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How do you Chinese view the rapid development of the past 35 years?

A lot of these high quality golf courses mushrooming all over China

昆明春城湖畔高尔夫球场 Kunming
he Spring City Lake Course—-Kunming, Yunnan, southwestern China


Mission Hills—-Shenzhen


Pine Valley Golf Res. & C.C. (Old), Beijing


Earls Golf Club Beijing


Guangdong Foshan Peach Garden Gof Course


Shanghai Sheshan Golf Course



Liuli Gongfang

Golf courses are a waste of land don't you agree?
Golf courses are a waste of land don't you agree?

Need to have a mix of sports activities as the society progresses
Scarcity of water is more of a concern though


Jing Dezhen handpainted porcelain vase
Grass land is better than Arable land and building land, view from environment
Need to have a mix of sports activities as the society progresses
Scarcity of water is more of a concern though


Jing Dezhen handpainted porcelain vase

Golf courses require a lot of water to maintain. Given that China is always looking for water, isn't this counterproductive? Golf courses only tend to serve the wealthy
Golf courses require a lot of water to maintain. Given that China is always looking for water, isn't this counterproductive? Golf courses only tend to serve the wealthy

I agree and I've said that
Hope the S to N water diversion project can help relieve the problem
Just raise the price of club debentures


Jing Dezhen handpainted fine porcelain vases and plate
display set
Because the US perceived that China believes the US to be a threat, which came from when the US believed China to be a threat from the Cold War. Therein lies the problem, or the source of the problem between the two countries -- the Cold War.

Like it or not, the US have been far more generous and open than China have been. Take GPS for example. It was originally designed for US and our allies, then anyone else at our grace. But President Clinton decided to open the system's usage to the world, including those who would do US harm. You think the Soviet Union or China could do something like that ?

During the negotiations between Raygun and Gorbachev at Reykjavik back in 1986, Raygun offered to share 'Star Wars' ballistic missile defense with the Soviet Union and by extension included China, reasoning that if everyone have the technology, ballistic missiles would be rendered useless. Do you think the Soviet Union or China would ever do something like that ?

The Cold War is over. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism lost. To put it bluntly to China : Get over it. The 'it' meaning the paranoia developed from the Cold War. That may have been legitimate back then, but not so today. Unfortunately, China's aggressive actions, especially claiming the entire SCS as her own, resurrected that paranoia, not just in US but throughout Asia.
China and the Soviet Union didn't have the resources to be "generous" like the US. And China despite its great progress over the past 35 years is still a poor country today. That Star Wars thing from Ronnie Raygun was merely a political ploy. Nothing came of it. I don't see the US sharing their missile defense technology either with China or Russia today. China doesn't claim the entire SCS and has never threatened freedom of navigation in the SCS. Another US lie to turn its neighbours against China. What China claims are the Paracel and Spratly Islands and its EEZ not the entire SCS. Which Taiwan claims too. So the claims wasn't invented by the current government but it was inherited from the former.

You Chinese have every right to be proud of how much China accomplished since China adopted capitalism. I may rag on the Chinese government at times, but for the Chinese people, I only wish them the best available opportunities capitalism can offer.

What China need to do next, as in highest priority, is to spread the wealth deeper into China. Right now, the concentration of wealth is too much on the coastal regions. I do not advocate forcible redistribution of wealth. But let us take the simple microwave oven, the thing I so often used on this forum as example of the power of capitalism. The microwave oven is all over the US, even the poorest of American have one. Same for the cell phone, or cable TV, or many things that a couple decade ago, only the 'elites' enjoys. That is what I mean by 'spread the wealth'.

What I said is not baseless. I have been to mainland China and have seen the gross wealth disparity that is even worse than US, despite how many articles people may bring to criticize US. I work with many Chinese engineers who admitted the very thing I am saying. I have seen a Chinese mother wept at the size of her son's American house in a gated development. I was there and it was a very soul touching moment. He was a co-worker and friend, then took a risk as a group lead at the new plant, now a manager in Virginia. I can only imagine his parents' joy today.

I believe the Chinese government is taking the wrong path in believing China is somehow under threat. The US and our allies have invested much -- if not too much -- into China to view China as a threat. I believe the Chinese government places far too much stock into that 'century of humiliation' to justify China's militaristic actions today. That is not my belief alone but a composite from all the Chinese friends and co-workers I know over the last 20 yrs. It is revealing that they felt more free to express themselves in the US than they could in China.
Your idea of the wealth being concentrated in the coastal areas are dated. Just look around in this thread from the pictures of inland cities and you will see. I don't deny that there are wealth gaps in China between different regions but things are getting better. What is far more problematic is the wealth gap between people inside the cities. And the wealth gap between the cities and the countryside.

The problems in this respect in the US are far more serious. Because in America the real wages of people are stuck at where they were in the year 2000 and the economy is unable to create well paying jobs. If you compare the prices of today with those in the year 2000 you will understand how much the average American has lost in terms of purchasing power and living standards. While both the wealth and the numbers of billionairs are increasing at the same time. Poverty and inequality in America is much better hidden.

The point is that the curves in China are going up and the curves in America are going down. The US is still far wealthier than China today but if things as it is now keeps up that might not be the case in the future.

Who is more militaristic today the US or China ? The US that spends more than 4% of GDP on defense or China that only spends about 2% of GDP on defense ? The US that is constantly at war over the past 14 years or China who's last war was in 1979 ? The US is making even a bigger mistake than China to feel threatened in the world today and its militaristic policies is hurting its international image and damaging its domestic economy. Whatever dispute that China may have with its neighbours not one life has been lost so far. The US on the other hand is killing people in foreign countries literally every day.

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