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How can Pakistan counter India’s ABM system?

This is a very limited and short burst of EMP or Kinetic energy. It is not a mass produced EMP as others were discussing earlier. Those are old designs. Now you have devices that can produce small jolts of EMP, close to a target, it would knock it out for a few seconds and that's it. People sitting on radar won't see the whole radar going down. Just a blip for a few secs on the screen at the impact point

The most interesting way to deliver an EMP is an exo-atmospheric nuclear explosion. A well timed nuclear explosion can fry all electronic systems in a country.
EzioAltaïr;3408949 said:
The most interesting way to deliver an EMP is an exo-atmospheric nuclear explosion. A well timed nuclear explosion can fry all electronic systems in a country.
I think they already have EMP resistant technology as it may have been thought through/ Laser one looks more promising, which only US has succeeded. Nuclear explosion does generate EMP, but frying the electronics doesn't mean anything as the area of destruction is already destroyed. Exo-Atmospheric is one of the good chance of neutralizing.
I think India and Pakistan had resumed the new phase of talks in March, 2009 which were the first structured bilateral talks.
I m not sure whether Ghauri series is as fast as shaheen series neither will i call any of our missiles as hypersonic, but they are surely in high supersonic category. Shaheen series in particular, is quite nifty.

High supersonic could mean > 4-5 Mach at terminal stage. You're gonna need much faster missiles
if in case you're planning to fool BMD by taking any advantage of their reaction time. China's DF-21D
carrier-killer can reach Mach 10, India's Agni-V can hit Mach 24 which is very high-hypersonic.
Conventional Stop Ballistic Blast Engineering (such as Patriot Missiles etc) cannot be definitely effective in the Indo-Pak movies due to amazingly brief trip varies. With the wide variety of nuke likely multi-range and level missiles on both aspects and relatively amazingly brief varies to main concentrate on places, the missiles will in all probability hot even before the ABMT power supply stock up energy stock up properly secured, complete and launch.

Dude you massacred English..
Special Report ADS BY PULSE 360 AdChoices ISLAMABAD - In response to India's pursuit of missile defenses, Pakistan
has expanded its countermeasure efforts, primarily through
development of maneuvering re-entry vehicles. The Army Strategic
Forces Command, which controls Pakistan's ballistic missiles, has since
at least 2004 said it wanted to develop such warheads; analysts now
believe these are in service. Mansoor Ahmed, lecturer at the Department of Defence and Strategic
Studies at Islamabad's Quaid-e-Azam University, said that in addition
to maneuverable warheads, multiple independently targetable re-
entry vehicles (MIRVs) may be developed to stay ahead of India's
"multilayered ballistic-missile defense system" and potential future
countermeasures. "This, coupled with submarine-launched, nuclear-tipped cruise missiles,
would ensure the survivability of its nuclear deterrent and enhance the
effectiveness of its missile force that can beat any Indian defenses," he
said. When asked about the threat posed by India's anti-ballistic missile
(ABM) program, Harsh Pant, reader of international relations at the
Defence Studies Department, King's College London, said it depended
on the capability India eventually acquired. "Many in India see an Indian missile defense capability as the only
effective way to counter what they consider as Pakistan's 'nuclear
blackmail,'" he said. He cited the ongoing conflict in Kashmir, the 1999 Kargil conflict and
the November 2008 Mumbai terror attacks as examples.Strategic
Disadvantage These incidents "demonstrated for many the inability of
India to come up with an appropriate response to the stability-
instability paradox operating on the subcontinent that has put India at
a strategic disadvantage vis-à-vis Pakistan." He further explained, "A missile defense system would help India blunt
Pakistan's 'first use' nuclear force posture that had led Pakistan to
believe that it had inhibited India from launching a conventional attack
against it for fear of its escalation to the nuclear level. With a missile
defense system in place, India would be able to restore the status quo
ante, thereby making a conventional military option against Pakistan potent again."Such a missile defense system and a second-strike
capability "would enhance the uncertainties of India's potential
adversaries, regardless of the degree of effectiveness of missile
interception, and would act as a disincentive to their resort to nuclear
weapons," he said. Asked whether Pakistan's countermeasures would be effective against
such ABM systems, Pant replied, "most definitely." He said, "According to various reports, Pakistan has been developing
MIRV capability for the Shaheen-II ballistic missiles and [the] Shaheen-
III missile is under development." He also explained there was a further danger for India in Pakistan's
countermeasure efforts. "Although the current capability of Pakistani missiles is built around
radar seekers, the integration of re-entry vehicles would make these
extremely potent and defeat the anti-ballistic missile defense systems.
This would be especially true of Indian aircraft carriers that would
become extremely vulnerable," he said. While measures to maintain the credibility of the land-based arm of
the deterrent may prove to be adequate, the security of the future sea-
based arm of the nuclear triad is not as clear-cut. Analysts have for years speculated that the Navy will equip its
submarines with a variant of the Babur cruise missile armed with a
nuclear warhead. However, whether a cruise-missile-based arm of the
nuclear triad at sea would be effective and survivable in the face of
Indian air defenses is uncertain. The Soviet Union developed a counter to the BGM-109 Tomahawk
nearly 30 years ago in the form of the MiG-31 Foxhound, which had a
powerful look down/shoot down radar and a potent missile system.
The Indian Air Force claims its Su-30MKI Flanker has similar capabilities. When this was put to analyst Usman Shabbir of the Pakistan Military
Consortium think tank, he said the interception of cruise missiles is not
so simple."I think Babur will form the sea-based arm of the Pakistani
nuclear deterrent" he said, "but the problem in targeting subsonic
cruise missiles is that they are harder to detect due to their lower radar
cross-signature, low-level navigation, and use of waypoints to circumvent more secure and heavily defended areas." "By the time you detect them, there is not much time left to vector
aircraft for interception." However, Shabbir conceded it would be possible for an airborne
interceptor to shoot down a missile like Babur. "An aircraft already on
[patrol] might be lucky to pick it up on its own radar well in advance [if
looking in the correct direction], or vectored to it by ground-based
radar." View Comments | Share your thoughts » MORE IN FEATURES Small Software Engineering Firms Struggle To Fill Jobs
I think they already have EMP resistant technology as it may have been thought through/ Laser one looks more promising, which only US has succeeded. Nuclear explosion does generate EMP, but frying the electronics doesn't mean anything as the area of destruction is already destroyed. Exo-Atmospheric is one of the good chance of neutralizing.

