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How can we make Narender Modi convert to Islam and eat beef ?


Jun 16, 2022
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how ?
Red meat isn't good for health especially for aged people. I'd suggest fish and chicken instead.
5 Step process
1. Launch attack on India
2. Decimate it
3. Come to Delhi
4. Capture Modi alive
5. Khatna + Beef

before you see this image.
Not sure how, but I’m wondering what will happen if he does convert.

Word knows him as a religious fundamentalist. If he converts to be a Sunni, Shias and Ahmediyas (and probably Twelvers) will have a hard time.

If he converts to be a Shia, then Sunnis and Ahmediyas will have a hard time.

And if he converts to be an Ahmediyya, then I guess he will simply invade Pakistan to save his brethren trapped there.

It will be fun overall.
simple , include Allah as another avatar and build a temple. if no force is involved, then beef is more tricky because he is essentially vegetarian. so am i. maybe impossible beef burger. maybe say its jhatka meat and all muslims will come half way to start eating jhatka if you eat beef.
its difficult to swallow a non-vegetarian object unless one is forced to. especially since there is no specific health benefit.
I have really tried to eat chicken but as it went in psychologically I felt that it grew feathers and beaks and started flapping wings. I could not go beyond a bite. then I tried fish - I felt things starting squirming in tummy. tried pig - didn't like the smell. tried beef, that non veggie texture disgusted me. So I only eat egg now as a health thing. I like runny egg with soya sauce, kaya toast and teh o siew dai and gulp it down - its a famous Singapore breakfast.
if you put a gun to my head may I will be forced to eat but will not enjoy it. I am sure same case with modi.
defeat Russia, make Grozny capital and impose Hinduism on the slavs.
5 Step process
1. Launch attack on India
2. Decimate it
3. Come to Delhi
4. Capture Modi alive
5. Khatna + Beef

before you see this image.

General Niazi deserves a salute for leading 26,000 brave soldiers in their fight against separatists and the Indian army at the same time!

Where this 56 inches chora seena was brutaully screwed by tiny small small Chinese. 1000km of small land without a bullet fired! lololol


General Niazi deserves a salute for leading 26,000 brave soldiers in their fight against separatists and the Indian army at the same time!

Where this 56 inches chora seena was brutaully screwed by tiny small small Chinese. 1000km of small land without a bullet fired! lololol


someone called papa when slapped left right centre. Your papa will be slapped this time.
What if he converts but still doesn't eat beef?

5 Step process
1. Launch attack on India
2. Decimate it
3. Come to Delhi
4. Capture Modi alive
5. Khatna + Beef

before you see this image.
Way to ruin a good thread.

BTW, ab to chorr do 15 to 1 advantage se jeeti hui war ka dhol peetna. Not a good look. Don't believe me? Ask Sam Manekshaw
Technically, the term "Hinduism" didn't exist until the 19th Century, coined by none other than the invader Brits to give a 'name' to a whole bunch of teeny, tiny little idolatry religions, gods, deities, and stuff.

Come to think of it, Hinduism is no different than ancient Voodoo as neither has any single foundation.

The point is, all they've to do is add the Abrahamic deity a.k.a God, Allah, and Yahweh into the mixture and everything will be golden!


Just don't make any statutes of him, eh? We don't like statues, heh!

its difficult to swallow a non-vegetarian object unless one is forced to. especially since there is no specific health benefit.
Oh yeah man, I really had to force myself to eat that hunter beef burger the other day...

That big, juicy, tasty, delicious hunter beef bur...

Wait, what were you saying?
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