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How indian media plays with people and is paid?? ..

Paan Singh

Sep 8, 2010
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Gujarat Congress chief Arjun Modvadia compares Narendra Modi to a monkey- Elections- IBNLive

I checked the dislikes on the link.It was above 120 few minutes back but now they are 9.
Likes were 31 when i voted but only dislikes were changed :rofl:


You know the reason too...and its MODI and this channel is congress paid one ...
Whats wrong in calling him a monkey? he should feel sacared.
Newspaper Track:Allegations on Gadkari Vs Sonia & Rahul Gandhi

1.The Newspaper Coverage is tracked just after a day on which allegations were made.
2.Shri Arvind Kejariwal made the allegations against Shri Nitin Gadkari on 17 Oct 2012. The respective coverage is tracked for the date 18 Oct 2012.
3.Shri Subramanian Swamy made the allegations against Smt. Sonia Gandhi and Shri Rahul Gandhi on 01 Nov 2012. The respective is tracked for the date 02 Nov 2012.
4.Total 8 Newspapers are tracked for the coverage including 3 Hindi and 5 English Daily.
5.Area Measurement is done for respective news items in square inches.

Case >>Gadkari Case Coverage (In Sq. Inches) – 18 Oct 2012Sonia/Rahul Case Coverage (In Sq. Inches) – 2 Nov 2012
NewspaperFront PageTotalFront PageTotal
दैनिक जागरण30662136
अमर उजाला551551030
Indian Express48139669
Economic Times49157021
Hindustan Times42156015
Times of India56





Hammer Gadkari to save Vadra and other scamsters

Ministers have reached media houses, suggesting that further interest in Vadra’s business activities would be unwelcome.

You can be forgiven if you believe that Nitin Gadkari's is the only scam in town. Saturation coverage by television channels in the past couple of days should have ordinarily left no one in doubt that he is at the centre of the biggest scam of our times. Even newspapers which have virtually become an extension of the ruling establishment seemed to have suddenly discovered merit in Gadkari's financial shenanigans, splashing as front-page lead the alleged wrongdoing by his companies while being completely oblivious to the humongous misdeeds of the leading lights of UPA.

Admittedly, it is hard to take on the incumbent powers. Editors simultaneously charged with the responsibility of keeping a close watch on the bottom-line, theirs and the paper's, have to necessarily suck up to the corporate and political bosses — never mind the pretence in social and professional gatherings. But what of the cash-rich media houses straddling huge print and television empires?

Apparently, a strong word was conveyed that they should leave Sonia Gandhi's son-in-law well alone. Ministers, including I&B boss Ambika Soni, are said to have reached out to the media houses, gently suggesting that further interest in the doings of Robert Vadra and his multifarious business activities would be most unwelcome.

Now, when you treat journalism at par with selling soap cakes it is not hard to fall in line with the political establishment, is it? So, the switch, instead, to Nitin Gadkari's private companies. These were, notably, established in his private capacity and not when he was a minister in the Mahrashtra government. Nor can it be anyone's case that he did something that was out of the ordinary in managing those companies. Yes, he conducted his business affairs like a typical businessman, creating a web of subsidiaries and front companies in order to get round various provisions of the company law.

Of course, when you combine in your person the twin roles of a ranking political leader and a prosperous businessman, there is bound to be a clash of mutually incompatible cultures. Being a businessman in this country means at the very least cutting moral and legal corners. However, as a senior politician heading a major national party you are expected to be above-board both in your private and public dealings. Gadkari would have merrily continued to run his Purti group of companies very much as he pleased had he not come to head the principal Opposition party.

After all, almost anyone with a little toehold in Maharashtra politics has his own cooperative empire of sugar mills, educational trusts, power plants, et al. And that would include the family of the recently-retired President Pratibha Patil whose (mis)use of money and muscle power in Jalgaon is the stuff of many a lurid and violent tale.

