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How do you Chinese view the rapid development of the past 35 years?

It is almost as if Chinese people here are from 2 different worlds. One is the world where 100000 RMB per year is good money, the other is the world where 1 million is casual. Its like watching 《101次求婚》. Guess it is true, that Chinese are too diverse and the mental gap between different regions is too big to address with same policies even in something as small as urban planning.

I think I'd probably never live in the east coast if I didn't have to for a job. One of my cousins moved to Shanghai for work, married Shanghainese, now his thinking is 100% Shanghainese, can't relate to him whatsoever. He is now under the total control and management of his wife who hates me lol. Another of my cousins married a Jiangsu guy, now shes divorced because her husband is a fking gambler scum that put them into debt.

Here in Shanghai the living standard is really high, million-yuan cars everywhere, million-dollar houses barely entry level, that's was unbelievable back in my father's youth. Relax bro, coastal cities' advancement belongs to all Chinese people, providing role models for inland cities, and will move on to seek parity/surpass with world best cities like Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore.

Quick updates on Hong Kong and Macau:
Forex reserves edge up to MOP 133.3 bln in January
GDP per capita, nominal (2013): US$ 91,376
GDP per capita, PPP (2013): US$ 142,599

The countries with the densest millionaire populations
Top 10 Weathiest Nations of the World
1) Singapore - 17.1%
2) Qatar - 14.3%
3) Kuwait - 11.8%
4) Switzerland 9.5%
5) Hong Kong 8.8%
6) UAE - 5%
7) USA - 4.3%
8) Israel - 3.6%
9) Taiwan - 3.2%
10) Bahrain - 3.2%
Ah, bro, you live in a high rise, very nice. I really like the external facade of your place...looks really new , too ! :)

Where i live now, my house is located in a suburban development (subdivision) in southern New Jersey.

The house that I live in now is similar in size and shape to the following; its a 4 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom, 2 car garage. I'm planning on keeping it and maybe eventually later on buying a beach home by Ocean City , NJ. Great investment.

Anyways, this is how the homes look like in my subdivision:

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In the city, we have no more choice to select a house which we like ... there all r high-rise. Chinese property developers waste too much money to build high-rise houses inside city, right now still lack of interest to suburban community development.

Compared with U.S, most Chinese family still living in the city. But in future ... i believe China will develop more like U.S, suburban regions will get attention.
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In the city, we have no more choice to select a house which we like ... there all r high-rise. Chinese property developers waste too much money to build high-rise houses inside city, right now still lack of interest to suburban community development.

Compared with U.S, most Chinese family still living in the city.

It is decided by urban planners bro, not by the market or developers. Urban planners decide what plot ratio (容积率) is applicable for the land, usually higher in down-town and lower in suburb, it's a science as well as an art!

Nanchang is doing the right thing ... :-)
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In the city, we have no more choice to select a house which we like ... there all r high-rise. Chinese property developers waste too much money to build high-rise houses inside city, right now still lack of interest to suburban community development.

Compared with U.S, most Chinese family still living in the city. But in future ... i believe China will develop more like U.S, suburban regions will get attention.

Shenzheners can into villas in Huizhou!!! @cnleio


You Chinese have every right to be proud of how much China accomplished since China adopted capitalism. I may rag on the Chinese government at times, but for the Chinese people, I only wish them the best available opportunities capitalism can offer.
Chinese adopted what good for China, that's enough ... we can choose anything not only capitalism or communism.

What China need to do next, as in highest priority, is to spread the wealth deeper into China. Right now, the concentration of wealth is too much on the coastal regions. I do not advocate forcible redistribution of wealth. But let us take the simple microwave oven, the thing I so often used on this forum as example of the power of capitalism. The microwave oven is all over the US, even the poorest of American have one. Same for the cell phone, or cable TV, or many things that a couple decade ago, only the 'elites' enjoys. That is what I mean by 'spread the wealth'.
Ur example is un-work in China, coz those small household appliances sell cheaper in China, every Chinese ppl can use them too ... and we produce & export many "Made in China" to America Wal-Mat.

