lineage either from Bukhara and Badakhshan or Syria and Yemen. In my tiny little life, I have only found two groups in Punjab at-least who take pride of belonging to that region, Jats and Rajputs. All others are decedents of Turks and Arabs.

In Karachi, I had a friend from Jasqam, an absolute Sindhi nationalist who even talked about secession sometimes based on his Sindhi sentiment. He was Soomro, a tribe with a glorious past, yet when talking about his genealogy he found his lineage from the early Arab conquerors who came with Bin Qasim.

Hell a Pathan friend of mine floated a theory that they are one of the 12 Israelite tribes.

The population of Syeds in this country is at-least double of that of rest of the world combined, no offense intended. There are more Bukharan and Samarqandis living in Punjab than most states in Central Asia.

What is wrong in belonging to this place. People don't even look like from the regions they trace their lineage from. I for one can't find a difference between a Rajput or Jat and an Awan from central Asia or an Arain from Syria. Yep I am gonna get a lot of flak for this.

Our history books starts with 712 invasion of Bin Qasim and that is exactly what we try to relate to.

Nearly all of current Muslim world, barring the countries in Far East, were brought into fold of Islam through conquest, we are not a unique case. Yet an Egyptian will take pride on their Pharhos and pyramid. A turk will still take pride in his pre-Islamic Oghuz roots. But we won't.

Our people are such a strange breed that when reading the history of Battle of the Hydaspes, they will mentally support Alexandar instead of the son of soil, Porus the king of Jehlum. They will laugh about how Porus's elephants ruined his own army, instead of realizing that he was fighting for the liberty and honor of this land that they call home. Oh yes because he was a Hindu. Islam had not even arrived on the planet back then you morons, heck not even the Christianity. Yes but he was a Hindu. And Alexander was a pious, God-fearing Muslim?

So the problem is we just don't want to take pride in this land and its history. In our mind we think of it as inferior to rest of the world, probably because of its pre-Islamic Hindu history. This inferiority complex is what is leading us to behave the way we do.
Superb post..first time prasing a pakistani on pdf.
Is time for Pakistanis to stop being soft kind hearted people and stand up to be more assertive? Not suggesting in anyway to be prejudice or racist towards other nations but a time has to come where Pakistanis must reconsider their position on international matters and put their nation and people first. Pakistan has a habit of placing other nations such as Saudi Arabia, Iran and possibly the US above themselves. Causes such as Palestine, Syria and the Rohingya crisis are close to the heart of every Pakistani but how many in the Muslim world bothers to even think about the Kashmir issue or the devestating tradegies Pakistan is still going through? Pakistan helped Afghans in their desperate hour of need and today the same people accuse us of destroying their country. Pakistanis have goodwill gestures towards India but as expected Indians refute this with accusations including several senior Islamic scholers of India such as Owisuddin Akbari & Mahmoud Madni who swear abuse and insult at Pakistan and our founding father Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Should Pakistanis stop caring about helping others and look at making things better in their own country?

What does the advice of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh regarding this?
Yes, but the problem arises when it is easy to care about helping others, and it takes lots more effort at making things better in their own country, it is natural to take the easy way out. For example, it is easy for Pakistanis to get breathless about imagined police brutality in USA than it is to improve actual policing in Pakistan with its grave problems, or to talk more about Snowden than Missing Persons within Pakistan.

I disagree. It is considered normal behaviour for our police to be corrupt and inept. We don't agree with it, but it's normal. When police in the USA shoot innocent people dead in cold blood, it's considered an exceptional event, hence making it newsworthy, hence generating discussion.

Unfortunately Atif Aslam isn't able to reply to an Indian journalist or atleast give a brave respectable response when posed a question as to how he and the rest of the Pakistani nation feels when they hear insults and abusive language towards Pakistan in countless Bollywood films. Atif Aslam a respected talented Pakistani musician with a huge fan base in India wasn't able provide a respectable yet stern answer in defence of his motherland and people. Unfortunately Atif pretty much sums up a Pakistani attitudes.
He is a begharat. He eats from their hand - what can you expect from him?