Lest it be assumed that Gadkari donning a businessman's hat did what was kosher under the law, we have our reservations. We are persuaded that he too like a majority of businessmen of his ilk tried to get round the legal provisions by resorting to usual subterfuges and plain fudges. Pry open the vast network of such cooperatives in Maharashtra and elsewhere and you will discover that the laudable objective of widely- spread collective ownership of businesses and industries has in effect come to be abused to further the interests of a select few who play a lead role in establishing them. Small wonder the cooperative movement, and/or even Mahatma Gandhi's idea of trusteeship of the means of production, has not aroused much interest in the country. We tend to turn everything into a tool for individual greed, don't we?

However, while Gadkari the business tycoon can look after himself, it is Gadkari the politician that is of great public interest. And it is here that we believe that he is set to become history. After the inspired spotlight on his business affairs, Gadkari the politician will have to bow out of the limelight. His continuance as the head of the BJP has become untenable. The longer he continues as the president of the principal Opposition party, the more harm he would inflict on its public image. He can forget a second three-year term at the helm of the BJP.

Indeed, it would be in the fitness of things if he disarmed his critics, and wiped off the smirk on the faces of the Congress megaphones on the nightly television, by voluntarily bowing out a couple of weeks ahead of the end of his current term due later this year. As a self-avowed swayamsevak, the onus to do the entire Sangh Parivar a good turn is on Gadkari. He should end the daily misery of the BJP by unilaterally announcing that he is not seeking a second term and that he is determined to clear his name through a fair and independent probe into his business affairs.

Should he take that honourable course, the demand that Robert Vadra's mother-in-law too should follow suit and face an independent probe into the rise and rise of the small-time brassware dealer from Moradabad would gain traction. There cannot be different standards to suit the convenience of Sonia Gandhi, even if her loyal sycophants believe that she and her family are pure as driven snow.

Having said that, it is left to the BJP to bolster its claim of being "a party with a difference" by adhering to minimum standards of political morality. Given the long series of multi-billion-rupee scams of the UPA, the principal Opposition party would undermine its anti-corruption campaign by persisting with Gadkari as its president. Like Caesar's wife, the challenger to the corrupt Congress ought to be seen to be untainted. Gadkari, whether he likes it or not, is now tainted with the financial skullduggery of his Purti empire.

But, regardless of the fortunes of the BJP, there is a far more important reason why the party should clean up its act. Disgusted with the all-pervasive corruption, misgovernance and consumer price-inflation, ordinary people are desperately looking for an alternative. If the principal Opposition party too comes to be bracketed with the ruling party, the ubiquitous aam aadmi would lose faith in the democratic system; he would feel helpless in a system which had been corrupted to its core by its practitioners. Such hopelessness will only generate cynicism and cause an alienation which our much-abused democracy can ill-afford. People need to repose their faith in a viable alternative to the ruling coalition. Therefore, for God's sake, Gadkari must quit. Here and now. And go back to managing the Purti group of businesses, leaving the stewardship of the BJP, hopefully, in clean and competent hands.

Meanwhile, we find it rather curious that L.K. Advani should seek to make light of the accusations against Gadkari since he himself had lost no time in voluntarily opting out of electoral politics once his name had surfaced in the hawala diaries. Why should Advani believe that only he can set himself stringent standards of accountability while Gadkari is permitted the benefit of the doubt? This is unacceptable.

How Robert Vadra Was Taken Off The Front Pages


Virendra Kapoor in the Sunday Guardian:

You can be forgiven if you believe that Nitin Gadkari's is the only scam in town. Saturation coverage by television channels in the past couple of days should have ordinarily left no one in doubt that he is at the centre of the biggest scam of our times. Even newspapers which have virtually become an extension of the ruling establishment seemed to have suddenly discovered merit in Gadkari's financial shenanigans, splashing as front-page lead the alleged wrongdoing by his companies while being completely oblivious to the humongous misdeeds of the leading lights of UPA.

