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How do you Chinese view the rapid development of the past 35 years?

In fact, I did write a post for you. But if you are not mainland Chinese, then why should I argue with you since the relationship between the Mainlander and HK people is not your business. However, if you are indeed a mainland Chinese, I suggest you should talk to more HK people, since you may be in bad luck that had met some of the localists from HK.
He's not mainland chinese but a troll , most likely a banned Indian. There's been a lot of banned Indians here recently. It's so easy to spot them due to their writing style and the timing of these new accounts popping up after they were banned.
More real quotes from real people. No psyops, no made up stories.

A Honger in his 70's had this to say. "You love your country, but does your country love you?" This Honger is obviously no patriotic, despite his son is a cop for the HKPD. This is actually an argument made by many Hongers. It is a statement that dissuades people from becoming patriotic. They use it to convince those who have an inclination towards patriotism to either become neutral, or anti Chinese. In any case, it seems to be working.

Here's an exelent video of China going in the other direction. Rather than going from patriotism to treason, China, 50yrs ago had gone from selfishness to patriotism. This teacher describes how he went from putting his family first in 1960, to putting his country first in 1967.

Another quote.

I just remembered this. A couple of years ago one mainland Chinese man said, "In 1966, there were only 2 cops in my town. Today we need 200 cops". This goes to show that on the mainland, crime has increased significantly from the comunist era. China is not as safe as it was 35yrs ago. One of the problems with the Deng dynasty is, they want to take credit for "rapid development", yet they don't take responsibility for societal breakdowns in the same 35 year period

Pay very close attention to bbccdd1470's nationalist ideas. This is a very big problem with post comunist China. It's why China's influence in the world has declined in the past 35 yrs. Remember Mao's internationalist policies that ascended China to be a world leader in less than 20 short years. 50 years ago, China was able to unite the world's workers, and that's precisely why the west was so afraid of China. But it wasn't just workers. Maoism was able to attract even members of the bourgeoisie. In fact, world renowned reactionary Li Deng Hui was a comunist. That was an era which China had a bargaining chip, something China doesn't have today. Ever since Deng took power, he adopted a nationalist position, one that 水军 like bbccdd1470 subscribes to. It was the nationalist poilcy that distanced China from the world, something that continues til today. 50 years ago, it would not be uncommon for people half way across the world to know Yanan, and its significance. Today, nobody knows the significance of Yanan. Afro Americans had posters of chairman Mao on their walls, and carried Mao's little red book. Take a look at post #611, the poll actually shows more people view China unfavorably today than 35 years ago. Maybe China's soft power has declined.

Next, the relationship between HK, and mainland will be a relationship that inperialists, and ordinary people will be watching. Whether you agree or not, it is not mainlanders who have pull in HK. Rather, it is western inperialists who are more influential in HK than anyone else. Perhaps you should ask yourself why Hongers are closer to their gwailo masters than they are to their own compatriots. One western woman spoke to a waiter at an HK restraunt in Mandarin. The waiter responded in English, by saying, "you don't need to speak to me in Mandarin, speak English, HK is an 'international' city". Maybe you need to talk to some the HK bourgeois community, a community that the central goverment has been propping up for so many years.

What you are likely to find is that neither you, nor the Deng dynasty has the answers.

Let's face the facts, China is perceived to not be able to manage HK. This is why China appears weak. It's also why China is pushed around by inperialists today. Can you imagine the kind of respect Britain would receive if ethnic English are being beaten on the streets of Scotland? Well.... That's exactly what's going on in HK. It's all over the HK media....... mainlanders getting beaten on the streets of HK, just for being mainlanders.

Why do you think the US does whatever they want in TW? When the Taiwanese see that Hongers do not respect their own goverment, it sends a strong signal, and message that China should not be taken seriously. Actually, a lot of this mismanagement seriously reminds me of how Gorbachev handled the riots in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

Not only that, it is the perceived Chinese weakness that has caused even small, weak countries like Vietnam to side with the west against China. Remember, it was Deng who single handedly turned Vietnam from an ally to an enemy. Why do you think India invaded China last summer? I'm wondering if they'll do it again. Pay very close attention to Malaysia booting China out. When people like Mahathir observe the HK/mainland behavior, he knows he has no reason to fear canceling contracts with China. But China's weakness goes beyond that. When China was booted out of Myanmar, it couldn't do anything either. Sri Lanka canceled most Chinese projects. China was also booted out of the Ukraine, and Libya, when pro western forces seized power. However, there is nothing more embarasing than being scolded by your own Honger countrymen, and that's precisely what's happening. China's weakness in HK also gives the Taiwanese more motivation to subvert China. In fact, the HK trouble makers have been in cooperation with the (US backed) Taiwanese for decades. For China watchers, HK is an excellent gauge of Chinese power, or the lack of it. The dysfunctional relation between HK/mainland is a huge gain for the west. The ignorance, and inability of the central goverment to solve the problem also helps the west. Whether it is inperialist leaders, or ordinary people, when they see that Christian churches are able to openly run anti Chinese operations in HK, they have no reason to respect China.

Once again, I highlight the contrast between 1967, and 2014. In 1967, Hongers were rioting for China against Britain. 2014,Hongers were rioting against China for the west. No matter how ignorant you are, you can see that things have turned 180 degrees, unfavorably for China.

Check this out. What you don't understand is, foreigners have more influence over mainland/HK relations than the Chinese themselves do. These are the top sites of HK.

Remember, those who control the sites controls the minds.
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