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How "Indigenous" is Dhruv/ALH?

Dhruv is much more Indian than Gripen is Swedish. Most of the systems are developed by India from engine, avionics airframe, rotors and other systems. Its already proved. If Dhruv is not Indian than J-10 is a Russia-Israel joint venture, NASA is a German org, UK is an American colony.... anything is possible. lol
No I have not. That was your conclusion and do not try putting words in my mouth. Your concern on Indian dependency is mitigated by the presence of investment of this company in Bangalore. Turbomeca has made a considerable investment to strengthen its ties with HAL. This is a good indicator of the clout HAL commands.

No I am not trying to put words in your mouth but trying to educate you that appointing managing director is not consider indigenous input in Dhruv development but rather dependency of foreigner companies.
Dude but Dude? Oh I see, so initial development stage of Dhruv is irrelevant because contracts after contracts were signed with foreigner mulit national companies for Transfer of technologies and thus does not satisfies your ego. :coffee:

Did I claim Shakti engine as Indian design ? NO. So why are you getting so excited for no reason. Calm down. You in fact have said about Indian inputs that I wont deny. The percentage is debatable and your estimates are questionable to say the least.

Next Shakti engine is the power plant and as I can see no one claimed it is designed by HAL unless you have seen something in your junk crystal ball. HAL should be proud of its association with Turbomeca given one of two engines in the world not just India has Turbomeca written all over it.
Dhruv is much more Indian than Gripen is Swedish. Most of the systems are developed by India from engine, avionics airframe, rotors and other systems. Its already proved. If Dhruv is not Indian than J-10 is a Russia-Israel joint venture, NASA is a German org, UK is an American colony.... anything is possible. lol

Are you the same guy with pies and cakes analogies? No wonder why you never stop amusing us with your intellectual lectures.
NASA a german org? UK a american colony? What more?
Kid stop embarrassing yourself you are only making a joke out of yourself.
Btw I have already provided details that neither engines rotors or other unkown systems are Indian development. Either you lack the reading skills or you lack comprehension of anything.
No I am not trying to put words in your mouth but trying to educate you that appointing managing director is not consider indigenous input in Dhruv development but rather dependency of foreigner companies.

Again I did not claim that but you think if you can make a statement that is obvious but has nothing to do with what I have posted makes you get a sense of accomplishment. Go ahead. About you educating me , save it.
Did I claim Shakti engine as Indian design ? NO. So why are you getting so excited for no reason. Calm down. You in fact have said about Indian inputs that I wont deny. The percentage is debatable and your estimates are questionable to say the least.

Next Shakti engine is the power plant and as I can see no one claimed it is designed by HAL unless you have seen something in your junk crystal ball. HAL should be proud of its association with Turbomeca given one of two engines in the world not just India has Turbomeca written all over it.

So why are you getting excited about Dhruv being "indigenous" R&D when infact its multi national development transferred to India. just clam down DUDE.
So why are you getting excited about Dhruv being "indigenous" R&D when infact its multi national development transferred to India. just clam down DUDE.

:rofl: If you can't make a meaningful argument, start repeating. I did this in first grade. Suits you well though people tend to move on, you still have that childish element in you. Good, keep it up!
Are you the same guy with pies and cakes analogies? No wonder why you never stop amusing us with your intellectual lectures.
NASA a german org? UK a american colony? What more?
Kid stop embarrassing yourself you are only making a joke out of yourself.
Btw I have already provided details that neither engines rotors or other unkown systems are Indian development. Either you lack the reading skills or you lack comprehension of anything.

Growler said that!!! :woot: A kid calling other a kid!!! Thats something new from you. The biggest joke is this thread, that Dhruv is not indigenous. BTW when you started to talk about 'details'? :cheesy: You never provided them in any other 'non-indigenous' threads started by you!!! Kid, get a better life. Post something new to bash India than, 'this is not Indian', 'that is not Indian' blah blah blah.... People are laughing on you.