Admittedly, it is hard to take on the incumbent powers. Editors simultaneously charged with the responsibility of keeping a close watch on the bottom-line, theirs and the paper's, have to necessarily suck up to the corporate and political bosses — never mind the pretence in social and professional gatherings. But what of the cash-rich media houses straddling huge print and television empires?

Apparently, a strong word was conveyed that they should leave Sonia Gandhi's son-in-law well alone. Ministers, including I&B boss Ambika Soni, are said to have reached out to the media houses, gently suggesting that further interest in the doings of Robert Vadra and his multifarious business activities would be most unwelcome.
Media Crooks
Indian Media Watch.... Crooks and Liars in the Indian media are the greatest danger to our democracy. Bias, outright lies, paid news, plagiarism and political leanings characterize much of our media.

Horse Sense & The Macaulay Putris

There is nothing in the life of George HW Bush that would account for his rise to the office of US President. A successful WWII pilot, a successful oil-businessman he had almost no political victories to speak of. He didn’t win the nomination for the presidential election of 1980 either. But GB had something; he had ‘horse sense’. He tagged on to Ronald Reagan for a long time and was picked for the latter’s VP candidate. It is as Reagan’s follower and VP for 8 years that GB finally got elected as president. “Many people assume that success in life involves "trying harder". Nothing is further from the truth”. That’s the publisher’s line for the book ‘Horse Sense’ by marketing gurus Al Ries & Jack Trout.

The most successful people are those who "find a horse to ride": the one idea, the one company, the one thing, or even the one person that can propel them to the top. Most of our media celebs ride these horses; either political or business. Lately, some of these female celebs have been quite aggressively helping us understand how Arvind Kejriwal’s agitation is a class-war. A war between the elites and the middle-class, between the Macaulayputras and middle class! Just one problem; these MacaulayPutris keep imagining these elites are other people and not them. It doesn’t seem to occur to them that they are indeed the MacaulayPutris and elites and nothing about them qualifies them as “middle class”. Buckle up…

At the traffic lights - where our cars came into enforced confrontation with poverty - and we saw a small hand stretched out for alms, or a disabled man trying to wave a red rose or a magazine at us, imploring us for help - we would barely look up from behind our over-sized designer sunglasses. We would, in fact, sink back into the plush leather of our seats and be extra determined that the story of India would no longer be told in picture-postcards of poverty
Barkha Dutt: “Writes of passage ” Hindustan Trolls April 13.

So you see, most Indian middle-class people wear designer sun-glasses, drive cars with plush leather seats. They ignore the beggars and the disabled selling magazines or roses at traffic junctions. Mind you, the only place a “middle class” lady like Barkha can now eat “Gol-Gappas” is at the PM’s party. Not on the streets like “upper-class” Indians. Let’s hear another similar heart-breaking story.

The moralistic virtuosity of Team Anna rankles many of us. We who have made our compromises, we who speed our cars when we see beggars approaching, we who roll up our car windows when vendors sell us agarbattis at traffic crossing, we don’t see children who are rag pickers, night soil lifters and tea vendors. We are morally, spiritually, physically depleted, exhausted and blind. This revolution that Kejriwal talks about isn’t for the likes of you and me. We have made our compromises
Smita Prakash: “Who has the stomach for a revolution ?” MidDay August 6.

Damn! What’s with these two ladies and cars and traffic signals? Compromises? Read that as: “we have chosen our horses”. Don’t despair! I managed to find someone who doesn’t talk about cars and traffic signals. Instead, she talks about “Tits, Clits and Elephant dicks” and “The Vagina Monologues”. Who could it be but our very own Social Genius:

“No wonder this neo Macaulayputra now faces a quintessentially desi revolution, a revolt is brewing, something is stirring in the air. Kejriwal versus Vadra is as much a class war as it is a war against corruption, it is a war between an elite class—containing within it undoubtedly many many examples of excellence and achievement—and an aspirant class of dhartiputra for whom the moral crusade is sharpened by class anger…. Hindutva rage against so called “English speaking secularists” has been manufactured as not just rage against those who are supposed to love minorities but against those who are perceived to be members of a left liberal aristocracy who practice vote bank appeasement in order to maintain their own political and social monopoly of public life"
. Sagarika Ghose: “Vadra vs Kejriwal: This is also a war about class ” FirstPost October 10.

