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When forum goes back to more active moderation regarding a basic modicum/rubric regarding personal ad-hominem attacks especially (stuff report button used to work for)....the quality will return to this forum (to whatever extent) again....I feel it has definitely slipped for a number of months now.

More relaxed free speech patterns/moderation can be left for general stuff like countries, populations etc etc if that is desired policy of those that run the forum to whatever extent/discretion is felt appropriate....but there should be 0 tolerance for personal ad-hominem and of course (continued) religion I feel. It should be made very clear where the red line is and then enforced.

This experiment with relaxed moderation is not working for many of us I feel....given there is then sometimes over-moderation on other criteria and it feels unbalanced and people simply lose interest to discuss.

@django @Hell hound @The Sandman @Vergennes @Zibago @nair @Gibbs @Desert Fox @Signalian

What are your opinions on this?
Totally agree report button is not working these days hopefully mods will become more active now.

Yep constructive criticism on certain social things should be allowed imo and than discussion on how it can be improved but as long as trolls are kept out of it this is gonna be a tough job for mods and yes there should be zero tolerance for personal attacks AND racism lately i am seeing a lot of racist posts this is one thing that mods really really need to take seriously and hand out tough punishments for it.
When forum goes back to more active moderation regarding a basic modicum/rubric regarding personal ad-hominem attacks especially (stuff report button used to work for)....the quality will return to this forum (to whatever extent) again....I feel it has definitely slipped for a number of months now.

More relaxed free speech patterns/moderation can be left for general stuff like countries, populations etc etc if that is desired policy of those that run the forum to whatever extent/discretion is felt appropriate....but there should be 0 tolerance for personal ad-hominem and of course (continued) religion I feel. It should be made very clear where the red line is and then enforced.

This experiment with relaxed moderation is not working for many of us I feel....given there is then sometimes over-moderation on other criteria and it feels unbalanced and people simply lose interest to discuss.

@django @Hell hound @The Sandman @Vergennes @Zibago @nair @Gibbs @Desert Fox @Signalian

What are your opinions on this?
The relaxed moderation has given the trolls a field day, it is time mods clamped down on such folks.Kudos bro
Change the homepage back to the old version....the new one is absolutely useless for casual visitors or new visitors. As there is no way to find new and important threads. All we see is latest replies which might be to a centuries old thread....

The old one was way better and I could easily find content worth reading an interacting with...the one only makes it a struggle and the lack of easy access to the fresh content on forum is gonna kill the forum in the long run honestly...

You can click on the Featured tab and it will give you the old home page.
If you are not going to do anything about reports dont stop us from replying is same language too often old banned members pollute this forum by their 100 and nth id mods should restrict new members to member section for first month and 200 posts before allowing him access to other forums

Mods are not active at all if they want this forum to remain civil and not turn into comment section of youtube they should actually moderate shit dont blame us if we respond after repeated reports for days at times

Why are multis being given space time and time again?When they know person x is a multi why dont they instantly ban him?

I hear you man. It took me posting in GHQ to get one super-troll dealt with recently. But at least I know what can work for worst serial offenders, if one cares enough to (honestly so much time and effort compared to how report used to work).

Hope the report function is restored to how it once was (maybe if there are too many reports for mod team, the functionality can be restricted only for senior members only etc). Stuff has gotten way too inconsistent now....I don't want a forum with 95% repeated garbage to filter through to find the 5% stuff worth interacting about.....and then the worst bit is the garbage swamps the good threads too more and more frequently.

I totally hear you about the multis too. Already I've seen a good number of quality members reduce their interaction or pretty much leave altogether because of it (combined with the % garbage phenomenon). I mean in the end sure the forum gets X times more posts in any given time....but is that worth the serious decline in actual interaction average quality per post? I guess in end forum management only can decide where this is all headed. I don't like the trend right now though.

I have CIE's next month. Can't find any free time.

Best of luck mate.
Mods are not active time for new mods to regulate pdf

This might be a very good time.

I am encountering very good young posters of late, at least half a dozen young (and not so young), very mature, very balanced people from Pakistan, and perhaps three or four Indians. All of a sudden, the forum looks and sounds cheerful. There are the usual cobras still lurking in the undergrowth, but the good people turning up kind of makes the poisonous ones a bearable hazard.
You need to uncensor the word "P*ki".. its just a shortened version of Pakistani. Sometimes it's hard to say or write the whole things. Why can we write Afghan, Tajik, Uzbek, Kazakh, but not P*ki...

Note: I am not a indian troll. I am just upset that we don't have a shortened word for our nationality which is super long word: Pakistani.... It's just unfair. Ugh
This might be a very good time.

I am encountering very good young posters of late, at least half a dozen young (and not so young), very mature, very balanced people from Pakistan, and perhaps three or four Indians. All of a sudden, the forum looks and sounds cheerful. There are the usual cobras still lurking in the undergrowth, but the good people turning up kind of makes the poisonous ones a bearable hazard.
They were always here they are just becoming more vocal.
All of a sudden, the forum looks and sounds cheerful.
Our views on key issues are not that different from the cobras its just that we present our arguments differently
For example:
I dont like the taliban but i would rather have them in Afghanistan than the likes of General Dostum
We are just going to seal the border and see as the might of US fall under the weight of corruption and Afghan tribalism
They need a scapegoat we are not interested in this post they will fall alone in this ditch
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