Dhruv is fully developed and built in India. That not gonna change with you dream!
:rofl: If you can't make a meaningful argument, start repeating. I did this in first grade. Suits you well though people tend to move on, you still have that childish element in you. Good, keep it up!

:rofl: Haha good one. So before you change the course of the thread let get back to the topic. Any luck finding indian "indigenous" developed technical input other then few articles that fails to mention list of Indian input other then assigning post in Turbomeca for managing director for Indian operations.
Growler said that!!! :woot: A kid calling other a kid!!! Thats something new from you. The biggest joke is this thread, that Dhruv is not indigenous. BTW when you started to talk about 'details'? :cheesy: You never provided them in any other 'non-indigenous' threads started by you!!! Kid, get a better life. Post something new to bash India than, 'this is not Indian', 'that is not Indian' blah blah blah.... People are laughing on you.

Dhruv is fully developed and built in India. That not gonna change with you dream!

Your irrelevant low quality post has been reported. No further comments.
Your irrelevant low quality post has been reported. No further comments.

OK I have done it already on your previous post. When there is no answer you only 'report'! Next time try to answer something as well rather than personal insults.

If you cannot answer my post properly you shouldn't reply them first! lol
OK I have done it already on your previous post. When there is no answer you only 'report'! Next time try to answer something as well.

Seriously the amount of low quality irrelevant effort you put in your posts it simply not worthy of replying to you when your using analogies such as cakes and pies to support your arguments which are just baseless. You can only be define as a fanboy troller.
Seriously the amount of low quality irrelevant effort you put in your posts it simply not worthy of replying to you when your using analogies such as cakes and pies to support your arguments which are just baseless. You can only be define as a fanboy troller.

What you were posting through out the thread???? Why you started the thread for some kind of 'not trolling'? ........ You enjoy that Dhruv is not Indian? OK go on.

A friendly advice to fellow indian members.
The more you post stupid trolling comments the longer the thread stays on top meaning more fellow indians will read and hurt their ego.
so stop posting and the thread will go to 2nd page by tomorrow. :)

To me why indians are P!ssed off at me is because I woke them up from a dream that Dhruv and such projects are not R&D by India. So it sounds like. Growler! :hitwall::hitwall::cry::cry: why did you have to wake us up and shatter our myth!?

:woot: I just love indian analogies. haha.
First they dont expect that India imports foreigner technologies and rename it with "indigenous indian names" and then when they do they say so what and then they come up with... if i make a cake and i import this and that and if the end product is better then other cakes then why isnt it indigenous? :pop:

Are you sure you dont spank yourself after getting a reality check? Talk about senseless posts Desiman wins the tittle hands down.
Enjoy self spanking but dont hurt yourself too much. :cheers:

Stop lurking around so much you creep me out.

Remember the topic is about dhruv. dont show your superiority complex by dragging in pakistan every where.

I have already made it clear. Dont pollute this thread with typical troll comments however i will answer you for the last time.

Enough said and I will refrain from replying to such posts. If you wanna discuss about Pakistan then open a thread in Pakistani section and discuss your guts out in their.

Candy-frost coated dude. The more you talk the more you embarrass yourself and prove us how much state of denial you are in. So far you have only talked around your way dodging my thread with your senseless posts.
Growler, you don't know ABC of technical development. How multinational companies work and how they develop system. Gripen, PAK FA, MRTA, Brahmos, JF-17 are the best example as well as F-35, Scorpene, Eurofighter. Almost all companies develop systems with inputs from many countries thats include COTS. But this is worthless for you. You will not understand! Dream on.
Growler you were supposed to get back to me within a day with your answers, seems like you have conveniently forgotten that. Your arguments are still very much flawed and by calling every Indian a troll your are only showing your frustrations. Your figures keep changing and you attitude and language is insulting. Please answer the questions you were supposed to answer first.
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