There you are, it’s not just class wars but also Hindutva rage against ‘English speaking secularists’. That’s from a woman who wanted ‘female orgasm’ to be a Constitutional right. We get the humour, of course. For her and the elites, the Hindutva folks are the biggest enemies who are constantly in the “manufacture-rage” mode. All three, Barkha, Smita and Sagarika seem to forget they are indeed the ‘Elites’. They are indeed the MacaulayPutris who seem to trigger the middle-class outrage being channelled by AK. Why do their writings smack of so much hidden guilt? Barkha has umbilical ties to Hindustan Times. Smita is the daughter of a Principal Information Officer of GOI. Sagarika is the daughter of a Doordarshan director and her relatives include judges and ambassadors. All very “middle class” eh?

All 3 women seem to be obsessed with Kejriwal and class-wars. Coincidence? Would these women have gotten to where they are any differently from Vadra or Kejriwal? Not in terms of multi-crore deals or anti-corruption fights but in terms of position and influence. And all three are stupidly, terribly wrong about AK too. They’re either simply too dumb or unwilling to see how AK got where he is and they confuse his war as one of class.

By reports AK first approached former president APJ Abdul Kalam for his IAC movement. A Prominent TV panellist told me Kalam said “I’m all for this anti-corruption thing but I love eating so don’t ask me to fast and blast and all that”. AK then approached Narayana Murthy of Infosys. NM’s response was: “Look Mr.K, we must evolve our social structure supported by a massive overhaul of our systems which bring in investment and expands our capabilities to compete in the world and take progress to the grassroots without upsetting the balance in our industrial position in the world which can badly impact the morale of both the govt and the people as also our fight against corruption and our methods must be secular without offending the rightwing, leftwing, centrists, media, politicians or neo-nazis”. Got it? I’m sure AK must have returned from NM with his head spinning. So he went to Anna Hazare. AH was known for anti-corruption agitations and fasting. AH was willing. AH was willing to fast and be the face of AK’s movement. Ride the right horse! Can you now imagine AK carrying out his IAC on his own? He was more or less a “nobody”, not even 20 people would have turned up for him. Picking Kalam, Murthy or Anna is what’s called Horse Sense. Vadra, the national son-in-law, is the horse that DLF rides as do many other business entities.

Consciously or unconsciously Sagarika luckily picked a horse too. The moment Rajdeep Sardesai got to head a channel of his own she was Deputy Editor at the channel. You think anyone else would have expected that? Out of the blue some guy called Ashutosh Varshney was a panellist frequently on NDTV. Except for stray comments here and there I hadn’t heard of this guy before. Well, what do you know! Before you could say ‘horse’ he had turned Barkha into a ‘Sabbateur’. Er.. That’s my description of someone on a sabbatical as Barkha now claims to be at Brown University under some fellowship. Varshney is Director, Brown-India Initiative. Wait a minute! It could be the reverse too. It could have been Varshney horsing around. The two can decide which one it was. Of Smita, I don’t see a new horse to identify and I hope it stays that way.

Most people in public life in India strongly rely on horse sense. It’s not a bad thing and not a bad route to the top. Think Ahmed Patel, think Rajiv Shukla and make your own list. Some, unfortunately, take it to the level of slavery. The entire clan and cult of Macaulay Putris and putras are essentially outcomes of such horse sense. Calling themselves ‘middle class’ is another of way of somehow defending their elitist guilt.
Why are those people posting where the thing called PRESS is itself in existent ?
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