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How India created Bangladesh & lessons for Sri Lanka

For India to be strong enough to take on China, India needs to annex Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, and Pakistan.
For India to be strong enough to take on China, India needs to annex Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, and Pakistan.

Any country that absorbs Pakistan today will become weaker and not stronger.. Your hypothesis doesnt work...
Even Big Liar's and their deception cannot stop the truth to come out, in the end. And all the Awami supporters and sympathizers and people who still hate Pakistan for 1971, must know the root of the conspiracy that created Bangladesh. Instead of having Nukes at both ends and at the heart of the nation, India now deals with only one threat which is at the western end. Mission accomplished as quite a few of them say openly:
Agartala Conspiracy Case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mujib planned secession in 1969: Hasina
'Agartala conspiracy case was not false' | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

The history about this is important to be recovered, to find out what led to the situation that we had in 1971. A huge number of people in Bangladesh will try with their lives so these facts do not come out and are widely publicized.

And this from a person who never was involved in Bangladeshi politics of any flavor, and I am saying this to pre-empt any false propaganda with their Big Lie's to push the line that this is the narrative from a Jamati, it is not.

I do not claim to have all the truth, but I will say this, that I have seen hatred for Muslims among the most erudite and intelligent people in India, hidden under layers upon layers of politeness. So any Bangladeshi who has any doubts about this, I would encourage them to spend time and interact with Indians in real life. Please don't get me wrong, there are some really good people out there, not like the idiotic foot soldiers we have here in PDF, but if you do the average, the situation does not look good for us Muslims. And I can understand how what this Sri Lankan writer is saying can be true. As a somewhat educated person of at least average intelligence, I thought I knew everything there is to know about 1971 and Awamy League, but it looks like they had me fooled for all these years. As they say truth is often stranger than fiction. So it is not important what I or anyone else says, for Bangladeshi's, please do your own research and find out and then also let others know about it.
Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger Only way India can challenge China is trying to reclaim the former lands of akhand bharat.

The jury is still out on this.. At this point a lot of parts of Pakistan, specially on the north western side are representative of malignant tumors. Any entity absorbing them runs a much larger risk of going down the same tube Pakistan is staring at than becoming stronger..Actually considering the level of hatred Pakistanis have for India, the sure shot way for them to destroy India is to get Pakistan to accede back to India..
They tried and have failed so far. Akhand Bharat does not necessarily imply physical control. As long as a proxy government is in place the Indians are happy.

1. No one in India wants Bangladesh, even Bengali people like me are not interested in your Bangladesh.
2. We never tried, if there has been then please show proof of and Indian Govt official making such statements.
3. Proxy govt does not equal Akhand Bharat.

If you are going to make claims please back them up with facts.
India never tried to annex Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to recreate Akhand Bharat ?

Some people see theories and conspiracies in everything, cannot deal with all their fantasies. There was mass killing of civilians (tens of thousands) in the war by the Sri Lankan forces during the end of the war and SL government themselves acknowledged it and kept promising to look into it and bring the perpetrators to book. But nothing was done owing to internal pressures and the international community wanted to put pressure on SL by way of the resolution. India signed for it along with many countries after much deliberation. And now the SLankans are going overboard with their antics.

The present regime was elected by the BD people themselves and they see a hand in everything. We have better things to do then to address scewed up whims and fancies of our neighbors. If it is genuine concerns it can be addressed. If it is kiddish tantrums than its better to leave them to cry and wail till some sense comes into them.
1. No one in India wants Bangladesh, even Bengali people like me are not interested in your Bangladesh.
2. We never tried, if there has been then please show proof of and Indian Govt official making such statements.
3. Proxy govt does not equal Akhand Bharat.

If you are going to make claims please back them up with facts.

How India created Bangladesh & lessons for Sri Lanka

How India created Bangladesh & lessons for Sri Lanka | Asian Tribune

Sun, 2012-03-25 14:03 — editor

By Shenali Waduge

With a population of 1.2billion living across a landmass of 2973190 square kilometers, there is no denying India’s power. Yet, if not for its inferiority we cannot comprehend why India would desire to adopt a consistent policy and go to great lengths to destabilize each of its neighbors whilst pretending to be their friend. Diplomacy is one thing but to know that men and material are being used to destroy a neighboring nation simply does not justify any of the excuses India gives purely to deceive the masses and gain international prestige for itself.

The example of Bangladesh is perfect to describe the birth of Indian intelligence agency RAW tasked to partition Pakistan and create Bangladesh in 1971. It was in 1947 that 2 different countries were created – Pakistan and India. Muslims were divided into 2 countries bearing 2 different nationalities. West Pakistan was dominated by Punjabi’s while East Pakistan was the home to Sindhis, Pathans, Balochis and Mohajirs.

