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How long will Russia last?

I've been following this thread for several months and still has no idea why it is in the China Defence section.

There are some uber-trollers here who just bring such topic for a flame thread and derive pleasure from watching the flame war,this thread starter is one among them.
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There are some uber-trollers here who just bring such topic for a flame thread and derive pleasure from watching the flame war,this thread starter is one among them.

Well couldn't the mod close the thread already? There is no serious discussion (unless you count nationalistic rants) on this topic and I see no reason for it to run on for this long. This just gives us Chinese and the Pakistan Defence Forum a bad name!
humm. How long will Russia last?

It depends. I personally thinnk Putin will once again become Russia's President. Russia might join EU. If so, it will no longer need the current Sino-Russia alliance. Russia will need not to worry about the western side anymore.

Personally this might happen, might not happen.

Russia as a country is young only 20 years old. Soviet lasted a good 80 years. But current Russia is more homogenious than Soviet, so might last longer.
Oh really..........But we don't look like British.............and YOU ALL LOOK LIKE JAPANESE...........WHY???

:victory::yahoo::bunny::flame::taz::bounce: :chilli:


India got ruled by Muslims for 800 years, 4 times longer than British rule. Also, you indians look like Pakiatanis, except they are better looking. lol
Russia have a quite long history. Anyone that ask the question "how long will Russia last" is just as bright as those american's highschool students that can't find it's own country on the map.
It's same like ask how long would China or India last....LOL.

What slap on the Face?

Japanese NEVER ruled China, they got KICKed out and completly defeated.

However, muslims ruled India for 800 years. 800 YEARS. How come Indians look like Pakistanis?

Just like most european can't tell a chinese from japanse,in your eyes pakistan and Indian are look like.
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Russia have a quite long history. Anyone that ask the question "how long will Russia last" is just as bright as those american's highschool students that can't find it's own country on the map.
It's same like ask how long would China or India last....LOL.

Just like most european can't tell a chinese from japanse,in your eyes pakistan and Indian are look like.

But from my personally experience. Pakistanis are lighter and always better looking on average.
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