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How long will Russia last?

HAHAH ...Made me laugh..wasnt ui the troll who said something about the share to the chinese guy?
Guess ur the troll who started ranting and trolling.

yes see who said the share story first and about training and the red army i suggest you hollywood dvds thats the genere tho look into o else if you are serious i gave you a link to COIN operation in afganistan by 40th division but that would be beyond.........
i don't think its deniable that USSR was dominated by russia and was essentially, russian in every way. nor is it deniable that USSR had achievements for its time that neither the preceeding Russian Empire nor the following Russian Federation were able to produce.

what does this prove ? ussr is gone 20 years now world has moved ahead whats there to say on the ussr topic in here ........
Some F-16 managed to down some cargo aircraft, helicopters and ground attack :lol: congradulations...now they are TOP GUNS.

LOL never knew soviet cargo jets and helis were violating Pakistans airspace:rofl:
Always saw pics of the wrecked russian jets

LOL you havn't got a clue
Yeah ur drunk uncle has allthe clues?when he went to chirat hundreds of miles from Pak Afghan border killing Mujahedeen:woot:

go watch more Hollywood movies.
Thanks read BEAR TRAP...
CIA = Terrorist, they told us to attack USSR in retaliation for car bombings in Pakistan.

October 1984: CIA Director Secretly Visits Afghan Training Camps; Urges Spread of Violence into Soviet Union

William Casey (left, with glasses) and General Akhtar Abdur Rahman (center) touring Afghan training camps in the 1980s. [Source: Associated Press]
CIA Director William Casey makes a secret visit to Pakistan to plan a strategy to defeat Soviet forces in Afghanistan. Casey is flown to secret training camps near the Afghan border where he watches trainees fire weapons and make bombs. According to the Washington Post: “During the visit, Casey startled his Pakistani hosts by proposing that they take the Afghan war into enemy territory—into the Soviet Union itself. Casey wanted to ship subversive propaganda through Afghanistan to the Soviet Union’s predominantly Muslim southern republics.” The Pakistanis agree to the plan and soon the CIA begins sending subversive literature and thousands of Korans to Soviet republics such as Uzbekistan. Mohammad Yousaf, a Pakistani general who attends the meeting, will later say that Casey said, “We can do a lot of damage to the Soviet Union.” [WASHINGTON POST, 7/19/1992] This will eventually evolve into CIA and ISI sponsored Afghan attacks inside the Soviet Union (see 1984-March 1985 and 1985-1987).
Entity Tags: Central Intelligence Agency, Akhtar Abdur Rahman, William Casey, Mohammad Yousaf, Pakistan Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence
Timeline Tags: Complete 911 Timeline, War in Afghanistan

USA hires terrorist arabs for the Afghanistan war.

1985-1986: CIA Becomes Unhappy with Afghan Fighters, Begins Supporting Islamist Volunteers from Other Countries

The Central Intelligence Agency, which has been supporting indigenous Afghan groups fighting occupying Soviet forces, becomes unhappy with them due to infighting, and searches for alternative anti-Soviet allies. MSNBC will later comment: “[T]he CIA, concerned about the factionalism of Afghanistan made famous by Rudyard Kipling, found that Arab zealots who flocked to aid the Afghans were easier to ‘read’ than the rivalry-ridden natives. While the Arab volunteers might well prove troublesome later, the agency reasoned, they at least were one-dimensionally anti-Soviet for now. So [Osama] bin Laden, along with a small group of Islamic militants from Egypt, Pakistan, Lebanon, Syria and Palestinian refugee camps all over the Middle East, became the ‘reliable’ partners of the CIA in its war against Moscow.” The CIA does not usually deal with the Afghan Arabs directly, but through an intermediary, Pakistan’s ISI, which helps the Arabs through the Maktab al-Khidamat (MAK) run by Abdullah Azzam. [MSNBC, 8/24/1998] The agreement is sealed during a secret visit to Pakistan, where CIA Director William Casey commits the agency to support the ISI program of recruiting radical Muslims for the Afghan war from other Muslim countries around the world. In addition to the Gulf States, these include Turkey, the Philippines, and China. The ISI started their recruitment of radicals from other countries in 1982 (see 1982). This CIA cooperation is part of a joint CIA-ISI plan begun the year before to expand the “Jihad” beyond Afghanistan (see 1984-March 1985). [RASHID, 2001, PP. 128-129] Thousands of militant Arabs are trained under this program (see 1986-1992).
Entity Tags: Central Intelligence Agency, Maktab al-Khidamat, Abdullah Azzam, William Casey, Pakistan Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence
Timeline Tags: Complete 911 Timeline, War in Afghanistan
@ t-faz first o said america had nothing to do with training in the youtube video now you are showing the american leaders ............