When that survey came out that Pakistanis are the least racist of all the nations in Asia, even less racist than Japanese, Chinese or the Russians, much more advanced societies, I was not thrilled by it at all.

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I am not saying we need to become intolerant against other people but my argument is we need to stop being racist towards ourselves. We need to have some of that self-respect and nationalism that the rest of the world has. We as a nation and people just get a bit too friendly, get awed too quickly and show a bit too much respect to others and most of the time, others take it for granted.

So a segment of society will respect an Arab, because he speaks the language of Quran, it does not matter if he has even read the Quran or not, he is an Arab after all. Another will respect an Iranian, as he comes from the land of Qom.

Chinese are considered brothers, and I know for a fact that this feeling is not mutual. I am not saying Chinese hate us but their public in general does not share the same enthusiasm for our friendship as our guys do.

Other countries always give preference to their own people rather than foreigners, but here its the opposite. After graduation I got an internship in a company in Islamabad in Saudi-Pak tower. It was way before CPEC and even before terrorism becoming a norm in this country, it was early musharaf era. But I was amazed to see that they had an elevator which could only be accessed by Chinese working in Huawei or ZTE I can't remember, Pakistanis were not allowed to even get near it. This was the capital of my country and a foreigner was given an exclusive elevator so that he does not have to tolerate me and my people for even those 2 minutes.

Tell me the name of another country who does this?

And then there are the gora people. Oh man our people are simply obsessed with them. It does not matter if he comes from piss poor Moldova, they will try their best to be nice to them. And goras know it pretty well, I was reading Kim Barker other day and she mentioned quite clearly that our people have a colonial hangover and try our heart out in pleasing a gora.

As for the Muslim brethren and our belief we are Muslims first and Pakistani second, I challenge anyone who thinks there are such folks in the rest of the Muslim world, talk to them. If you find an Arab, Turkish, Indonesian ummah theory believer, talk to him for a moment, ask a few tough questions about the history of his country and a Syrain, Egyptian, Arab, Turkish, Indonesian nationalist will pop right out of that Muslim brother of yours.

And that is how it should be. Anyway unless our people change and start having some actual pride in being a Pakistani not just words, our leadership, who are actually a product of our people, will continue making decisions to placate its people.

Weak people feel the need to have an arrogant front, or to be seen as aggressive. Strong people don't need a front - we act in a decent matter, give respect and react only if the appropiate respect is not returned.


Believe it or not but by being respectful, considerate and Islam focused the people of Pakistan are BETTER than the other people. Those who put nation or race or tribe ahead of the way of Allah have benefited nothing. They are still slaves.

True respect is earnt. If you want people to respect you, then you must demand it. You can only demand it through strength. Strength of morality, of character, physical strength, economic strength, military strength, strength through unity, strength through knowledge. You must excel in all these fields to demand respect. Focus on improving those things, not on others.

The prophet Muhammad (pbuh) made us an ummah, he did not tell us to put anything ahead of the cause of Allah. The gulf Arabs have wealth - they are slaves at the feet of the Americans. The Arabs of the levant had national pride and baathism - they have been destroyed and humiliated. The Turks have only seen glory when their cause was aligned with the cause of Allah. Their downfall was not because they alligned themselves with the cause of Allah, but because their leaders failed to face up to the challenges of the shift in economic and military power brought about by imperialism. The Afghans focus on tribe and ethnicity - what dignity do they have today? The Muslims of India were Indian first, today they are asked to do pooja to prove their indian-ness.

We are humilated only because we run away from the cause of Allah and the way of Allah. We don't distinguish between haram and halal when selecting our leaders and we wonder why our nation is not blessed.

Your enemies identify you as Muslim before they identify your nationality.
Your enemies identify you as Pakistani before they identify your ethnicity.
Your enemies only recognise your ethnicity or your sect or your religion, or your nationality to seperate you and divide you.
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