My family's microwave oven bought in 1995, China "Galanz". bought Color television in 1992, China "ChangHong". bought BB-call in 1994, "Motorola", bought Kara-OK in 1994, "Sony". bought DVD in 1995, China "ChangHu". bought air-condition in 1997, China "Hair". bought Computer in 2001, China "Lenovo". bought cell-phone in 2001, China "ZTE". bought car in 2008, China "First Auto Work" ... so just tell ur story to other developing nations, Chinese had enjoyed them for many years.

What I said is not baseless. I have been to mainland China and have seen the gross wealth disparity that is even worse than US, despite how many articles people may bring to criticize US. I work with many Chinese engineers who admitted the very thing I am saying. I have seen a Chinese mother wept at the size of her son's American house in a gated development. I was there and it was a very soul touching moment. He was a co-worker and friend, then took a risk as a group lead at the new plant, now a manager in Virginia. I can only imagine his parents' joy today.
Ur Chinese co-worker's experience is what China development experience, both we successfully took the chance and get the achievement now. That should not called 'LUCKY', it's 'Working Hard'.

I believe the Chinese government is taking the wrong path in believing China is somehow under threat. The US and our allies have invested much -- if not too much -- into China to view China as a threat. I believe the Chinese government places far too much stock into that 'century of humiliation' to justify China's militaristic actions today. That is not my belief alone but a composite from all the Chinese friends and co-workers I know over the last 20 yrs. It is revealing that they felt more free to express themselves in the US than they could in China.
When U.S fighter bombed Chinese embassy & killed Chinese, i believe it's a obviouse signal to tell China there always be a threat ... and China do not wanna beg for mercy from the foreigner.

American-Chinese have their rights to enjoy the freedom in U.S, but they do nothing to contribute for China development during past 35 years ... indeed we & our family did.

Shenzheners can into villas in Huizhou!!! @cnleio


That's far away from ShenZhen city ... we can call them as suburb community of HuiZhou city =).
@Yizhi @cnleio

Other than downtown houses, Shenzhen have a lot of house parks too, mostly planned & concentrated in 4 districts:
  • Yantian 盐田别墅区 <--- a bit old good rental market (if you buy for steady investment)
  • Nanshan 南山别墅区 <--- best environment
  • Baoan 宝安别墅区 <--- close to Baoan Airotroplis, nice growth potential
  • Mission Hill 观澜湖高尔夫别墅区 <--- my favorite

Huizhou is too far, you can pick one near you!
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We give more aid than your China. When there is a natural disaster somewhere, the victims do not call for China, do they ?
Still remember the aid, seems you more care geting more return from your aid to others, but not whether the aid can help them.

China is poor, you USA are rich, for me, If I am in difficulty, a poor and a rich all give aid to me, I appreciate them, no different, if the rich think his aid is much more, say I should think he is more important than the poor, the aid from the rich will become different, it is just a business or investment for the rich, it can't match for the aid from the poor.

And, you may give more aid to the world, you also give more disaster to the world, how much war have you USA ignited after 1945? you bombed Libia, Iraq, yugoslavia, Vietnam, sanction NK, Iran, Cuba, too many people died and suffer from chaos bacause you USA, when do you pay for these? your that little aid is bullsh!t in front of the mess you create directly or indirectly.
How much wealth have you rob of from the world? the world know, you hypocrite, and greedy American, Even your ally, Japan, you rob it of huge wealth, and push it into lost decade, you think that little aid you give the world will make you are great?! just delude yourself,
A lot of these high quality golf courses mushrooming all over China

昆明春城湖畔高尔夫球场 Kunming
he Spring City Lake Course—-Kunming, Yunnan, southwestern China


Mission Hills—-Shenzhen


Pine Valley Golf Res. & C.C. (Old), Beijing


Earls Golf Club Beijing


Guangdong Foshan Peach Garden Gof Course


Shanghai Sheshan Golf Course



Liuli Gongfang
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Here in Shanghai the living standard is really high, million-yuan cars everywhere, million-dollar houses barely entry level, that's was unbelievable back in my father's youth. Relax bro, coastal cities' advancement belongs to all Chinese people, providing role models for inland cities, and will move on to seek parity/surpass with world best cities like Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore.