yes as i told the origin of present terror the roots and the plague that even pakistan is suffering till today innocents are being killed in your country by descendents of these same forces and you seem to take pride in this how is that possible ......

these terrorists belong to nobody they will harm pakistan more than they did other countries the results are out in the open a ongong war on whih pakistan is an active ally
soviet operation in afganistan the success can be measured by the presence of the socialist goverment which outlived the USSR even ... only after the ussr fell was it overthrown...

the idea was to support the socialist regime and that was fullfilled
LOL never knew soviet cargo jets and helis were violating Pakistans airspace:rofl:

Of course you didn't, from reading your earlier posts you don't know many things. :lol:

Always saw pics of the wrecked russian jets

That wreckage was your argumentive skills or lack there of :lol:

Yeah ur drunk uncle has allthe clues?when he went to chirat hundreds of miles from Pak Afghan border killing Mujahedeen:woot:

So now you know the location of secret Spetsnaz missons? Yea go watch some more Hollywood movies :lol:
The Soviets were not defeated and
driven out of Afghanistan

Soviet withdrawal was a Soviet political decision
Soviets 1988-1989 withdrawal was coordinated,
deliberate and professional
Soviets left behind a functioning government, an
improved military and an advisory and economic
effort insuring the continued viability of the
The withdrawal was based on a coordinated
diplomatic, economic and military plan permitting
Soviet forces to withdraw in good order and the
Afghan government to survive.
The Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA) held
on despite the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.
Only then, with the loss of Soviet support and the
increased efforts by the Mujahideen and Pakistan,
did the DRA slide toward defeat in April 1992.
From 1979-1989, the Soviet 40
Army conducted
220 independent operations and over 400 combined
operations. Many large-scale operations
accomplished little, since this was primarily a tactical
commanders’ war. Three large-scale operations, the
initial incursion into Afghanistan, Operation Magistral
and the final withdrawal, were the most effective
operations of the war--the force and supporting
measures employed were appropriate to the mission.
The Soviet effort to withdraw in good order was well
executed and is a model for other disengagements.

american professional source

Soviet COIN in A-stan COIN Central
The Diplomatic Plan—Negotiating Stance
The Mujahideen would not have any standing in the
negotiations and the United States and Pakistan
were to represent their concerns.
Iran would not take part in the negotiations.
The future of the DRA Communist regime was
nonnegotiable and its stability was the precondition to
Soviet withdrawal.
Bilateral pact between Pakistan and the DRA, with
the United States and the Soviet Union as
guarantors. US & Pakistan would not interfere with
Final agreement, signed on14 April 1988. The
United States and other nations would cease
providing armaments and training to the
Mujahideen, and Pakistan would deny the
Mujahideen sanctuary and camps, but the
Soviet Union was permitted to continue
providing economic and military aid to the
DRA. This aid would be significant–an
estimated three to four billion dollars a year.
Afghanistan was already the fifth largest arms
importer in the world
Two Phases

First phase 15 May-15 August 1988. During
the April-early May period, the Soviets
withdrew their small garrisons at Asadabad,
Gul’bakhar, Bamian, Baraki, Chagcharan and
Shadzhoy into parent units. Withdrew 50,000
troops from ten major garrisons and
completely withdrew from Jalalabad, Ghazni,
Gardez, Lashkargah and Kandahar cities.

