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How long will Russia last?

well, i only have to say - we don't speak japanese.

but all the elite indians speak english from birth. why is that?

britain raised many indians to speak english and act as intermediate between boss and ruled.
u donot speak japanese because chinese is ur MOTHER tongue.... dont take cheap shot
well, i only have to say - we don't speak japanese.

but all the elite indians speak english from birth. why is that?

britain raised many indians to speak english and act as intermediate between boss and ruled.

so what u want to say,u were discriminated after producing by Japanese:what:
Will Russia join Nato? - Telegraph
Russia will always see itself as an independent power centre in a multi-polar world and therefore should not bind itself by commitments to another power centre. Why would Russia want to be in a organization when it can not be the arbitrator like it was before. The only scenarios that it will be possible is that:
1. US withdraw from NATO which leaves the rest of European members at the influence of Russia.(not likely)

2.Russia feel too threatened from the rising power of China, that itself need protection from someone else.(very unlikely)

So, unless NATO itself has been weakened enough, there is no way Russia will join it. Rather it will create other organizations like Shanghai Cooperation Organisation to exercise its own influence.
Hey back for weekend

I'm not sure if you read "the clash of civilizations" by Samual Huntington but in he talks about future fault line conflict occurring between what he defines as civilizations


He lists the major civilizations as follows

Western civilization
The Muslim world
Latin America
The Orthodox world of the former Soviet Union
Sinic Civilization(Chinese)
and Japan

If Russia would want to draw allies it would likely do it within the Orthodox and Slavic countries rather than the European union countries. Also Europe is fractious, there are the big countries trying to dominate (Fr, Ger) and the smaller countries trying not to get dominated.
well, i only have to say - we don't speak japanese.

but all the elite indians speak english from birth. why is that?

britain raised many indians to speak english and act as intermediate between boss and ruled.

A lot of Indians know their mother tongue and English.. English is the global language I see no reason why not learn it or teach it.
well, i only have to say - we don't speak japanese.

but all the elite indians speak english from birth. why is that?

Becasue we are open to learn.............We are always ready to learn new things, new techniques, and new languages.

Not only English, when Muslim came to India, they bring Arabic, Persian, and Turkic languages with them. That got mixed with Indian Hindustani language and developed a hybrid version, Urdu. Urdu is now one of the two official languages of Pakistan, the other being English (ask them the same question about English ;)), and one of 22 scheduled languages of India, as an official language of five Indian states.

So you can see, we are adapt to learn and utilize new things. That's why we got mastered in English too, and now benefiting from this. Not only Indians, but Pakistanis too!!!:cheers:

Just for your GK: Individual mother tongues in India number several hundred; There are 1576 rationalized mother tongues and 1796 other mother tongues.. :woot:

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Hey back for weekend

I'm not sure if you read "the clash of civilizations" by Samual Huntington but in he talks about future fault line conflict occurring between what he defines as civilizations

So???? That was just an example of "imagined geography." You can imagine till your brain permits...........but it is not necessary that things will go that way only!!!

History does not kill; religion does not rape women; the purity of blood does not destroy buildings; and institutions do not fail. Only individuals do those things.


He lists the major civilizations as follows:
Western civilization
The Muslim world
Latin America
The Orthodox world of the former Soviet Union
Sinic Civilization(Chinese)
and Japan

Do you believe this.............really?

In Huntington's view, East Asian Sinic civilization is culturally asserting itself and its values relative to the West due to its rapid economic growth. Specifically, he believes that China's goals are to reassert itself as the regional hegemon, and that other countries in the region will 'bandwagon' with China due to the history of hierarchical command structures implicit in the Confucian Sinic civilization, as opposed to the individualism and pluralism valued in the West.

In other words, regional powers such as the two Koreas and Vietnam will acquiesce to Chinese demands and become more supportive of China rather than attempting to oppose it. Huntington therefore believes that the rise of China poses one of the most significant problems and the most powerful long-term threat to the West, as Chinese cultural assertion clashes with the American desire for the lack of a regional hegemony in East Asia.

That is not going to happen..........be sure:tup:

Do you believe Turkey will stand with muslim civilization countries against Western civilization of Australasia, Northern America, and Europe???

If Russia would want to draw allies it would likely do it within the Orthodox and Slavic countries rather than the European union countries. Also Europe is fractious, there are the big countries trying to dominate (Fr, Ger) and the smaller countries trying not to get dominated.