What we are taught to believe is that Bengali leader Sheikh Mujibar Rehman resented political power vested with West Pakistan elite and had formed the Awami League demanding autonomy for East Pakistan and though he won the 1970 general election, he was put in jail leading to the Bangladesh Liberation War which created Bangladesh. A missing piece in this incident is the role India’s intelligence played.

By creating Bangladesh, India also created an enemy in Pakistan. No formal ties will erase the hate Pakistan has against India.

The resentment of East Pakistan towards West Pakistan was triggered by none other than India’s RAW using the card of “discrimination” similar to what they used against the Sinhalese by the Tamils.

What India eventually did was to protect Awami League leaders, train and armed the insurgents which ultimately led to the disintegration of East Pakistan and the creation of Bangladesh.

The Bangladesh breakup according to B. Raman’s book “The Kaoboys of R&AW” the break up of East Pakistan was carried out in 2 phases by Indira Gandhi and the RAW. Phase 1 was coordinated by Kao and phase 2 by Field Marshal Sham Manekshaw. RAW trained and supplied arms to Bengali anti-Pakistan militants. Indira Gandhi was given bugged conversations of top Pakistani officials. RAW had even funded Mujibur Rahman’s general election in 1970 and trained and armed the Mukti Bahini that RAW officers set up using Bengali refugees. How many illegal refugees do we have in Sri Lanka – the people that our army rescued and what is their role like to be in future unless checked. Is it not for this reason that India insists on demilitarizing the North?

RAW continued its presence in Bangladesh even after the latters independence by training Chakma tribes and Shanti Bahini to carry out subversive activities in Bangladesh.

Similar to how India forcefully made Sri Lanka sign the Indo-Lanka Agreement and make constitutional changes, India put forward a 7-point agreement prior to Indian army overrunning the Pakistan army in just 2 weeks to create Bangladesh after obtaining a security guarantee from former Soviet Union in case of American interference. That 7 point plan included the following:

1. Bangladesh Government had to select only those who participated in the liberation war to its administrative posts and shortfalls had to be filled by Indian officials.

2. Joint force comprising Indian army and Mukti Bahini under the command of Indian Army chief to lead the liberation war.

3. Bangladesh to have no standing army.

4. India to raise paramilitary force to protect internal law and order of Bangladesh.

5. Open market subject to periodical reviews.

6. Indian army to be stationed indefinitely in Bangladesh

7. Bangladesh’s foreign policy to be determined only in consultation with India.

This is how India strategically trapped Bangladesh who was taught to think that it owed India for liberating it. India went on to tie Bangladesh further by signing a “25 year friendship treaty” which further strangulated any desire for liberty on the part of Bangladesh. In short Bangladesh could not do anything without the concurrence of India. Thus, India made sure that Bangladesh was nothing but India’s poodle.

Yet a military coup took place in 1975 against corruption and dissolving of Parliament to create a one party rule. The new government commenced ties with China, USA, Europe and Middle East to diminish Indian influence with resulted in further Indian angst.

Bangladesh like Sri Lanka is important for India because it is a strategic corridor between India and North East. Bangladesh also provides a bridge between SAARC and ASEAN nations and is a key marine resource provider. Its sea ports are important for trade as China is also aware. In short Bangladesh is the most cost effective route for India to import gas from Myanmar.

Similar to some of the antics India pulls upon Sri Lanka has been what Bangladesh experienced when it attempted to break away from Indian influence. Border disputes are issues which India defers to solve much like what Sri Lanka is experiencing with Tamil Nadu fishermen. Then there is India’s border security and deployment of navy near South Talpatty as well as India’s support towards secessionist movements in Chittagong Hill Tracks going so far as to provide money & arms. Isn’t this what India did in Sri Lanka?

As in Sri Lanka’s case, India keeps using its media to invent fictitious stories about how both Sri Lanka and Bangladesh are a threat to India’s security interests to pressurize these Governments into functioning according to Indian dictates.

Bangladesh nor Sri Lanka can adapt a single strategy to deal with a country as large as India unless the neighbors tie together against India. All the SAARC nations have experienced India’s backstabbing techniques. It hired the LTTE to storm Maldives and then pretended to save Maldives. More recently India has sided with the US to oust President Nasheed and install a puppet leader. There was also rumors of an LTTE plot to kill Bangladesh’s Sheikh Hasina in 1999 for a payment of $10m. It does all types of activities to keep Nepal from developing & the list goes on.

In Sri Lanka’s case what first angered India appears to have been the Sri Lankan Government’s decision to allow refueling facilities to Pakistan’s civil and military aircraft and ships during the Indo-Pak war of 1971. India was also angered when Sri Lanka permitted Israel to establish intelligence presence and Sri Lanka permitted Voice of America to be installed on the island. These have been called the “irritants” that translated into the Indira Doctrine and Sri Lanka becoming the target of RAW’s destabilizing policy.