Quick updates on Hong Kong and Macau:
Forex reserves edge up to MOP 133.3 bln in January
GDP per capita, nominal (2013): US$ 91,376
GDP per capita, PPP (2013): US$ 142,599

The countries with the densest millionaire populations
Top 10 Weathiest Nations of the World
1) Singapore - 17.1%
2) Qatar - 14.3%
3) Kuwait - 11.8%
4) Switzerland 9.5%
5) Hong Kong 8.8%
6) UAE - 5%
7) USA - 4.3%
8) Israel - 3.6%
9) Taiwan - 3.2%
10) Bahrain - 3.2%

Not sure if suburbs are the way to go. Requires too much land for low density housing, no business development, forces car culture. I like how Beijing and Wuhan have alot of medium density mixed use areas that have both businesses and housing together.

40 million Chinese kids learning piano

Today China is experiencing piano frenzy with an estimated 40m children now learning to play.
BBC - Culture - Why piano-mania grips China’s children






琉璃工房 :Liuli Gongfang

I will never force my children to learn such a terrible instrument. The piano emphasizes all the faults with Chinese culture and nothing right.
I will never force my children to learn such a terrible instrument. The piano emphasizes all the faults with Chinese culture and nothing right.

The kids are not all 'forced‘ to learn piano especially for nowaday kids credit to 1 child policy

You can play a lot of China numbers on the piano. This musical instrument actually helps bring Chinese songs into another level of musical interpretation

There are also estimated more than 3 million kids learning Guzheng 古筝 and I think some more millions are learning 二胡 胡琴 琵琶 etc








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The kids are not all 'forced‘ to learn piano especially for nowaday kids credit to 1 child policy

You can play a lot of China numbers on the piano. This musical instrument actually helps bring Chinese songs into another level of musical interpretation

There are also estimated more than 3 million kids learning Guzheng 古筝 and I think some more millions are learning 二胡 胡琴 琵琶 etc








I can play 二胡 a little.
That's far away from ShenZhen city ... we can call them as suburb community of HuiZhou city =).

we went there on property-viewing road trips...it's actually not that far, about an hour drive from the city center, half an hour from Longgang CBD all thanks to the new expressway. i saw lots of Shenzhen people there with 粤B car number plate mostly interested in villas that were approximately 2~5 million RMB each.

@Yizhi @cnleio

Other than downtown houses, Shenzhen have a lot of house parks too, mostly planned & concentrated in 4 districts:
  • Yantian 盐田别墅区 <--- a bit old good rental market (if you buy for steady investment)
  • Nanshan 南山别墅区 <--- best environment
  • Baoan 宝安别墅区 <--- close to Baoan Airotroplis, nice growth potential
  • Mission Hill 观澜湖高尔夫别墅区 <--- my favorite
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Huizhou is too far, you can pick one near you!
bro most of these are like super luxury housing for billionaires out of reach of the ordinary middle class ppl...

thx anyway i shall eye one of them as my ultimate life goal...Mission Hill looks nice, just checked now they are at least 25 million RMB ($ 4 million?) each without decoration, the bigger ones would be well over 80 million RMB....:hang2:

I can play 二胡 a little.
can't play music instruments... i went all into painting..

...does Karaoke count?:(.
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the latter two Vietnamese were banned...

I was banned 1 week by Hu songshan because make my own comment about the competitiveness in global workshops in this thread.
Is it funny?

Here in Shanghai the living standard is really high, million-yuan cars everywhere, million-dollar houses barely entry level, that's was unbelievable back in my father's youth. Relax bro, coastal cities' advancement belongs to all Chinese people, providing role models for inland cities, and will move on to seek parity/surpass with world best cities like Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore.

I agree that Shanghai living standard is high, but if you consider high price houses as high living standard, it's not.
I call that as high living cost.

Same too, Hongkong, Singapore .... @Lux de Veritas

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