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How many Pakistani members on this website respect Ahmadis?

Do you respect Ahmadis as Pakistanis?

  • Yes

    Votes: 45 67.2%
  • No

    Votes: 22 32.8%

  • Total voters
Qalima-e-Shahadah does not intricately word "Finality of Prophethood," yes. It is the basis of becoming Muslim, and as we become Muslim our belief in the word of Allah Subhanaho Wata'aalah is based on our belief in the Holy Qur'an as HIS word. You can dodge, in your utter ignorance and illiteracy, from the Qalima-e-Shahadah all you want. But what you cannot dogde is the Holy Qur'an.

Judging by your hostility, it seems as though you are qadiyani. Am I correct in assuming this? You do not need to be hostile, I am defending my faith in Allah Subhanaho Wata'aalah. I invite you to have a discussion on this subject, without any hostility from me to you. As a Muslim, I give you my word. And I suggest this, so that we discuss the matter, with our intellect, and not hotheads.
Seal in this context does not mean final. It means that he is representative of prophethood or his 'signature'( not literal) is enough to issue decrees.

A Kafir is someone who rejects Islam for their own belief in false gods. But these qadiyanis are something else, they claim to be Muslim, yet the commit Kufr which is at the very core of a Muslim's belief. Claiming a man to be the Prophet of Allah, after Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam. Now that is pure sinister, devious and evil.
Sorry that his a very arrogant definition of Kafir. You cannot say that a kafir worships false gods. That's reverse blasphemy.
You have to accept that there is a world outside of your religion (any religion) and this diversity is important to understand the world around us.
One of most peaceful and progressive Muslims I have known
Yes exactly as you have "known", and the extent of your knowledge is that you don't know sh!t, so shut the fvckup.
Oh look what's happening here. I get busy elsewhere and a done and dusted topic becomes open for debate.

Qadiyanis are Kafir. Not just Kafir, but Zindeeq Kafir. End of.
We all respect Ahmedi's if they call them self Ahmedi's, disputes starts when they starts calling themself Muslims or Ahmedi Muslim
As human yes we respect but ahmedis never be respected they have on wrong side of islams soul and they want to run it as they are the ones only

Ahmedis are fake and they have one agenda to malign the only religion ALLAH KAREEM brought for humanity to be acceptable and they are the puppets of jews
Useless .
Thus type of Ahmedi threads keep popping up every month. Signing off
Seal in this context does not mean final. It means that he is representative of prophethood or his 'signature'(not literal) is enough to issue decrees.

Do you know the Arabic language? No you don't, I do and have over 20 years of experience. Do you read the Holy Qur'an without translation and know what the words mean? No you don't, because majority read the translation rather than the Arabic language itself. Do you that there 917000 iterations which differ in Arabic to what it means in english? No you don't because like most people, don't even have a command over their native language, let alone a foreign one.

The basis of translation is painstakingly tedious, most english translations took years to take shape and those who did translate, eventually embraced Islam. The Verse quoted, is definitively, in absolute verbatim, renders the meaning "Seal." Which is final, fin, end, and under all references from Latin iterations. Pursuant literary research has been exhaustive and intricately detailed for rendering of The Holy Qur'an. So kindly take your baseless, empty arguments elsewhere because all they're doing is discrediting your intelligence.

Sorry that his a very arrogant definition of Kafir. You cannot say that a kafir worships false gods. That's reverse blasphemy. You have to accept that there is a world outside of your religion (any religion) and this diversity is important to understand the world around us.

You seem to have your logic, inverted. In Islam, the one who submits to the the ONE, the ONLY, the ABSOLUTE GOD (Allah) is, by definition surrendering himself/herself in undisputed faith and discarding, despensing with any and all figures which claim devinity, as false gods. It is only Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah that is the Creator of all Creation. HE has no equal, no off spring, HE is the giver of life, and the causer death yet death has no power over HIM.

Anyone who is outside the fold of this belief is by definition in Islam, a KAFIR. This is what Muslims live by and believe in undisputedly and unquestionably.

Your argument holds ZERO sway on this subject, unless you are a Muslim. And as Muslims, this is OUR given definition in Islam. If you are a non-Muslim, then that's your state of affairs. You hold ZERO sway or say on the matter in which what Islam defines Muslim or Kafir.

You're not the first who has tried and failed miserably to distort, to confuse and to lead astray those who believe in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah as the ONE GOD and Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam as the FINAL Prophet of Allah.
Do you know the Arabic language? No you don't, I do and have over 20 years of experience. Do you read the Holy Qur'an without translation and know what the words mean? No you don't, because majority read the translation rather than the Arabic language itself. Do you that there 917000 iterations which differ in Arabic to what it means in english? No you don't because like most people, don't even have a command over their native language, let alone a foreign one.

The basis of translation is painstakingly tedious, most english translations took years to take shape and those who did translate, eventually embraced Islam. The Verse quoted, is definitively, in absolute verbatim, renders the meaning "Seal." Which is final, fin, end, and under all references from Latin iterations. Pursuant literary research has been exhaustive and intricately detailed for rendering of The Holy Qur'an. So kindly take your baseless, empty arguments elsewhere because all they're doing is discrediting your intelligence.

You seem to have your logic, inverted. In Islam, the one who submits to the the ONE, the ONLY, the ABSOLUTE GOD (Allah) is, by definition surrendering himself/herself in undisputed faith and discarding, despensing with any and all figures which claim devinity, as false gods. It is only Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah that is the Creator of all Creation. HE has no equal, no off spring, HE is the giver of life, and the causer death yet death has no power over HIM.

Anyone who is outside the fold of this belief is by definition in Islam, a KAFIR. This is what Muslims live by and believe in undisputedly and unquestionably.

Your argument holds ZERO sway on this subject, unless you are a Muslim. And as Muslims, this is OUR given definition in Islam. If you are a non-Muslim, then that's your state of affairs. You hold ZERO sway or say on the matter in which what Islam defines Muslim or Kafir.

You're not the first who has tried and failed miserably to distort, to confuse and to lead astray those who believe in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah as the ONE GOD and Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam as the FINAL Prophet of Allah.
All myths and stories
All myths and stories

Those who have no reason, logic or intelligence tend to usually revert to their ignorant and dismissive responses. Glad to know where and what you stand for.
Those who have no reason, logic or intelligence tend to usually revert to their ignorant and dismissive responses. Glad to know where and what you stand for.


one thing people from the holyland must understand that their neighbors are no more than backstabbers, have evil designs against you and can go as filthy as they can in maligning you on every forum around the world, it seems this is genetically error-ed into their blood ...

hence just avoid them in issues that need a sensitive constructive discussion to help people enlighten themselves and i would request all the honorable members on this forum to educate yourself before you post, being wise is the virtue.
Is Tarek Fatah an ahmadi?
As Humans theg should be respected. But are they proper Muslims? No. Why? Because the moment you believe theres another person being the last Rasool other than Prophet Muhammad pbuh, you automatically go out of the fold of Islam. Ahmadis believe their founder to be the Promised Massiah but gues what, I heard he died while sitting in the toilet .

In Islam, it’s crystal clear. Muhammad pbuh is the last and final Messenger Nd Prophet. There’ll be no other Prophet coming after him with any other message. Islam is complete. But Jesus will comeback tk fulfill his duty, as He isn’t dead yet, he will come back to fulfill his duty like killing the dajall, getting married, having kids and then passing away. Jesus will follow the teachings of Islam, sunnah of the Prophet pbuh.

But.. Ahmadis believe that founder of theirs came as the last one with his message, he reckons he is the promised messiah and everyone should follow him. LMAO
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