Second phase began in December 1988 and
ran until 15 February 1989.
Soviet 40
, 108
Motorized Rifle Divisions
Airborne Division
& 70
Separate Motorized Rifle Brigades
& 860
Separate Motorized Rifle
Separate Airborne Regiment
Air Assault Regiment
and 22
Spetsnaz Brigades
@ t-faz first o said america had nothing to do with training in the youtube video now you are showing the american leaders ............

yes as i told the origin of present terror the roots and the plague that even pakistan is suffering till today innocents are being killed in your country by descendents of these same forces and you seem to take pride in this how is that possible ......

these terrorists belong to nobody they will harm pakistan more than they did other countries the results are out in the open a ongong war on whih pakistan is an active ally

First of all you should be aware that this USA created War of Terror is nothing but a pre planned grand scheme to keep a foothold in Asia. They were going to invade Afghanistan even before the terrorist attacks of 911 happened. Regarding the USSR situation, Pakistan had put forward a peace plan for the Mujahideen and USSR which was rebuked by George Bush because they did not want peace.

Pakistan tried all that t could to help the people suffering and also got a good bargain in return but US played its dirty game and is stuck in a similar quagmire. We are suffering because someone is funding terrorists like Tehreek Taliban Pakistan to bomb us but we have fought them back and we have been through such attacks before and we will survive this one too.

USSR bombed us so much in the 80's that it was alarming, 3000 people dies in car bombings in 1987 alone. So you see my friend the situation is similar, a power hungry Superpower using war as a means to continue its hegemony in a particular region.
Bottom line
Withdrawal from counter-insurgency should
not be viewed as a defeat or a chance to get
rid of an unpleasant nuisance.
bloodbaths and calling them progress is more
than cynical and self-serving. It is an
abrogation of humanity. The interest and
investment in a country does not end with the
withdrawal of forces. Rather, the elevated
economic and political effort in support of the
host government should remain if it is to
survive and to prevent chaos.
Yes A.V you are correct in saying that USSR actually did not loose in Afghanistan and also continued to support the DRA after it left but once it collapsed the DRA was all but over.

Much like USA today, wouldn't you say.
Read this and weep, behold the power of PAF.

You call SU-22, An-26 and MiG 23's, cargo planes and helicopter.


AV in his post has clearly said that the a/c shot were transport,ground attack and helicopter. and they became TOPGUNS..:rofl:
Now all the a/c fit the bill.......
First of all you should be aware that this USA created War of Terror is nothing but a pre planned grand scheme to keep a foothold in Asia. They were going to invade Afghanistan even before the terrorist attacks of 911 happened. Regarding the USSR situation, Pakistan had put forward a peace plan for the Mujahideen and USSR which was rebuked by George Bush because they did not want peace.

Pakistan tried all that t could to help the people suffering and also got a good bargain in return but US played its dirty game and is stuck in a similar quagmire. We are suffering because someone is funding terrorists like Tehreek Taliban Pakistan to bomb us but we have fought them back and we have been through such attacks before and we will survive this one too.

USSR bombed us so much in the 80's that it was alarming, 3000 people dies in car bombings in 1987 alone. So you see my friend the situation is similar, a power hungry Superpower using war as a means to continue its hegemony in a particular region.

exactly said the superpowers are to blame for this mess when your country sided with america they they not think the us will get back at them ...........

all this talk is of no good because officially pakistan is an ally of the US and has to suffer the consequences of its misdoings .

what is the glory then to claim that the terrorists in 1980s were good because they were fighting the USSR now they are bad because they are fighting the US they r terrorists and pakistan supported them thats the truth and its the reason for their sufferings...
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