All missile defence systems must be multi layered....
EMP alone may not do..
A faraday cage is used to save electronics from EMP induced current....But it doesnt look like indian or Pakistani missiles carry EMP counter measures.
EMP may not be succesful even if the vehicle doesnt carry faraday cage..
So a second and third layer of missile defence will be needed..
Reminds me of my own two year old thread..
My first ever on PDF

I think Pakistan should also look into making its own Anti Cruise/Anti Ballistic missile shield. And it won't be difficult as we have anza 3 in process, which can be enhanced to do the job
The Future of Missile Is Hybersonic Cruise Missile Which Can be used to over come any ABM SYstem.
America,Russia And China are in Race to develop this missile .US is currently Leading But China and Russia are not behind Especially China.

The Chinese have reportedly showed significant interest in HCV technology, with research and development work occurring at a number of centers, including the Qian Xuesen National Engineering Science Experiment Base in Beijing’s Huairou district. News emerged in 2007 — three years after the launch of the X-51A program — that Chinese scientists were planning to test scramjet models capable of reaching Mach 5.6 speed at a new wind tunnel in Beijing. According to Chinese media earlier this year, Chinese scientists may also have built a wind tunnel capable of testing supersonic devices at Mach 9.

THese country will be able to produce a hybersonic cruise missile with speed 6Mach - 9Mach in 5 - 10 years and will change the way we fight the war with global strike weapons .

No Abm System is 100% Accurate American,chinese,russian and specially DRDO crap ABM system ,Drdo every other day comes up with new weapon system today "ANTI Radiation Missile" .

So take it easy guys if every thing works out it will take atleast 10 years to implement it .and by that time we all will see pakistan Hybersonic Cruise missile which will make AAD ,PAD Absolute.

So for me No war Only Peace .
On 25th April 2012, the ISPR revealed more information about the missile. The missile weight is approximately 10,000 kg, slightly heavier than its predecessor and can carry either a single 1000kg warhead or be MIRved with between 3 to 5 nuclear warheads weighing between 200-300 kg each. In addition, the Shaheen IA primarily contains sophisticated automated refueling and advanced stealth technology features that were not present in its previous version to avoid detections from radars. Even Pakistani radars could not track the missile after it was launched. All three Shaheen missiles, Shaheen I and Shaheen 1A are reportedly equipped with the latest PSAC (Post-Separation Attitude Correction) system. This is a unique feature which consists of small thrusters that can adjust the warhead trajectory for greater accuracy and evading anti-ballistic missile defence systems.
On 25th April 2012, the ISPR revealed more information about the missile. The missile weight is approximately 10,000 kg, slightly heavier than its predecessor and can carry either a single 1000kg warhead or be MIRved with between 3 to 5 nuclear warheads weighing between 200-300 kg each. In addition, the Shaheen IA primarily contains sophisticated automated refueling and advanced stealth technology features that were not present in its previous version to avoid detections from radars. Even Pakistani radars could not track the missile after it was launched.

Oh God, not again. :disagree:
On 25th April 2012, the ISPR revealed more information about the missile. The missile weight is approximately 10,000 kg, slightly heavier than its predecessor and can carry either a single 1000kg warhead or be MIRved with between 3 to 5 nuclear warheads weighing between 200-300 kg each. In addition, the Shaheen IA primarily contains sophisticated automated refueling and advanced stealth technology features that were not present in its previous version to avoid detections from radars. Even Pakistani radars could not track the missile after it was launched. All three Shaheen missiles, Shaheen I and Shaheen 1A are reportedly equipped with the latest PSAC (Post-Separation Attitude Correction) system. This is a unique feature which consists of small thrusters that can adjust the warhead trajectory for greater accuracy and evading anti-ballistic missile defence systems.

So you are basicaly saying that you wont be able to know where the missile is heading after it is launched??
Pakistan wont be building such tech on its own , Chinese would be interested too. Indian Capital is well in the range of Babur CM - no worries about New dehli & Indian defenses.

Same if true for every city of Pakistan.....every inch of Pakistan is under India's reach. if there is a war....only people living deep below the earth will survive.
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