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How Islamic inventors changed the World

I know what i am saying some random OECD PISA ranking?what a bogus name for some random ****.

You would have taught some guys getting degrees in the usa with dad's money,i dont understand how any indian would want to be taught by a pakistani and that too at maths?

I personally dont trust anyone's findings or any research report to make my view/judgement,it is all always first hand stuff.

And yeah you are free to be deluded,unless of course it is haraam in islam.

---------- Post added at 04:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:52 AM ----------

Obviously any destructive invention will have muslim participation in it.


Get a life,seriously.

Your perception of outside world is very childish...(or you actually ARE a child/teeenager ?? ) ....
rocket for military purpose was used by Tipu against britain according to History channel. I have seen a documentary there on Mughals where they praised Mughals a lot for many technologies such as using running water in their palaces which was an alien thing to europeans by that time. Anyway Muslims didn't steal your inventions indians. They are the father of systemic science. I mean modern science.. They collected knowledge from every part of the world, stored them in books, improved them. There are certain steps of science. Such as defining questioning and answering... I don't know exactly. But muslims started new era of science... Scientists believe only because of muslims greek indian inventions exist today.... Many were destroyed. Such as when Muslim spain was destroyed many books were destroyed. They first used street light 800 years ago. Unbelievable. isnt it?

Romans had been using Aqua-ducts to transport water to their big cities since 2000yrs. Remains of many of them still exist in Rome and Istanbul(Constantinople).

Any I don't deny their contribution outside subcontinent but the thing is inside subcontinent their contribution is minimal when compared to glory of Nalanda, Vikramshila and Takhashila Universities and contribution by Aryabhatta, Bhaskara I & II, Charak, Shushruk, Varahmihir, Brahmagupta etc. In sub-continent they were more busy in destroying ancient learning centres like Universities and colleges instead of patronizing them.


Get a life,seriously.

Your perception of outside world is very childish...(or you actually ARE a child/teeenager ?? ) ....

I dont have perception,only real facts leading to knowledge.

Like i said you are free to delude yourself,it is a free world.
Also, most of the scientific contribution during Islamic Era are from Iranians and I never heard of any scientist and Mathematician from Arabian peninsula.
Science in the medieval Islamic world, also known as Islamic science or Arabic science, is the science developed and practised in the Islamic world during the Islamic Golden Age (c.750 CE - c.1258 CE). During this time, Indian, Iranian and especially Greek knowledge was translated into Arabic. These translations became a wellspring for scientific advances, by scientists from the Islamic civilization, during the Middle Ages.
Scientists within the Islamic civilization were of diverse ethnicities. Most were actually Persian, as well as a great number of Arabs,Moors and Egyptians. They were also from diverse religious backgrounds. Most were Muslims, but there were also some Christians,Jews and irreligious.

Science in the medieval Islamic world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of Muslim scientists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
since when science become religious? this means im using a jew social networking site fb, a christian electricity and dont know who first invented juicer?

Its true science is independent of religion while scientists can be religious/non religious but his science has nothing to do with his personal beliefs
I dont have perception,only real facts leading to knowledge.

Like i said you are free to delude yourself,it is a free world.

Bharti its YOU who is a deluded soul. The things you are saying don't even make sense. People don't give a sh!t about your bhartimata and contributions lol ...You say I'm deluded whereas you are saying "how any indian would want to be taught by a pakistani and that too at maths?" :lol: :rofl:

Yup its a free world and its a free forum ....We allow bhartis to pollute this forum :cry: damn !!!!!!
Indian culture encourages taking bath in flowing water as the old wisdom goes that keeping stored water leads to drainage problem.

Public baths etc happened in Central Asia as they didn't have rivers where people can bathe freely and do ablutions.

U need a public bath only because u dont have flowing water.

---------- Post added at 05:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:18 AM ----------

Bharti its YOU who is a deluded soul. The things you are saying don't even make sense. People don't give a sh!t about your bhartimata and contributions lol ...You say I'm deluded whereas you are saying "how any indian would want to be taught by a pakistani and that too at maths?" :lol: :rofl:

Yup its a free world and its a free forum ....We allow bhartis to pollute this forum :cry: damn !!!!!!

if u really thought u were so cool and me a teenager,u wouldn't bother to reply my posts and put meon ignore.
Götterdämmerung;2400490 said:
The Islamic past has indeed changed the world a lot positively when it was tolerant and open minded to other cultures, ideas and influences just like the Renaissance in Europe. Just when Islam started to become close minded and dogmatic like medieval Europe it started to decline.

Now Europe starts to become close minded and we see signs if decline.

There were many political, economic factors as well as lack of creative thinking in islamic world. The main reason of decline of science in Islamic world was the invasion of Mongols and crusaders and the destruction of libraries, educational materials and research centres. Muslims also forgot the saying of Prophet(PBUH)

"The ink of the scholar is holier than the blood of the martyr"
Muslim invention is oxymoron. They can't find oil under their butt untill some white person told them.
Muslim invention is oxymoron. They can't find oil under their butt untill some white person told them.

Another bharti who is pisssedddd off that Muslims destroyed his ancient empire and made his people slaves for centuries and centuries :lol: Burn bharti burn ....
Another bharti who is pisssedddd off that Muslims destroyed his ancient empire and made his people slaves for centuries and centuries :lol: Burn bharti burn ....

There is nothing to proud of destruction and violence caused by muslim invaders.
Another bharti who is pisssedddd off that Muslims destroyed his ancient empire and made his people slaves for centuries and centuries :lol: Burn bharti burn ....

Do you know your history? :taz:Read any grade 7 history book and you'll realize you're basically a hindu who converted to Islam during the Mughal invasion of India. :disagree:

So basically, you're a slave who finally submitted to the Mughal demands of conversion to their religion.:coffee:
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