This surely must mean that India can be charged for state funded terrorism because with RAW’s supervision camps were set up in Tamil Nadu, former RAQ trainers were re-employed to train Tamil militant groups at centers in Gunda and Gorakhpur.

The covert operation in Sri Lanka found the RAW taking the situation into its own hand by contravening its foreign policy and former Indian High Commissioner is said to have even accused RAW of giving 10m rupees to LTTE.

With RAW mandated to destabilize Sri Lanka, it went on to build up EPRLF, ENDLF to create further dissent by challenging the LTTE as well. Today, you may not see them but one can be sure there are plenty of RAW officers around even in the suburbs. How long can India hide that India trained Prabakaran & the LTTE?

With all this knowledge if Sri Lanka is going to think that India will say “We like you better than Bangladesh or Pakistan and we wont do anything harmful ever to our neighbor” – we don’t deserve to be called sovereign!

India may like to forget what it did to Sri Lanka because India now stands to gain by exerting diplomatic pressures and using its media to reverse its own guilt but the people of Sri Lanka know better even if the political leaders of Sri Lanka are gullible to all the lies & deceits of India.

What Sri Lanka do leaders must never forget is that the entire drama revolving around Geneva was primarily to lay the foundation to oust the present Government from power.
In such a scenario all the pressures being exerted is primarily targeting Sri Lanka’s political leaderships and if they are naïve enough to forgive, forget and carry on caring less about safeguarding the country even the people are likely to lose faith. This is exactly what these foreign intelligence agencies currently in Sri Lanka are attempting to achieve. What a pity it would be if our leaders carve out their own ruin & take the country with them.

Yet, it is still not too late and the people of Sri Lanka will back leaders who can do what they achieved in 2009 in a new twist to terrorism coming from the diplomatic front to usurp the sovereignty of our nation.

Over to you for action, Mr. President.

- Asian Tribune -

What a stupid hate india article......
India asking for no standing army from BD, paramilitary forces governing BD are just bull shits.... And y should we topple Mr.Nasheed?
Are u out of ur brain.. Mr.Nasheed was very friendly to india...
Ya we trained LTTE ... We also trained Mukhti Bahini, cos the west were oppressing and killing u... Similarly the sinhalese were killing and oppressing tamils.... So a hypocrite like u is again posting anti india thread.... U wanted Mukhti bahini when u wanted help, now dismissing it as if its nothing.... Disgracefull.... If we hadnt stopped massacres, i doubt u would have born to post this thread... An utter oiece of waste.....

1. No one in India wants Bangladesh, even Bengali people like me are not interested in your Bangladesh.
2. We never tried, if there has been then please show proof of and Indian Govt official making such statements.
3. Proxy govt does not equal Akhand Bharat.

If you are going to make claims please back them up with facts.

Ya proof is Ms.Zia's hate speeches !!!

For India to be strong enough to take on China, India needs to annex Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, and Pakistan.

We dont need ur advice how to become stronger :P
the writer seems me a experienced and sensible guy.

Writer seems paranoid to me. There are few known facts.
1. Bangla Brothers won there fight, By the time Indian jump into war, Bangla brothers had decisive victory.
2. Indian troop saved 90,000 Pakistani brothers who would have been killed by Bangla lions (Revenge of atrocities.).
3. Lanka started the things first, in two wars they provided support to our enemies instead of repeated request from India.
4. No one talk about war crime on ethenic tamils in 70s and 80s.
5. No doubt creation of LTTE was bad act, we tried to undo it (read Indian Peacekeeping forces in Lanka), we lost our leader in this process.
India clearly has a nefarious design against Sri Lanka to break the country in two and have the north join with Tamil Nadu. All South Asian countries should be wary of Indian designs and their conspiracies. As new generations emerge in Bangladesh they will gradually view 1971 differently and have a better understanding of what really happened and why.

Salute. May the Truth Prevails. Ameen. Both sides of then's Pakistan had their own mistakes and our enemy has taken the benifit of our shortcomings.

Pakistan, China and Bangladesh should adapt same strategy and help Assam, Manipur and other indian state to seek independence.

Can't Agree More ...

Do you have a pdf link? or an ebook i can buy from amazon or any other online book store? buying physical books made of paper is an ancient custom and indian doctrine is not available in canada.
recreating Akhand Bharat, after the small countries, Burma, Pakistan and Tibet are next to resurrect akhand bharat.


Er you do realize that is a map of the princely states under British India.

Akhand Bharat is term representing Indian cultural influence, it should include countries as far as Singapore.
There is nothing wrong in creating insurgencies or dividing other countries if those are acting against our strategic interest and elicit future threats in their regions. Not only India many countries dng like ISI supporting many terrorists in Kashmir and Taliban in Afghanistan , China supporting NE insurgencies in India , US equipping many terrorists through out the world(including Talibans in cold era) , Israel in Iran and Russia did many things.

note: Countries are not charities where you can expect love and peace.
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