Whole theory is pure Bu!!$#it. Critics call this the theoretical legitimization of American-led Western aggression against China and the world's Islamic cultures. Read the criticism of this whole strory and your brain will work better.:mod:
Whole theory is pure Bu!!$#it. Critics call this the theoretical legitimization of American-led Western aggression against China and the world's Islamic cultures. Read the criticism of this whole strory and your brain will work better.:mod:

I've read the whole book and nowhere does it say

In Huntington's view, East Asian Sinic civilization is culturally asserting itself and its values relative to the West due to its rapid economic growth. Specifically, he believes that China's goals are to reassert itself as the regional hegemon, and that other countries in the region will 'bandwagon' with China due to the history of hierarchical command structures implicit in the Confucian Sinic civilization, as opposed to the individualism and pluralism valued in the West.

In other words, regional powers such as the two Koreas and Vietnam will acquiesce to Chinese demands and become more supportive of China rather than attempting to oppose it. Huntington therefore believes that the rise of China poses one of the most significant problems and the most powerful long-term threat to the West, as Chinese cultural assertion clashes with the American desire for the lack of a regional hegemony in East Asia.

Just because it is on wikipedia doesn't mean it's true. Maybe you should read the book before you read the criticism?
Even Russia are not closeing down their internet because of they are scared of the Russian People.

20th anniversary of Tiananmen Square protests

"For reason which everyone knows, and to suppress our extremely unharmonious thoughts, this site is voluntarily closed for technical maintenance between 3 and 6 June 2009..." Dusanben.com (translation)Coinciding with the twentieth anniversary of the government suppression of the pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square, the government ordered internet portals, fora and discussion groups to shut down their servers for maintenance between 3 and 6 June.[44]

In order to improve the internet content and provide a healthy environment for our netizens, we have designated 3 to 6 June as the national server maintenance day. This move is widely supported by the public

“”–Chinese censors, South China Morning Post[44]The Guardian reported that in excess of 300 Chinese sites had "posted increasingly blasé maintenance messages on the anniversary". A number of websites, such as Fanfou and WordKu.com, made a veiled protest at state censorship by referring to the date sarcastically as "Chinese Internet Maintenance Day".[45] The day before the mass shut-down, Chinese users of Twitter, Hotmail and Flickr, among others, reported a widespread inability to access these services.

Internet censorship in the People's Republic of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You notice how desperate the Chinese on this forum have become to shut me up,
and all I am doing is expressing my extremely unharmonious thoughts.:smitten:

I totally support you speak more.

The reason is simple.
I've read the whole book and nowhere does it say

Just because it is on wikipedia doesn't mean it's true. Maybe you should read the book before you read the criticism?

In his book, Huntington lists nine civilizations, all of which are listed below:

Western = Catholic and Protestant Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, and the Lesser Antilles

Slavic-Orthodox = Orthodox Europe, Russia, and Kazakhstan
Latin America = from Mexico south to Argentina except the Guyanas (divided among African, Hindu, and Western civilizations), and the Greater Antilles except Jamaica
Islamic = Saharan Africa, Somalia, the central east African coast, the Middle East except Israel, Iran, Central Asia except Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Indian minorities, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia
African = non-Islamic/Sub-Saharan Africa
Hindu = India and Nepal
Buddhist = Mongolia, Tibet, Bhutan, Burma, Thailand, and Indochina except Vietnam
Confucian = China, Korea, and Vietnam
Japanese = Japan
On p. 48 of his book the author discusses Israel’s status, concluding that it contains most elements of a civilization yet many of its citizens identify with nearby ones

Also please look at the map...........same map, but with different color scheme to clerify things better


In the map, you can clearly see China, Koreas, and Vietnam in one color...........means they will be togather in "so called" clash of civilizations (obviously in Mr. Huntington's view).

It is not necessary that we get everything in writing. There are other ways to exchange ideas.

The critics criticized his theory...........not his words. That is what important. You cannot deny that he considered only religion as the uniting force, which is not the case.
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Using religion, race and culture as the denominator for categorizing groups of allies is simply unrealistic, there are too many different factions within a religion, race or culture.

The writer is a man of ignorance to the real world.
I've been following this thread for several months and still has no idea why it is in the China Defence section.
I've been following this thread for several months and still has no idea why it is in the China Defence section.

May be the one who started the thread, considers Russia as the biggest threat to China and wants to know the future of this threat.:smokin:
national server maintenance day. :rofl::rofl: Thats gr8 :rofl::rofl: I Can't stop laughing :rofl::rofl:

Coinciding with the Tiananmen Square twentieth anniversary.............it is just a coincidence; so plz don't get suspicious!!!

national server maintenance day. :rofl::rofl: Sorry, I can't control!!!

Me tooo.............ha ha ha!!!

No-no, nobody is getting suspicious. It just happens...
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